Friday, September 20

News News

August 04, 2024

Mama Vee Mhosva Ovhura Huru Kovakuitaseiko mmmmh

Kuti zvingadaro vachibhishurana hre           Ukaona zamu raremera bhachi resutu ziva kuti pafamba makiromita

August 03, 2024

Zvanyadzisa Izvi SADC SUMMIT Yonzi Haichaitwe Muzimbabwe Nekuda Kwee

South Africa’s main opposition party, the Democratic Alliance (DA), has urged the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to move its 44th Summit from Zimbabwe.   The DA, which is part of South Africa’s coalition government, made this call following the Zimbabwean government’s intensified crackdown on democracy activists.             South Africa’s main opposition party, the Democratic Alliance (DA), has urged the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to move its 44th Summit from Zimbabwe.             The DA, which is part of South Africa’s coalition government, made this call following the Zimbabwean government’s intensified cra

August 03, 2024

Zimbabwe Yashata 5 Armed Robbers 2 Vauraiwa Nepolice And Voti Vanhu Varikurasika Tava Nemutemo Wekupfuura Nepfuti Pashata

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has taken a hardline stance against armed robbers, warning that officers will not hesitate to use maximum force, including lethal force, to combat violent criminal activities and ensure public safety.           In an interview with The Herald, ZRP spokesperson Commissioner Paul Nyathi warned suspects against engaging in shootouts with the police, making it clear that the ZRP is determined to enforce the law and protect citizens. He said: In view of robbery cases, the police will respond appropriately in line with the situation prevailing as they attend to reports and where the suspects decide to be confrontational and exchange fire with the police officers, the ZRP will ensure that the law takes its cou

August 03, 2024

Macheso Kuita Kubvunda Achipiwa Mari Na Tino Machakaire Kuzvireducer Zvinonyadzisa

Honourable tino machakaire gives Baba shero 10 000usd last night Ku album launch           Macheso anobva aita kudedera mari chaikoMacheso anobva aita kudedera mari chaiko

August 02, 2024

Selmor Mtukudzi Ovhura Hombe Kozvaitwa Seiko Mwana Wa Tuku

Chicken Inn Kuwadzana isaiwo maTissue muToilet. Hamuna kana holder yacho🤦🏾‍♀️Problem           Thank you for the suggestion. We appreciate you taking your time to provide feedback to improve the customer experience. Kindly take note that the tissue holder are located outside as you enter, as this is a more convenient set up for our customers. We appreciate your feedback and are committed to providing a comfortable restroom experience. Please let us know if you have any other ideas we could consider.            vazhinji venyu munopombonora ma tissue moisa muhomwe,, next time ibvai masvina ura kudzimba dzenyuNdivo vanhu vasingatenge chicken inn vanongoda kupinda mu toilet

August 02, 2024

Faith This Lady Afa Zvinorwadza Aishanda Mu Motoring Club For Year Angomuka Auraiwa

Death has no respect  Rest in peace my sister  Gone too soon 😭😭😭Ah shame the lady who was running the bar at courtauld theatre.             MHDSRIEP😭😭😭 Gone too soon Sahwira ...RIP 🙏Aaaaaaa imi Faith here

August 02, 2024

Mu Harare Itai Mushe Toyota Runex Yongodhuma Gd6 2022 Yakazvipakira Zvayo Pa Garage Apa Pakaipa

Mu Harare Itai Mushe Toyota Runex Yongodhuma Gd6 2022 Yakazvipakira Zvayo Pa Garage Apa Pakaipa 

August 02, 2024

Regina Zw Ovhurirwa Huru NeHama Dzoti Taimupusha Mubhara Uyu Vouya Nehumbowo

Munhu akambokwana mubhara akatombonzi afa ndiye akutoconfuser vanhu mumastreets eishMunhu ane HIV anonwa 1 pill once daily, ane BP anonwa daily, ane sugar anonwa mapills vamwe               including injection but chandodira HIV out of zvirwere zvese izvo BP inokwira inodzika and injodzi then sugar inokwira inodzika injodzi zvekare pane pamakambonzwa here kut haa pakaipa nhas HIV yake yakakwira hameno kukaviraHaana mkhuhlani uyo igaro reinjection

August 02, 2024

Mashura Mbavha Timothy Marimbe Inoba Nemushonga Unonzi Chivhuno Yabatwa Nembwa Yakuza Pamba Payaba

Mashura Mbavha Timothy Marimbe Inoba Nemushonga Unonzi Chivhuno Yabatwa Nembwa Yakuba Pamba Payaba      

August 02, 2024

Mashura Tavhunduka Muridzi Wemba Yeku Dema Otaura Kutorerwa Kwaakaitwa Stand Yake Na Kamuchacha Hezvo Zvaari Mupambepfumi Zvaakaita Ma Gonyeti Atongai Zvinzwirewo

Vanhu Murikuti Tirikurwadziwa Namaitt Dema House Imba Iya Haisi Yake Akaitorera Munhu Zvechibhadhiti 😳😳😳Chaive Chimudhuri 15years Ago Arikutobviswa PayPal 🙌🙌💔Ketty haataure zvekunyepa ichokwadi        

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