Tuesday, September 24

News News

October 24, 2023

Namatirai Java Arikufa Manje Manje Ndaona Mazuva Mashoma Prophet Obey Votaura

Anyone anenge aona Obey Tichafa Mukanhairi achiposter zverufu tag me ndimuise pachinzvimbo chake better         tifire murima than kubvundutsirwa nemunhu asina kundiso         Let t b so amen .who am I t pray f a prophecy not t b fulfilled  

October 24, 2023

United Methodist Church Mhosva Ndeyemufi Na Mwari Wake Musasarwadzise Mai Ne Mhuri Pachiitiko Chatyisa Nyika Yese

UPDATE: The funeral service for the late Harare East District Superintendent Reverend Oscar Nyasha Mukahanana will be held at Cranborne Circuit from 9am.         Lunch will be served from 11am with burial set for 2pm at Zororo Cemetery.         Only a select number of people will be allowed at the parlour with the rest urged to proceed to the Cemetery.       @hedcommsExtract from the Book of Descipline of The United Methodist Church, 2016 ¶ 161(O)   Statement on Suicide   SuicideWe believe that suicide is not the way a human life should end. Often suicide is the result of untreated depression, or untreated pain and suffering. The church has an obligation to see that a

October 24, 2023

United Methodist Church Mutemo We Church Haubvumire Munhu Kuti Azviuraye Saka Hapana Anopfeka Uniform Panhamo Ya Rev Mukahanana

Extract from the Book of Descipline of The United Methodist Church, 2016 ¶ 161(O)   Statement on Suicide   Suicide We believe that suicide is not the way a human life should end. Often suicide is the result of untreated depression, or untreated pain and suffering.         The church has an obligation to see that all persons have access to needed pastoral and medical care and therapy in those circumstances that lead to loss of self-worth, suicidal despair, and/or the desire to seek physician-assisted suicide.     We encourage the church to provide education to address the biblical, theological, social, and ethical issues related to death and dying, including suicide. United Methodist theological seminary cou

October 24, 2023

Melo United Methodist Woman Ochema Moda Ndizviurayyewo Here Zvajaita Rev Mukahanana Handina Kudanana Navo

The hate is just too much ..musadaro veduwe   Remember kuseri kwe ghost account kune munhu..musadiridze dzinde remufaro wenyu nemisodzi yevamweWhy are you doing this to this innocent girl.         Akazvichengeta akaroorwa zvakanaka....lts not her in those audios.Thats not her voice.l know her and l know the pastor too.Musadaro vanhuwee.Whoever did this urimuroyi zvechokwadi..         Melo is an innocent good child akakura tichiona till she got married zvakanaka......lts not her..uyu ndomumiririra ...yes pastor was very wrong but Melo let her enjoy her new marriage please.Harisi voice raMelo iro .

October 23, 2023

Zimbabweans Vakunwa Donkey Milk Kurapa Zvirwere Zvepabonde Wonzi Mushonga Unorapa Zvakawanda

Dai maiziva inorapa ,diabetes 2, eczema,proarisis , great for health hair ,skin the list is endless ,inflammation  Italy and Chinese use donkey milk in lot's of their dishes kikikikiki makatodya         imi kuzoti products anogadzirwa nawo kikikikiki muchadzidza henyu Ndofunga vakanzwa song yabaHarare yekuti dhongi vakafunga kuti tinoda zvemadhongi sterek.           Kupi ko manje manje uchanzwa zvakunzi mukaka we dhongi unorapa Aids haaa vazukuru vanehanda wava shaya here, makambozviita pazvihuta waniiwe kana usingadi mukaka we dongi rega mamwe mashona adye.           ko hinga mukaka wemunhu munodya asi munhu wacho hamudye? maZimba hapana chamunotenda saka

October 23, 2023

Ko Tatelicious Ayiti Shugeta Ane Kadora Iye Obudiutsa Muzvambarara Weblambii Zvazobhowa Mazimba Kuti Sei Achiita Senge Pwere

Ko Tate aiyiti kadora wani but isize Iri bho hayo Good morning from Matama Shugerra family         Dumbu anaro but anayo wani Saka zveku posta mapic chinhu chakadhindira murikutozvifarira kaaa varumeMubrugwa muri empty umo ngaamboenda pamu bveeI nhingi hre iyi mkoma shugi amuna kupfeka brugwa mukaty kaimi         Shugeta usaita sepwere inomiswa neweti what are u trying to prove ipapa         Nhasi kachimainini kembambaira kangomirawo munhu kwakutomhanya kuvideo.Ukaona uchizama kuprover kuti une mbolis then chiziva kuti hauna.kupfekera kahspipe mubhurugwa doesnt help.munhu ngaagamuchire urema hwake.

October 23, 2023

Afra Musikana Ochema Ndikaona Picture Ra Mudiwa Hood Ndotopinza Chigunwe Kuzasi Kubonyora Anondiitira

Nderipi celebrity raunobonyora naro, ini ndakangoona pic raMudiwa Hood ndotopinza chigunwe          Afra Matsvimbo urimukosho mwanangu wakanditambisira mari yangu yechikoro mwanangu Mwari ave newe😭             It's really sad that senyika tine vanhu vanepfungwa dzakaita sedzako........vamwe vana vachifunga kutsvaga mariUnonzwisa tsitsi sure kuzviyanika uchitaura tsvina dzakadai zvimwe zvinoda neghost

October 23, 2023

Holyten Kuita Muchato Wemu Court Kutya Kufumurwa Baby Mama Speaks

Holy 10 atya zvipande ndosaka aita court wedding       This is nyc they look happy but uchengete vamwe vana vako iwe mujaya as for mai titi handina hangu mashoko aurawa ne social media mkadzi uyu           Yeah true ita zvinoyenderana ne homwe not kuda kunzi unopisa all unorema but kana wava wega unenge wane stress yezvikwereti           Dai Mai Tt vasina havo kunorara kuRainbow Towers better dai apa vakapisa gown re 5000 us vachingonzi go Mura ....zvakaipa asi l blame vanhu vanoti go Mura worse kuzosheyedza Kelly Khumalo ichingori go MuraVagona simple havo           Kwete zimuchato ratakaona rechikweti rekuda kufadza social media It

October 22, 2023

Zvinoshamisa 33 Years Old Luckmore Kamema Ouraya Mukadzi Wake 25 Year Old Jenny Gatsi Nepfuti Iye Achibva Azviurayawo

*Man murders wife, commits suicide afterwards*   Story by Tapiwa Machemedze         THE Mount Darwin community has been left in shock after a 33-year-old man committed suicide after killing his wife this Wednesday following a suspected marital dispute.           According to investigations by the Zimbabwe Republic Police, 33-year-old Luckmore Kamema, a well-known gold buyer shot and killed Jenny Gatsi aged 25 at around 11 pm on Wednesday shortly after getting home in Ridgeview, Mount Darwin.         Mashonaland Central Police Spokesperson Inspector Milton Mundembe said Kamema shot his wife in the head before turning the gun on himself.      

October 22, 2023

Baba Harare Vochema Pastage Jahprayzer Hameno Ndakamutadzirei Kusauya Kushow Album Rangu Shamwari Yenhema Made In China

Musician Jah Prayzah fails to show up at Baba Harare's album launch last night.           Baba Harare gave an emotional speech explaining to the fans that they had agreed that Jah Prayzah would perform at his album launch, but unfortunately he didn't show up.         Vane hushamwari hwemade in China ava ...kubatsira kune kakuvhaira 🤣🤣

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