Sunday, September 29

News News

January 26, 2020

Zimbabwe Leads Number Of Arrested Foreigners In Joburg With 2865

The numbers of arrested foreign nationals for offences ranging from assault, bribery, possession of illegal firearms, theft and murder include Nigeria: 765, Congo: 104, Tanzania: 334, Mozambique: 1382, Cameroon: 140, Malawi: 420, Ethiopia: 215 and Zimbabwe: 2865. The number of foreign nationals who have been arrested by the Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department (JMPD) between 2016 and 2019 sit at 7841.  The staggering figures were shared by Chief of JMPD David Tembe at the release of the department’s monthly performance results for September 2019. The Johannesburg Member of the Mayoral Committee  (MMC) for Public Safety,  Michael Sun, said all the arrests made were before obtaining the person’s nationality and they were not targeting anyone. &ld

January 24, 2020

Nigel Gwirikwiti Analysis Mama Give Us A Signal

Mama give us a signal  When there is no fuel, they attempt to convince citizenry that fuel is bad and it causes pollution . They preach ecological justice; yet they drive humongous automobiles. When there is no bread on the shelves , they mendaciously attempt to convince citizenry that bread is not good for their health . In lieu of bread, they say citizenry must eat porridge and potatoes, for breakfast. When meat becomes a a rare commodity, they attempt to convince citizenry that meat is cancerous. They preach temperance by advising the generality of citizenry to eat vegetables. Conversely, their fridges are packed with pork, chicken , fish and beef. They say the local education and hospitals furnish world class services, mightier than other countries. Ironically , they s

January 23, 2020

Mnangagwa Dzora Purazi Rangu Urimbavhawo Kasukuwere

On the arrest of his younger brother Tichaona, Kasukuwere said: “He has been arrested. He is with (police) Law and Order currently. He is a quiet and solid businessman with no interest in politics. If they want me, they should say so and stop targeting my siblings.” FORMER Zanu-PF Political Commissar and self-exiled former G40 kingpin Saviour Kasukuwere is furious and has attacked President Emmerson Mnangagwa after Government seized his farm. The loss of Kasukuwere’s farm comes just a few weeks after other self-exiled former Zanu-PF heavyweights Jonathan Moyo and Patrick Zhuwao also lost their farms to the State. In a letter to Kasukuwere signed by Lands minister Perrance Shiri, government said it was withdrawing its offer for the land for downsizing purposes.

January 22, 2020

Zimbabwe Teacher Flees After Staging Protest With Students Over Poor School Conditions

A Zimbabwe teacher, who helped students to stage a peaceful protest over the deteriorating situation in schools, has fled to a neighboring country claiming that state security agents want to punish him for allegedly leading the march. Brian Mutsiba says he left the country yesterday “after going underground for several hours on Monday as the police, members of the Central Intelligence Organization and military intelligence and other arms of the state were looking for me saying l committed a serious crime.” Mutsiba, who asked Zimbolivenews not to reveal his hideout, says he is monitoring the situation back home amid reports that “the police and other state security are looking for me all over the country.” The teacher, who claims that he was asked by concern

January 22, 2020

Mukadzi Wenyoka KuMbare Ndaida Kutengesa Nyoka Kuma Porofita

THE woman who made headlines for dumping a dead python at her friend’s house in Mbare said she wanted to sell the reptile to self-styled prophets to recover money for sex services rendered to a man along Mukuvisi River banks, H-Metro has learnt. Virginia Mutenda, 29, of Mayambara Village in Seke communal lands disclosed to H-Metro on Friday that she got the reptile from a man who fooled her that she would make money at Mupedzanhamo Market. Virginia, popularly known as Noma along Mukuvisi River near Seke Flyover where she is into ‘thigh’ vending, told H-Metro that her mission to enquire about the price of the reptile from her friend Stella Simbi,30, was in vain after the latter’s grandmother took her to the police. “Shato iya ndakaipihwa nemumwe mukoma

January 20, 2020

Mashura Prophet Turns Water Into Wine

Prophet turns water into wine. According to eyewitnesses, DD Isaac poured water into a glass and after “ministration” the water turned into a wine like substance. Controversial Zambian International Prophet DD Isaac is reported to have caused a stir at his Holy Ghost Embassy church on Sunday when he allegedly turned water into wine. While it is acknowledged that Jesus Turned water into wine it is not recorded anywhere else that a human being has been able to accomplish the same feat. This incident left congregants baffled as to whether this was really a miracle or a scam. South Africa based religious analyst Shephard Ben Abraham said the miracle of turning water into wine is being used by alcohol consumers to justify their acts. “While there is not

January 20, 2020

Mnangagwa Giving Boiled Eggs To Kids Nigel Gwirikwiti

The unholy trinity in Mr Lipstick, General Ponzi and Tagwirei is both cancerous and pathological to our civilization and democracy. They have successfully managed to reduce our people to nothingness. Herein this communication find Mr Lipstick handing out boiled eggs to desperate , impoverished kids . This is how they manipulate , capture the minds of desperate , vulnerable civilians. From here , they will fly to their 50 bedroomed houses and handsomely reward themselves with expensive banquets. Furthermore, they will expensively and expansively fly in private jets worldwide .  The hopelessness depicted in this picture is painful to watch These are evil doers , they exhibit their evilness , callousness effortlessly , without any remorse . The collegiality and oneness in thei

January 19, 2020

Zimbabwean Praymore Dube Wanted Akapfura Akauraya South Africa Policeman

:Crime Scene Report: *Murder of a police officer in Diepsloot Ext 3 at Tanganani.*  On 2020/01/17 at approximately 08h45 Capt Selomo and Capt Raseroka attended a crime scene of murder between Jabulani and Solidarity  street in Diepsloot.  According to the informantion Capt O.A Matjie persal number 0619079-1 and his crew Sgt Thipe conducted a Joint tracing  operation with Diepsloot Crime Prevention Diepsloot following Diepsloot Case 240/01/2020 Attempted murder and Robbery at ext 6 that took place on 2020/01/14 which involved four Zimbabwean Male known  by the community as Praymore Dube, Bongani Moyo,Ronny (unknown surname) and Mongameli Mpofu. During the tracing that was led by the informant who called the main suspect known a

January 18, 2020

Nigel Gwirikwiti Analysis Obert Gutu Pfambi Of Politics Leaves MDC-T

The political prostitute,  Obert Gutu has prematurely aborted the political marriage with Thokozani Khupenga . Officially , through the streets of social media,  the former announced the divorce . He did not declassify the dossiers of the primacy cause of the divorce .  Allegedly, many citizens of the Commonwealth of Social Media are claiming that Gutu has been having unprotected political intercourses with Zanu PF. Consequently, culminating into him being pregnant with toxic ideas . The ambiance of collegiality between Gutu and Mnangagwa which is exhibited by how the former verbalizes and actualizes his unequivocal support of the latter is very suspicious .  Furthermore, it is predictably believed Gutu will be ceremoniously announcing his new marriage with Zanu P

January 18, 2020

Strive Masiyiwa Lost US$1 Billion When Zimbabwe Government Banned USD Use

Government’s decision to scrap the use of US dollar in June has, according to Forbes, caused Masiyiwa’s fortune to shrink to US$1.1 billion, down from US$2.3 billion a year ago, making him the biggest loser in percentage terms among Africa’s 20 billionaires. By Forbes All it took was a new currency in Zimbabwe to wipe out half of Strive Masiyiwa’s net worth  Zimbabwe’s only billionaire, Strive Masiyiwa, built a fortune primarily in telecom. He owns large stakes in two companies that trade on Zimbabwe’s stock exchange. But his country’s decision in June to ban all foreign currencies and use only the Zimbabwe dollar accelerated inflation and sent the value of the newly instituted dollar plummeting. That, in turn, caused Masiyiwa&rsqu

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