Tuesday, September 24

News News

October 25, 2023

Hazvina Kuzopera Mushe Na Chipo Muchengwa Mushure Mekunge Aina Terry Akatakurwa Na Tariro Gezi

Chipo ndiwe wakatanga nemusindo paya uyina Baba Harare 😛😛         chipo wakanganwa kuti wakambo gukuchirwa na baba Harare Terry zvika mubatawo         Chipo arwadziwa Shem, Tariro Mwari akukomborere😂😂

October 25, 2023

Madamboss Kuenda Kunowuchika Mwana Dzabu Ku N"anga Zvashamisa Vakawanda

Saka murikuti madam boss anga adzokera nemwana ku n'anga yakamuuchika here sezvo zvichinzi mwana wekuuchikwa anodzokerwa naye murikutiiko pano nhaimi         Dei vari mai Tt hayaaSaka toramba hama nokuti dzinopira vadzimu here? Saka zvinebasa rei ,that's your problem Zimbos Moda kuzviita vana holier than thou.😂😂🤣🤣           inini hangu ndambozvitaura kuti vanhu vachazviona chete kkkkkHayiwawo hapana chino shamisa apa hakuna musha usina mudzimu nemashavi nyangwe zvikadii           Eheka Even akawuchikwa ikoko zvinebasa reiki? Ipo pano hanti muzere kugroup rembereko and kuwuchika uko. Vanhu vaida kuramba vachisekaka vachiti ngomwa.

October 25, 2023

Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa Chitunha Chemurume Ane 25 Years Chobuda Mucoffin Chotanga Kuchema Chichibuda Ropa

Please hide my Identity tete joys Ndiri murume ane makore 45 okuberekwa ndichishanda kunotakurwa zvitunha toperekedza kumusha kwacho nebasa ,rimwe zuva ndakati ndainda kwaMutare sezmazuva ose aive manheru sezvo mhuri iyi yaida kumuka ichiviga kuseni so vaiti chitunha chovata mumba         Chitunha ichi chaive chomunhu rume asi arikuma25 makore okuberekwa ,tasvika kuya kumusha ini nemota ine mutumbi ndakainda mberu toda koburitsa chitunha pamusha pacho,sekuziva kwenyu panosvika mota vsnhu vanochema zvokuti ,ndakabata basa rangu semazuva ose kutarisa kuti musoro hauna kyinda padivi here,kugadzirisawo fuko repacoffin,kuisawo chitunha mumba,       Ndapedza ndakanzi ipaiwo mutyairi sadza ndikati huyai naro kumota ,pandakadzokera k

October 25, 2023

Jackie Ngarande God Mother Vakamupinza Mutown Mercy Mushaninga Osungwa Mushure Mekunge Abiira Model 10 000usd

Former model, Mercy Mushaninga will perform 350 hours of community service           following her conviction for defrauding models of US$10 000 in a botched modeling deal. More to follow

October 25, 2023

Former Worriors Goalie Gift Muzadzi Osungwa Nenyaya Yekutengesa Mbanje

Yesterday, former Zimbabwe Warriors goalie Gift Muzadzi was in court for contravening the Dangerous Drugs Act.         Someone tipped the police off in May and the ZRP found seven plants of marijuana in the garden at his Good Hope house.         Harare magistrate Yeukai Dzuda released him on Z$50,000 bail

October 25, 2023

Mashura 79 Year Old Brig Mutinhiri Oroora 26 Year Old Lover Madhara Ezanu Dzichamira Here Blambi

All in the name of " Akafa zvese zvosara zviri zvangu" mumwe achazosara asisina ruoko gwadyiwa nengwena saMary.         Age is just a number kana uine Mari hako not Razaro haa hazvibude as for me

October 25, 2023

Tinashe Mutarisi Onzi Anonyanya Kuda Kuita Mari Yake Pajekerere kokushanda Akanyarara Saka Zanu-PF Yakumugadzirira Size

ZANU PF Party haitombode progress yevamwe Tinashe Mutarisi zambia Botswana enda unovhura mabussiness ako siyana nechinyika icho chaora Buda tiza neLife Yako unoti ana strive masiwa vakapusa here vaka relocatorBut iyeye           anonyanya kuda kuzviita pajekerere kokushanda achiita Mari dzake silently why interacting with celebs ,Varidzi vechicken inn ndiyan anovaziva ngaadzidze kuva private,Zvinokuvadzisa zvekuda kuzivikanwaYaaahh the only way we can make money as Zimbabweans is to leave Zimbabwe           True ngaanovhura out of the country zim too much sabotageHavatode kuona tichirarama vanhu vacho tovaziva zvedu.             "Day 7 and we are sti

October 25, 2023

Tinashe Mutarisi Ochema Avekuvhara Company ZESA 7 Days Tisina Magetsi Musadaro Toshanda Sei

ZESA - Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority we need help in Graniteside its bn 6 days no electricity. This isn’t name and shame but a cry for help.         Companies are dying and thousands will lose incomes plz plz help us 🙏🏿Day 7 and we are still crying out for help.             ZESA - Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority. We have knocked all the doors we can knock and called all the numbers we can call but still the same reply “as soon as possible”             We need help, thousands will lose their income me included if this is not solved ASAP. We are ready to contribute in any way.Time to move on from Zesa Mr Tinashe ,u need

October 24, 2023

Mashura Zvinoshamisa Zvinonyadzisa Zvaitika Kurufu Rwa Rev Mukahanana United Methodist Church Not Happy

UPDATE: The funeral service for the late Harare East District Superintendent Reverend Oscar Nyasha Mukahanana will be held at Cranborne Circuit from 9am.   Lunch will be served from 11am with burial set for 2pm at Zororo Cemetery.   Only a select number of people will be allowed at the parlour with the rest urged to proceed to the Cemetery.   @hedcomms

October 24, 2023

Enzol Ishal Nemukadzi Zvobuda Izvo Ndiyo Best Couple In Zimbabwe

l think this is the Best Couple ❤❤zvamanje manje Vanhu vanodanana zvavo God Bless Vaviri ava 🙏          Vapei maLove nemalikes avo zvinovengwa chete nemuroyi❤❤I love them..vanodanana zviri effortless..havapihwe pressure..vanofamba ne pace yavo..mwana uyo akatomachuwa kupfuura mai Ndandi 😄             I remember me posting someone everyday apa muden tisiri kuwirirana zvekuti kuudza friend kuti wangu kuden hakuna rugare anokuti watanga kunyepa 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 never judge a book by its cover. Vakati chakafukidza dzimba matenga were using too much revelations

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