Ndikunzwa kurwadziwa nezvandaona kuZim men varume mukuitasei mapindwa nei mashaiwei vakadzi vakawanda kudarika imi mokwanisa kutoita 5 but you decide kusapotana pazvinhu zvekurovesa kusim 2 musadaroKkk unzwa kuchinzi ma bottom matop hanzi matop vari kunyanya kuda mari kuda kushandirwa nevamwe varume mabottom hanzi chihure πkungonzi any1 in town anototi ndiri pano
Apa mother, mhamha and son vanga vachiri kudhumanisa zviweti. Akabva apendeswa musoro na mhamha kuti zvinyatso tapirira. Mhamha, mother vakambo pengeswa ne chiweti che mwana vakaita up and down kuchifambira..
Saka Locadia muchurch anoparidza kuti chii?Sorry to be out of topic but does it mean Tsvangirai left wealth which is like a bottomless pit π€ Nokuti Loca na Silas are living the dream π€£π€£π€£She gives "african movie under world vibes" pastPese apa i thought mukadzi who was dressing up as a male. He was born a boy??? Eeh ππ½ππ½ππ½
In March 2021, Macmillan Tapiwa Kondowe paid lobola for Shumirai Bandera. However, the girl's father Charles Bandera refused that he start living with his wife until after their wedding. Two months later, Macmillan caught Shumi cheating. He is now suing his father-in-law to recover the US$2,700 he paid as lobola. The value we put on our daughters thinking they will be good wives to their husbands.Then boom,wanike mwana ndi Jezebel. Why accept someone hard earned money kana uchidaaa zvekuhuraa???? Issue is ladies u marry coz pane ane Mari yekuroraa,, yet waunknyatsodaaa.haana mari yekuroora.
Nhengo yeCCC iri mujeri reChikurubi Maximum Prison, VaJob Sikhala, nezuro vakadoma mutungamiri weARTUZ, VaObert Masaraure, kuti vatungamire sangano richange richitsvaga rutsigiro rwekuti vaburitswe muhusungwa, reNATIONAL JOB SIKHALA SOLIDARITY.
Hello dear post Mumba medu 6 boys Taiva vanhu vane Mari dzavo life Yakanaka good jobs.. zvinhu zvakangotanga kudonha tese vamwe tikabuda mubasa vamwe ma business akaparara so takadzokera kana Pakafamba netsoka tese.. Tavanema years tichitambura so we decided kuenda kwatasvu tese kuti timbofambawo takaenda na mai takavati ngatimbofambei vakati yea sure Magona handei tasvikako tasvu akangoti achisvika ndokuvashedza nezita ndongovati Anna ..akati pana Anna anobata bata Aripano ivo vakaramba vakagara tikati hamusimi mukushedzwa kuti Ana vakati no ini handibate bate… yakazokwana nguva yekupinda mumatare vakanzi ndaona Anna ndiye arikukonzeresa ma problems ese enyu anonzi Ana
Saka muri kurarama sei nhai vana veZimbabwe kana muchishanda musingabhadharwe nhai? Good day. Can you help us. Workers at Chicken hut byo have gone for a yr now not getting our salaries and we are owed last years salaries we have a heartless CEO who doesn't even care about our welfare we failing to sends our kids to school yet we are working more than 12hours day and night can u put our word out thereKkkkkk Aya ndaseka zvangu gore usinga tambire Mari uchikwereta yekombi kuti uende kubsa haaa zvimwe zvoda kusvinhura mhani
South Africa based Zimbabwean comedian Q Dube is once again in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons, after another video emerged of him urging Zimbabweans to bath so that they don’t smell like dead bodies.My fear is smelling like a Zimbabwean, so I always bathe,” he said in the segment that triggered a backlash. Q went on to say Zimbabweans could be identified anywhere through their bad smell. “ No, you know, some of our Zimbabwean brothers. Like when I am walking and I smell a ‘kwapha,’ I am like there is a Zimbabwean here!” he said. Bath please, it is now summer, it is now hot.
Vanhu hatina kwedu. If anything had happened to this child ariku band maizoti ko vabereki vake vakamutendera kuenda ku band vakakwana here. Baba ava was not wrong. Vazhinji pano takakura tichirohwa nekutsiurwa whenever we disobeyed our folks or elders. Kuwanika usiri mumba wabuda hako pakati pehusiku hehehehehee waichiona. Mwari chaivo vanotitsiura wani and dzimwe nguva zvinotopisa tsitsi chashamisira pavana vedu chimbori chiiko chaizvo chaizvo zvekuti vanoda kubatwa semazai?? Kana varasika nekuda kwekuvaregera vachiita zvavanoda tisu zvee tinotambura navo vana ivava vava ma stupid evanhu. The spirit of death was already hovering upon this family yaingoda kanenge ka reason. T
Makadii hama. Ndiri kutsvagawo murume anonzi Carrington Manyawu. Murume uyu is a fraudster anozviti anotengesa maCos iye neumwe wake anogara kuUK anonzi Tapiwa. They convinced me to pay USD$3000 cash tikanyorerana pasi nekusigner maaffidavits tese mutown, Harare. Kubva zuva iroro vakabva vadissapear hapana Cos rakauya havachabatike zvachose. I reported case yacho kumapurisa asi haasati awanikwa. Veduwe kana pane anomuzivawo nekwaanobatika ndibateiwo panumber iyi 0717484369. Aimbogara kuBudiriro 2 achimbotambira paGlenview3 paTichagarika anomboita zvema photoshoot. Below are their pictures Carrington and T