Saturday, February 22

Holyten Ofumura WinkyD Munhu Anomutengesera Naviews Omuburitsa Zvakaoma

Nhasi ndirikuvhurikaNdine broken heart, ndine bitterness. Please don't make me show you the face of the man buying your goat's views.Winky D apera kunge nutty OIwewe hautode peace zvachose 

Anyway tinokusapota mujaya tell themPeople support you







But most of thse people...they really love the king of zim dance hall...Your pride messed everything up for u

You cant go against the people's champ and win






We view his videos 4 times and yours only once...don't ever try to compete with him.Nyararai bamboo padare ndimi vanhu vatinovhiyisa mbudziii.........musoro unenge guvhu re








Dinosaur nxaaaah this time maviews uchamapihwa nemusangano.😥😥Iwe naholy 10 endayi muno rare musateerere song yachoProblem yenyu hamusi kuterera music kuti muterere music but mukuterera kuti mujaje musicWinky ndomufarira asi apa akabika mbodza hayii🙌🙌

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