Wednesday, September 25

Our Dunder head Celebrity Madamboss Vopindura Fan Rough Munhu Angaachitotamba Kuti Ndipeiwo Masandals

Infact the fan was COMPLIMENTING Madam Boss in an intelligent way kuti her sandals are good looking.But it seems Madam Boss Wenyu is DULL she didn’t get the sense,she failed to understand the rhetoric kunzi “ndokumbirawo ma sandals ayo”






it did not mean kuti she was saying she wants the sandals,the fan was simply admiring and praising Madam Boss in a rhetorical sense in an intelligent way and even high school kids can I understand this ..So if someone says to me “ooh






Munya I like your beards can I have your beards or I like your t shirt ndipewo nesu tipfekewo it does not mean kuti that person wants me to give her/him whatever she admires in me ,it’s just another way of complimenting someone you don’t reply by saying “aaah this t shirt inotongeswa R100 kwa MR Price yenda ikoko uchayiwana” that defeats the purpose of the compliment and shows that you as a recipient of the compliment you are not intelligent enough to understand the context of the comment praising what you are wearing..So in this case the fan just simply was praising madam boss for her good looking sandals for the sandals.







But Madam Boss was dull,shallow,low and arrogant in her reply she did not get the sense or if she did get the sense of the compliment then she chose to be a show off and arrogant in her reply.Did Madam B do English literature or even Shona literature at school because doing these subjects at school develops and opens up your mind and opens up your understandings of







words,statements and phrases in and what they mean.Madam B failed to get the sense and context of what that fan’s either your Madam B does not have an intelligent sense of humour or she is a dull woman.Those are your type of so called “celebrities” you follow in Zimbabwe..Ma Dunderhead Celebrities.

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