Wednesday, March 26

Hazvina kumira Mushe Daisy Mtukudzi Haasi Kutomboda Kunzwa Nyaya Dza Chaka Avekuda Surname Ya Oliver Mtukudzi Nyaya Iyii Yashata

A MAN, whose mother claims is the son of the late legendary musician, Oliver Mtukudzi, has acknowledged that he is seeking a change of surname through the legal channels.

He wants to be known as Aaron Mtukudzi and not Aaron Chaka as is the case right now.

His mother, Rose Makumbe, claims Aaron is Tuku’s son.

She says he has been using her maternal name for his surname.









We reached out to him to try and get his side of the story.

But Aaron Chaka said he would prefer his story be told in The Herald or ZBC.

He said the two media outlets had the kind of readership, including political leaders, who should listen to his story.

Aaron was born in 1979 and is trying to change his surname from Chaka to Mtukudzi.

His mother claims that when Tuku was alive, she always engaged him on the matter but he was always busy. 

However, he felt H-Metro was not the kind of media outlet in which he wanted his story to be told.










“My mother left home saying that she was going to ZBC and Star FM, I don’t know how she ended up at H-Metro,” he said.

“I would have preferred that the story be published in other media outlets and not H-Metro due to a number of reasons.

“Right now I am in the process of trying to change my surname so that I can have my father’s name so I don’t want anything to jeopardise that.”

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