Friday, September 20

News News

August 02, 2024

Mashura Tavhunduka Muridzi Wemba Yeku Dema Otaura Kutorerwa Kwaakaitwa Stand Yake Na Kamuchacha Hezvo Zvaari Mupambepfumi Zvaakaita Ma Gonyeti Atongai Zvinzwirewo

Vanhu Murikuti Tirikurwadziwa Namaitt Dema House Imba Iya Haisi Yake Akaitorera Munhu Zvechibhadhiti 😳😳😳Chaive Chimudhuri 15years Ago Arikutobviswa PayPal 🙌🙌💔Ketty haataure zvekunyepa ichokwadi        

August 01, 2024

Mukuru Weku Zanupf Afa Zvinorwadza Hutsinye Hwaaiitira Vamwe Pasi Pano Tirikutandara RIP Comrade

Mnangagwa Terror Campaign Leader Dies Of BPPolitical Reporter- Former Zanu PF Redcliff Town Councillor for Ward 5 and former Mafidhi-Mnangagwa Primary School headmaster, Chamunorwa Foroma has died. Foroma died in his sleep at his home in Rutendo suburb on Tuesday morning.             Forma was a well-known Mnangagwa frontman and was known for terrorising opposition members on behalf of Mnangagwa. He was a Ward 5 councillor on a Zanu-PF ticket during the 2013 to 2018 term. By the time of his death, he was the headmaster of Rutendo Primary School after having moved from Mafidhi-Mnangagwa Primary School.             A family member who declined to be named said: “On the day

August 01, 2024

Murume We Honda Fit Ojegerwa Mota Yake Nemasoja Aumburudzwa Kuzvamburwa Mushure Mekunge A Driver Vachi Marcher Hazvitarisike

Operation SADC SummitNot an easy journey for sure Murume We Honda Fit Ojegerwa Mota Yake Nemasoja Aumburudzwa Kuzvamburwa Mushure Mekunge A Driver Vachi Marcher Hazvitarisike           🤦 me can't never, TetiCan someone explain to me the meaning of these guys lifting vehicles please?            kwati they're missing life before we got independence 😄

August 01, 2024

Accident Mutown Road Yekuenda Ku Colcom Pasina Robot Paya

Over speeding zvinorwadza vanhu varikumhanya zvakaipisisa + service yemabhazi a choo imwe ma1 please vatyairi chengetedzai hupeyu hwevanhu mhuri dzirikusara dzave nherera zvinorwadza           Madriver anofanira kumbotanga aongororwa asati afamba kuVID uko ngakuve nadoctor vanenge vane depression dzavo vokuvadzisa vanhu coz muno munyika medu istress dzega dzega

August 01, 2024

Breaking News Chishamiso Nyika Yese Jerry Finally Speaks

Ndataura naye , he is very strong and kicking .Jerry akaita ka rush pamachende but haana utachiwana.Ka rush kakatorapwa kakapera👌Veduweee chimusiyaiwo afeme , zvirash mu macelebrity zvinowanikwa.   Wani Zuva akambopihwa siki naJah Signal Tirarira ,but akarapwa siki ikapera .   Zuva is HIV negative , akapukunyuka wani 🤣🤣🤣🤣               Let Jerry breath PLEASE ❤️Happily Married Jerry (King) nemkadzi wake .A devorted member we Christ Embassy , atori ku media team kuchechi .Haana noise nemunhu .   He was shocked and he said " Queen i confided to Memory (Mai Maketeni) nenyaya dze siki not HIV ,handina chirwere ini Homwe ".          

August 01, 2024

Vhidhiyo Zimbabwean UK Woman Achipemberera 40th Birthday Achibhaudhwa Nevarume 40 Zvinoshamisa

VIDEO: Woman celebrates birthday by having 40 encounters with different men         an age where personal milestones are often marked by parties, gifts, and travel, one woman made headlines with an unconventional and controversial way to celebrate her 40th birthday. Her choice, which sparked widespread discussion and debate, was to sleep with 40 men in a single day.           This daring act, she claimed, was both a gift to herself and a declaration of her own empowerment. The story began to unfold during a television interview where the woman, who has since become known for her audacious celebration, shared the details of her experience.           As the cameras

July 31, 2024

Nelia Kadungure Osungwa Nekuda Kwechikwereti Cha Ginimbi CHE 13 000usd

Nelia Kadungure Osungwa Nekuda Kwechikwereti Cha Ginimbi CHE 13 000usd 

July 31, 2024

Apa Pakaipa Bulawayo Road Accident Ye Bus Ne Truck Banhu Vakuwsra Tenzi Pafiwa Hazvizi kutarisika

Another  accident, several people reported injured after a Motivation Motors bus collided with a pick up truck               that had a busted front wheel at the 33km peg from Gweru to Bulawayo midday. 

July 31, 2024

Zvazvinodai Kuna Chaplin Phiri Vanhurirwa Huru Vanamatireiwo

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂haaa iri skiri rekuhacker mafacebook evanhu umwe anofa chete         Zvazvinodai pamuti munyoro kuzoti wakaomaNgava batsirwe kumusangano kwavanenge vachi pesvukira

July 31, 2024

Zvaitika Ku Court Mhosva Dzana Tytie Dzawanda By Monday Zvikasafamba Mushe Variku Vharirwa Pakaipa

#aboutCourtToday. Tytie and Kiki chose to represent themselves according to them they couldn’t afford a lawyer.Before they started the judge advised them if they can remove the video and offer apology.They were given few minutes to think about it and also consult with Mr Munetsi .Tytye went back to the judge and informed him that he doesn’t want to take down the posts or apologise because Facebook is his job and he doesn’t have any other source of income.The judge warned him that if he doesn’t do the applicant can continue with his application. The main issues to be decided was the  Posting of Mr Munetsi s cellphone number,image and his name if it’s not violation of his  right to privacy . Issuing of public apology for doing that 

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