Sunday, September 29

News News

January 04, 2020

Nigel Gwirikwiti Analysis Citizenry Countrymen Kinsmen Friends & Enemies We Have A Serious Problem

Nigel Gwirikwiti Analysis Citizenry countrymen  kinsmen friends and enemies  we have a serious problem At this peculiar juncture, under these extenuating circumstances, civility and logic demands us to conceptualize our situation with a prism not polluted with myopia and misguided partisanship.  Firstly , without any equivocation, with clarity, let me explicitly indicate that this communique/ missive is not an explicit or implicit endorsement of Mnangagwa’s legitimacy; but it’s lack thereof. He is an Usurper , occupying the state House with the help of a captured ConCourt and ZEC . Overwhelmingly , progressive citizenry did not give him the mandate to govern . That’s cleared , let’s move on .... Secondly, and more disturbingly , the toxic ver

January 03, 2020

Mnangagwa Meat Is Not Healthy Eat Vegetables

Related Story PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa says Zimbabweans should stop ‘fighting’ the recently re-introduced Zimbabwe dollar in favour of other people’s currencies. Addressing residents of Kuwadzana 2 in Harare during his monthly clean-up campaign, Mnangagwa was at pains as he tried to explain to the local community that the Zimbabwe dollar was legal tender and retailers should not reject coins. Traders, public transport operators are no longer accepting coins below the one dollar denomination while other retailers and service providers are pegging their products and services in US dollars. “This is legal tender, coins should be accepted because it is our nation’s currency,” Mnangagwa told residents. “Some residents are still refusing ou

January 03, 2020

Chamisa 2020 Ndirikuda Kufasa Mnangagwa Achabowa Chete

MDC president Nelson Chamisa said his party will turn on the heat in 2020 to ensure a lasting solution to the current challenges bedevilling the country is found. Chamisa said the socio-economic crisis in Zimbabwe was political and a solution should be found before it’s too late as millions face starvation. The opposition leader painted a gloomy picture of the situation on the ground saying nothing was functional in the country, particularly in the villages. “We are called upon to ensure that no one is left behind to make sure that we protect the weak, poor and vulnerable. Poverty should not be used as a tool for oppression. The crisis in Zimbabwe is man-made,” Chamisa said to NewsDay.“Parents cannot afford to take their children to school. Teenage pregnancies ar

December 31, 2019

Mary Chiwenga Sleeps At Home Not Chikurubhi Rumors

Mary Chiwenga sleeps at home In what seems to be a fairytale arrest& prosecution of Zimbabwe’s 2nd most powerful lady, the wife of “General Bae” VP Chiwenga made international headlines. In a twist of events sources allege that Mary Chiwenga has never slept in jail for a single night. Thought going through trail, Mary Chiwenga is alleged to have said she’s happy staying behind bars. However sources claim that, this is because she’s not even sleeping there. Haazivi kuti kurara mujeri kudii. The controversial flamboyant business lady, has various charges laid against her as such the majority of the big wigs have distanced themselves from her prosecution. Sources say the only charge to stick will be attempted murder but, all the other charges w

December 30, 2019

Winky D Manager Atorwa Ne CID Hazvina Kumira Mushe

Winky D’s manager has been reportedly called in for questioning by the Zimbabwe Republic Police. Journalist Maynard Manyowa, revealed this on social media adding that the album launch scheduled for tomorrow will likely be cancelled. Am told Winky D’s manager has been called in by The Zimbabwe Republic Police & is currently at CID Law and Order, at Harare Central Police Station. A senior Police source tells me he is unsure if its a detention but says this is more likely to do with Winky D’s album launch tomorrow, which maybe cancelled if clearance and permission wasn’t sought prior. The source adds that the launch maybe classified as a political gathering or a gathering to air political statements, which the senior source says means Winky ought to have

December 26, 2019

Kirsty Coventry Pane Kahutsotsi On Management Of Stadiums

THE Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation is pushing to have a stake in the management and control of Government-owned sporting facilities as a panacea to the long-standing turf wars between national associations and the administration manning the arenas. Venues such as the National Sports Stadium, Chitungwiza Aquatic Complex and Magamba Hockey Stadium are under the management of the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works and they have been scenes of clashes between sport and other non-sporting events like music concerts, political rallies and religious gatherings. Apparently, sports events have been disrupted to pave way for the non-sporting events, which at times have been getting priority ahead of local teams and athletes because they usually pay more for hiring the

December 24, 2019

Another Publicity Gimmick Gambakwe Hanzi Tinashe Jonasi Abiwa

Pardon Gambakwe and his partner Tinashe Jonasi fuel a lot of conspiracy theories and have found a niche in the Zimbabwean community. Many people are bored and will watch them for entertainment purposes. Every few months they will report that they are being followed or were  captured by some Government agency. In all there stories neither Pardon Gambakwe nor Tinashe Jonasi has ever produced police records or reports of these incidents. In real life if a person is adbucted dont they reports to the police? Gonyeti was adducted and it was easy to believe her as we saw her injuries and the police commented on her case. When Pardon Gambakwe reports that Tinashe Jonasi or himself are being spyed on or being followed we never see any evidence or police reports. These tw

December 23, 2019

Mnangagwa Lets Unite With Polad

AN air of camaraderie characterised the Political Actors Dialogue (Polad) meeting in Kwekwe yesterday to mark National Unity Day. The meeting started at mid-morning at President Mnangagwa’s farm, with addresses from the political party leaders, including the President, before a tour of his thriving farm. The venue was settled on following a request by the parties, who also wanted the meeting to be held concurrently with Unity Day celebrations. In separate interviews, Polad members praised President Mnangagwa for his determination to increase agricultural output, and suggested that if all beneficiaries of the land reform used their land to that extent, citizens will never go hungry. Polad, a platform for political parties that fielded presidential candidates in the 2018 harm

December 22, 2019

President Mnangagwa Let Me Tell You Kunobva Mari Yangu

President Mnangagwa reveals his source of funds. Mnangagwa was addressing reports that he uses public funds to enrich himself and expand his vast empire. Said Mnangagwa, “I use loans but I repay loan, banks flood my office seeking to have me get loans from them because I am not a bad debtor. We should move away from handouts. We must create windows where our youths access loans to empower themselves. President Emmerson Mnangagwa told members of Polad on Sunday that banks stamped at his office to offer him loans for his personal and business use. “Even God said we should sweat for everything so we need productive youths. I am happy as Zimbabweans we have come together to find solutions to challenges confronting us.” He also took the opportunity to emph

December 22, 2019

Temba Mliswa If You Can’t Beat Them Join Them Ndadzokera Ku Zanu PF

Norton Member of Parliamnet Temba Mliswa says wearing a ZANU PF scarf does not translate to one being a ZANU PF member.  Mliswa was responding to social media critics that he has joined ZANU PF after he was spotted wearing a ZANU PF scarf on Friday when President Emmerson Mnangagwa commissioning the Norton Road Over Rail. Said Mliswa, "I don't know whether wearing a ZANU PF scarf makes one a member of the party but that's an argument for another day otherwise I have always supported Mnangagwa and am not ashamed to say Viva President." Mliswa added that Norton people were not focused on politics of poltical parties but on material things.  "The people of Norton voted for what is on the ground, what is actually happening and not some promise in th

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