Wednesday, September 25

News News

August 31, 2023

Wasu Morepower Onzi Mukamurova Mushe Mushe Anorega Zvechingochani Izvi Naidzo Ndebvu Dzasekuru Gora

Do yu know vanhu ava ukavarova mushe mushe vanoita normal??? Tine vatakarova now akutora mabbe zvekuenda       Ndebvu dzikati unonyepa iwe🤔Saka zvatova legal ka zvengochani izviNdipo paunonzwa Mura oti siyanai naWasu haasi ngochani         Ndosaka masingle ladies takawanda coz varume vacho vakupera kuzviita vakadzi......ndinoti zororai murugare vamugabe gushungo.....zvese izvi dai zvisipo

August 31, 2023

Faffy Maunga Oganzira Mazimbabwean Ndinoita Video Call Na Dambudzo Munangagwa

Faffy anenge ari kuzviposter ega nemaghost acc ake kuti awane following 🤞🏽🤞🏽because ka that hauna hako       Ngakatambe zvakanaka nevakuru kanofa aka vakakanganwa kut vanombotamba nako         Saka tikuda kuribvisa duzvanana iri state house yava playing ground yemahure Ana bev nana nyaope Ana tawazCan imagine kuti mwana uyu anenge achivati kudii if its tru though kkkk u look handsome eish.

August 31, 2023

Mazimba Oti Mukaona Anozviti Cat Family Batai Murove Maitt Tinashe Is In America Living His Best Life Iwe Mujeri Wakaba Mari Kuti Uchate

Mari dzese idzi aiba kuti aroore Tinashe avharise Social media. Izvezvi Tinashe wacho is living his life iye achidya muriwo usina mafuta zuvaly.       PRESSURE DIARIES   Mukaona anozviti cat family batai murove nekuti ndovanhu vakasvitsa Feli paari iye zvino         Ngakaripe mhosva dzese dzakakapara kakiti kemunhu kaiganza kachiramba kupa vanhu mari dzavo kachiti hapana zvamunondiita ndinokurovai mese ngakarovane nemhosva dzako kujere ikokoGo mura Go mura           You are strong chimubrashiti 😂😂😂😂💪💪💪💪kwaa ma fans chikiti soI actually think kty nemari dzese idzo Felly Ane ma properties atisingazive hedu cz aidzisepi asi

August 31, 2023

Mitumbi Yema Zimbabwe Yawedzera Pa Bulding Yekutsva In SouthAfrica Joburg

  ZOOM Home  South Africa “I Had a Choice to Burn Alive or Jump”: Johannesburg Fire Survivors Recount How They Jumped From the Burning Building Johannesburg fire claims 73 lives (Image Credit: Sky News)   “I Had a Choice to Burn Alive or Jump”: Johannesburg Fire Survivors Recount How They Jumped From the Burning Building  In a harrowing tale of survival, residents of a building in Johannesburg’s CBD jumped through windows to escape a raging fire that broke out in the early hours of Thursday morning. The inferno left more than 140 families displaced and claimed the lives of at least 73 people, including children. Also Read: Tragedy Strikes as Fire Tears Through Johannesburg Building,

August 30, 2023

SADC Yamira Nesu For The First Time Zimbabwean Citizens Voti Takuda Kusunungura Nyika Yedu We Are The People Hatichada Corrupt Zanupf Masoja Mapurisa All Citizens Vajamuka This Time Hatichada

The struggle for a better Zimbabwe is everyone’s struggle, it has been tough but don’t be discouraged.   Don’t subcontract your struggles to individuals without contributing to the struggle for a better Zimbabwe yourself.         Nobody is going to come and save Zimbabwe except Zimbabweans themselves.The church, civil society, business, traditional leaders and everyone should be part of a broad based inclusive movement which others can translate into political programs.           But that requires us to have a 1999 moment where we are talking with one voice which everyone feels they have contributed to and represents them.       ZANUPF is never going to prov

August 30, 2023

SADC Yoti MaElections Akuitwa Rerun ZEC Haide Kana Kuonekwa Ipapo

Zvanzi SADAC maelections avekutangidzwa ZEC haidihwi kana kuonekwa panovhota vanhu kure uko SADC irikutuma team ichange ichitungamirwa nevaimbova President weTanzania VaJakaya Kikwete kuzoongorora nyaya yeSarudzo dzedu dzakabiwa neZanu PF       Ndozviya zvandakataura musi wa 23 kuti "expect a lot of diplomatic and constitutional drama"   VaKikwete pavakanga vachichiri President muna 2008 vakashanda zvinesimba kuti Zanu PF ibvume kupinda muInclusive government iyo yaiva hurumende yemushandira pamwe ye MDC neZanu PF         Parizvino hapana ati aziva kuti nhaurirano dzacho dzichafamba sei uyezve kuti chii chichabuda madziriiAsi zviripachena kuti dunhu reSADC pamwe neAfrica yese jekerere irikuzviona kuti sarudz

August 30, 2023

Thomas Mapfumo And Hopewell Vachitaura Zvenyika Yedu 2 Legends Zimbabwe Let's Be Fearless Ngatirwire Nyika From ZANUPF

The things that we learnt from talking and listening to these two great men (GOATS) are immeasurable.       They both came from the dusty townships and became self made international superstars.         There is a reason why they made it, everyone of us has that thing in us, you choose to tap into it or not.       Tuku taught us to keep asking key questions regardless of how inconvenient they may sound, and to be creative when need be but still speak.       Mukanya taught us to be fearless and not allow someone’s fear to be ours.I hope that you too have your personal lessons from these two great men, and that you use them meaningfully and constructively to thrive in you

August 30, 2023

Maitt Voti Mafans Angu Cat Family Vachada Kundiona Ndinenge Ndiri Ku Agricultural Show

Nevavengi vakungoti mai TT munounza munhu kuAgric show makadii kumunza kuzovhota ZANU makaora🙏       Zidofo kuAgricalture show mutemo wejeri kwete wamai waukufunga

August 30, 2023

Zrp And Zanupf Vakuda Hondo Nema Citizens Vanhu Votsamwa Harare Yazara Mapurisa Varikutongorova Vanhu

Zrp and Zanupf are itching for war with citizens, I mean the country is generally peaceful and ivo ndivo varikuda kukonzeresa noise.          Manje vadzirasa ma citizens aka parker steady and zvirikuvashungurudza hence they are doing patrols during the day and especially at night kuda kuvhundutsira vanhu..         Pashata zvaezvinezvi wakugona kungotorwa nevakomana wakavarairwa kunyanya vano louder pa soshari see comments section for full details👐

August 30, 2023

Ruby Lynn Kuonda Kwake Shocking Mazimba Akaitirei Surgery Body Yake Was Good Akafuta

Don't know why she opted for a gastric bypass, she wasn't that big and could have easily lost that weight through dieting and exercise. I doubt muno muAustralia they would have deemed her as a candidate for a gastric bypass           Do we say well done to someone who had surgery or someone who went through the process of healthy eating and exercise. I understand she has medical issues so she had to go for her sleeve but it just different when you to sacrifice all the food you love to lose weight           Ummm, uku kurwara uku sorry zvake. I hope she’s okay.That’s not healthy weight. It looks like she has been going through a lot 😢😢😢I won't judge, I don't know her sto

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