Sunday, September 29

News News

December 11, 2019

Zimbabwe VP Encourages Mnangagwa Govt Kupa Minda To Youth

Vice President Kembo Mohadi says the Zimbabwean government should set aside land for young people who are not beneficiaries of the country’s land redistribution exercise, which resulted in the forced removal of thousands of white commercial farmers from their prime land in 2000. Addressing members of the Zanu PF Youth League and businesspeople involved in seed production at the ruling party’s headquarters in Harare on Wednesday, Mohadi said youth need land in order to secure Zimbabwe’s future.“To government, to our ministries especially the Ministry of Lands … The youth that are here I’m told are missing from those that have got the land and those that can’t use their land adequately … You (have to) appropriate some land or give these yo

December 07, 2019

Caps United Midfield Joel Ngodzo Wins Zimbabwe Soccer Player Of The Year

Caps United midfield maestro Joel ‘Josta’ Ngodzo has scooped the 2019 Soccer Star of the Year Award.He beat 10 other players in the Castle Lager Premier Soccer League (PSL) to win the coveted award.Ralph Kawondera of Triangle United was voted First Runnerup while Prince Dube of Highlanders Football Club landed the Second Runnerup award. Other soccer stars picked by soccer experts and other stakeholders are Ariel Sibanda (Highlanders), Ian Nekati (ZPC Kariba), Evans Katema (Dynamos), Phineas Bamusi (CAPS United), Prince Dube (Highlanders), Wellington Taderera (Black Rhinos), Clive Augusto (Chicken Inn), Joel Ngodzo (CAPS United), King Nadolo (TelOne), Ralph Kawondera (Triangle) and Never Tigere (FC Platinum). Andrew Mbeba of Highlanders scooped that Rookie of the Year whil

December 04, 2019

America Confrims Zimbabwe Yakanyepa Financial Support In Budget

A senior United States official working in Zimbabwe has questioned development aid figures released recently by Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube in the 2020 national budget statement, saying the funds are less than what his country provided in the 2019 financial year. In an interview in Masvingo on Tuesday, Deputy Ambassador Thomas Hastings, said the amount of financial aid to Zimbabwe this year was understated by the government. “… They recently released the total amount of money that we gave in 2019, it was about $330 million. So, it was a bit more than it was in the budget report that’s the total amount that includes our work with PEPFAR (U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief), it includes work that we have provided this year for food relief, people w

December 03, 2019

Robert Mugabe Estate Announced Hapana Wiri Ndiyani Achapihwa Nhaka

THE family of Zimbabwe’s founding President, the late Cde Robert Mugabe, has failed to locate an inheritance will for the distribution of the national hero’s estate, a development that has prompted the Master of High Court to call for an edict meeting this week to appoint an executor. Cde Mugabe died in Singapore on September 6 this year after battling prostate cancer for at least 13 years.His daughter, Mrs Bona Nyepudzai Mutsahuni-Chikore, notified the Master’s Office on October 21 and disclosed that her father had US$10 million in a CBZ Bank nostro account and a number of immovable and movable properties. The properties declared by Mrs Mutsahuni-Chikore are: 1-House Number 129 Forbes, Road, Waterfalls, 2-Villa Number 65, Gunhill, Harare, 3-Number 27 Quorn Avenue,

December 03, 2019

Zanu PF Factionalism Yatanga Zvakare Vavengi Va Mnangagwa Vapinda Busy

Zimbabwe’s ruling party says some of its members are operating clandestinely for a Zanu PF faction known as Generation 40 (G40) in an effort to cause instability in the southern Africa nation, more than two years after former president Robert Mugabe was toppled in a defacto military coup targeting the group. According to the state-controlled Herald newspaper, the G40 members are conducting meetings at night in an effort to destabilize President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government. The newspaper quoted the party’s Mashonaland West provincial chairperson, Ziyambi Ziyambi, as saying they will expel any Zanu PF member aligned to the faction. “While our desire is to ensure that we maintain our support base and recruit more, we can’t allow forces that will dest

December 02, 2019

Vice President Chiwenga Details His Ailment

Vice President Dr Constantino Chiwenga yesterday revealed he was battling a disease of the oesophagus during his four-month stint in hospital. The disease made it difficult for him to eat as he could not swallow anything. He said this at a homecoming Roman Catholic Church mass held for him at his rural home in Wedza. His recovery, he said, was nothing short of a miracle. “I was telling colleagues that I spent close to six months without seeing the sun. I only saw it this last Saturday upon returning home,” he said. “I want to thank you all for your prayers. Those prayers made me to survive. “Since I started falling sick in October last year, there were not many who thought I would heal completely. There were not many who thought I would be standing before you

December 01, 2019

Mugabe Family Tirikutora 10 Farms Mnangagwa

President Emmerson Mnangagwa yesterday said the family of his late predecessor, Robert Mugabe, stands to lose more than 10 of its farms in line with the government policy of one farm per family. The development comes at a time Mugabe’s sprawling empire faces further shaking after the Reformed Church in Zimbabwe re-claimed its 23 hectares of prime land along Borrowdale Road in Helensvale meant for the relocation of the prestigious Eaglesvale High School. Speaking at a Zanu PF youth league convention at Rimuka Stadium in Kadoma, Mnangagwa, without mentioning any names, but in an apparent reference to Mugabe, said he was in possession of the provincial preliminary land audit report that showed a certain family owning several farms.He said government would take more than 10 farm

November 30, 2019

Amazing Akugara MuKofini Mumuti Adzingwa Nemukadzi Nekuti Anoshusha

MURUME anogara mumusha weGlen View 3, muHarare, ashama veruzhinji veko zvichitevera kuzvigadzirira kwaakaita bhokisi (coffin) resimbi iro anoti anoda kuti mutumbi wake uzovigwamo kana azofa. VaPeter Dodzo (70) vanoti vakaita izvi neshungu dzekunge vadzingwa mumba mavo neaimbova mudzimai wavo nevana vachivati vanovashusha. VaDodzo vave kugara pamhene pamberi pemba yavo yemudurikidzwa iri panhamba 4566/10th Street kuGlen View apo vari kurara muzvimotokari zvavo zvembiri yakare izvo zvakafa unova mucherechedzo wekuti vaimbova shoroma.Murume uyu ari kugarisa bhokisi raachada kuti mutumbi wake uzovigwa naro muzimuti remukotopeya riri pamberi pemba iyi.VaDodzo vanoti dambudziko rekurwiswa nemudzimai nemhuri yavo rakatanga apo vakarambana nemudzimai wavo, Mai Phillipa Choba (63).Sekutaura

November 29, 2019

BREAKING: ZRP Fires Gun Shoots at Nelson Chamisa,

"Live shots fired at President Chamisa l  was beside him. We were missed by a whisker. We were only planting trees for National Tree planting day in Marondera Today." Hon Caston Matewu Marondera Central MP   "Live shots fired at President Chamisa l  was beside him. We were missed by a whisker. We were only planting trees for National Tree planting day in Marondera Today." Hon Caston Matewu Marondera Central MP   "Live shots fired at President Chamisa l  was beside him. We were missed by a whisker. We were only planting trees for National Tree planting day in Marondera Today." Hon Caston Matewu Marondera Central MP   "Live shots fired at President Chamisa l  was beside him. We were missed by a w

November 29, 2019

Faith Domingo Everything Is Ok Hapana Ari Stranded

Faith Domingo is doing damage control  after her cast members have started turning on her and exposing everything that happened in Turkey . she posted this on her page. " From Mr Google: reality TV. uncountable noun. Reality TV is a type oftelevision programming that aims to show how ordinary people behave in everyday life, or in situations, often created by the program makers, which are intended to represent everyday life. Reality television is a genre of television programming that documents purportedly unscripted real-life situations, often starring unknown individuals rather than professional actors. Reality television came to prominence in the late 1990s and the early 2000s with the global successes of the series Survivor, Idols, and Big Brother, all of which became glo

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