Thursday, February 13

Zvichafumuka Zvose Gore Rino Vana Papa Venyu Ava

Zvichafumuka zvose gore rino. Basa rekudyira vanhu Mari chete . Regai zvedu isu tipinde edu machechi mahombe hakuna zvese izvozvo.Dear Courageous Esthers

I would like to thank you for the time yandakava pakati penyu working for God as Prophetess's personal Assistant. I'm nolonger PA waProphetess because of what transpired between us. As we all know l started working for Prophetess 2019 l was very young 23years just after university that was when she identified the gift that was in me inni wacho





ndisati ndaziva. But basa rangu raisangova rekushanda chete l was praying also so ndakatangawo kukura and ndakawedzerawo kukura pamweya and vanhu vazhinji vaifarirawo the way God was using me to preach and Prophetess noticed this and ndipo pakatanga kuchinja zvinhu because vakafunga kuti ndakudawo kutanga zvangu of which inni handina kumbobvira ndaita mufungo iwowo l was loyal to this ministry zvekuti l never looked for any job afterwards zvekuti even now macertificates angu atoriko kuMSU.






Since 2024 the environment started to be harsh rimwe zuva ndakakumbira mai Hanyani vemedia mavideos angu ndichiparidza and vakandipa infront of her after that vakaita a phone call vachipopota kuti why ndatora those videos without telling me ndikati l didn't think kuti zviri necessary but I'm sorry munhuwaMwari ndipo pavakatanga kuti these days wane rough wakuzviona kunge wakura of which those videos ndaida kungoteerera mharidzo yangu and nekuitira psndaizonoparidza kune mamwe maprovinces chete.


2.Ndaisatenderwa kuparidza kune mamwe machurch even ndikapihwa invitation yet my ministry is evangelism but zvese izvi ndaisava nebasa nazvo nekuti l was working for her and l was loyal to this ministry 

All those things for me zvanga zvisina basa but chazonyanya kundibata nekundipa confusion is the issue of car yauya yakanzi haisi yangu and haife yakaita yangu munew contract.Nekuti handina kuziva kuti munhuwaMwari that l worked for 5years would do to me what Jacob did to Laban.Vakandinyepera kuti vanditengera mota infront of God and man on the pulpit .Pavakandipa mota iyi





vakati ichava yangu after 2years vondipa book but under new contract yanga ndanzi ndisigner zvakanzi haisi yangu uye haife yakaita yangu.Chikundirwadza ndakafamba ndichipa testimony before God and people on pulpit yet vaiziva havo kuti varikunyepa uye vachishandisa this car example pese pavaidzidzisa zvemaseeds kuti l seeded $6500 for sis ropa.Munonzwawo sei muri imimi nekuziva kwamunondiita ndichishandira Mwari munhu ondishandisa kunyepa ndisingazive.Ndapa testimony gomo rese rakachema ivo vakachema vachiziva havo kuti vari kunyepa.Chero ndikanzi ndakavatadzira zvinoitawo here kunotorera munhu gift yawakamupa.lnga tese tino seeder mari zhinji pagomo zvichiramba kubuda asi pane here akambodzokera kuna Prophetess achiti dzosai mari yangu yeseed.






So mucontract vakati l will continue using it iri property yecourageous Esther and ikawana zvinoiwana ndini ndaibhadhara so hazvina kundiitira and ndakaenda kune munhuwaMwari ndikati ko zvachinja sei vakati zvinhu zvinongochinja ndikati its fine ndakuidzosa but ndokupai on one condition masigner kuti manditorera mota then vakaramba vakati it will remain as a secret between me,her and her husband so izvi ndakazviramba.






So ndipo pavakauya kumba vakuda kutora mota zveforce and we had a very serious fight she came with so many people to fight with me.l have a video yandakatora for my own personal security which l even sent to my close relatives kuti if anything happens to me vazive tho handisi kuribuditsa for her own image and because l respect this ministry and anointing that is upon her. During the fight she mentioned kuti l was testing you but how can one test munhu wakashanda naye for 5years with a written contract??l even went to her but havana kuchinja rather vaitoda kuti iite secret between us.So mota it's still in my possession they didn't manage to take it because her husband vakati vachauya nemapurisa so I'm still waiting for the court sermons.






After all this she sent her bamukuru kuti titaurirane but inni ndakatora 2days alone ndisingaende kugomo kune vese vaiuya kumafastings l think you noticed reflecting on this but ndakaona kuti titaurirane hazvichaite because ivo vakataura kuti tishandidzane hazvichaite and also ndakutyira hupenyu hwangu because handizive zvavari kundifungira and also neviolence yakaitika kumba ndakutyira mhuri yangu.


So because of this l would like to thank you nenguva yatakashanda tese and how you responded to the word Mwari ngavakuitirei zvakanaka .






Ngatirambei tichinamata 


As of now I'm nolonger serving God under Courageous Esthers.


Yours Ropafadzo Magadza

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