Wednesday, September 25

News News

September 24, 2023

Tom Jones Oti Kutuka Kunobhadhara Ndatotenga Mota Nezvituko

My new bby 😍 ndayisaziva kuti kutuka kunobhara soo haa regayi Ketina           Ananiah Ketty Masomera agare achiyita sedzakashota.. congratulations to myself πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

September 21, 2023

Patricia Jackie Oti Musanditsiura Ofumura Huroyi Wa Doreen Masomera Ndiye Akaremadza Mwana Wake Arimudumbu

Pana doreen masomere musanditsiura guys umm ndamboedza kuzvidzora enough is enough ..veduwee but i need to put her on her place and i will         Ndiri kuuya palive nemukadzi wasimba mandaza mai George munyatsonzwa huroyi hwadoreen ..vanhu vanomunzwira tsitsi muchashamisika nadoreen uyu..kwana pepekale         kwaMandaza pane 1 here waunotaura naye vana tete vese vaSimba wakazara kuvatuka ...wairova bronco nemadrugs wakatakura Mwana dimple boy doctor akataura kuti kudii mwana condition akakonxereswa nani ?         unotuka vanhu nezve Chirwere vakawanda iwe haumwe titaure kwaunotorera?mashoko awandiudza nezvagogo musalad uchiti vari kukumanikidza kuchengeta mwana ...i have evrything uri

September 21, 2023

Tete Masivanda Vosungiswa Na Juliet Chiutsi Iye Oti Votongerwa 3 Weeks Vachirumwa Neinda Netsikidzi

KO Tete masibanda vasungirwei Facebook iyi taiti kutandara veduwe ummm mucharoyanaVanhu wachinyanya kutenga nyaya dzisi dzawo hedee zvakaoma anyway isu zvedu tongoti heno ikoko.           Apa munodakupihwa maCos makuzvitsvagira maCriminal Records hadaa. Kumwe kupusa kunenge kungwara haha πŸ˜„ πŸ˜†.Hameno chembere dzangumhana dzinotamba pafacebook dzisingazivi pekuguma           Vaiti handitye munhu wani hanzi address ndokupai😁Vanhu ngavadzidze kuti Facebook haidi mafeelings honai manje         Paienda Bishop kuporisi paya ndozvavaifambira hr vachifemereka .moreva kufemereka kwaive kutoremerwa neshoko iroro hr rine maletter 4

September 21, 2023

Mudiwa Hood Opindura Tinashe Mutarisi Uri Clout Chaser Ndine Business Rine Ma Workers 1000 plus

Dear Mentee   After all is said and done be a doer, eo something to help others achieve their dreams.        Sa inini hangu, as a ghetto yut…I am proud to have created jobs for over 360 people and provide decent income for them and their families too, in one of my companies.   I am still looking for attachees studying hr, administration and accounts.    Follow Bisep Security and Apply here   In other my other companies we are looking for        1. an operations guy, with class 4 license, full knowledge on operating a pump meter, decanting services and supervising in operations dept.  2.

September 21, 2023

Shingi Munyeza Kudyiwa Na NATALIE Kusvika Waita Lodger Varume

Kudyiwa na NATALIE Kusvika Waita Lodger.       Taneta nevakadzi vanongoti l won't date a broke man iwe what are you bringing to the table or you can even sell the table yhoo we are tayadhi ukashanda unoona kuti zvinhu zvaurikuhurira zvaka cheaperMunyeza akaita hutsinye paaive African Sun           Kudonhedza Hotel serve kusara isina kana kobo Vanhu kutambura Company kuvhara kana one akawana mari Ngaaroje zvake😏

September 21, 2023

Talent Chiwenga Oti Chamisa Dai Arega Zvekutamba Nezita RaMwari God Is In It Kudii Hauna Plan

Talent chiwenga anongoti kasoro kanenge damba ngatisiire Neroo weduπŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›2028 acha svika agoramba futi achingo nyora ma verse. Wozoona kuti anenge muzanu lite.       Kkkkkkk Nero vhura church hako siyana nekuda kutamba nepfungwa dzedu         Tiripachirangano we still believe in miracles nyangwe zvazvo zvichiita sekuti hapana chirikufamba but we still have Faith in You Nero.

September 21, 2023

Mudiwa Hood Fans Votuka Tinashe Mutarisi Ungoriwo Clout Chaser Samaitt Unoda Kuti Upiwe Attention Wega Mudiwa Anokuremera Wakambozciitira Tinashe Mugabe

Tinashe hunhu hwake kunge anoziva too much if Tinashe Mugabe wasn't strong dai asiri paari so ..remember achimudiser neprogram yake MAZINDEBVU ARO kuda kukumbirwa iye ega ZANU ichakudzikamisa         Mutarisi is a clout chaser ngaangotengera ma cancer patients chemo therapy machines toziva imbinga isina noise,I don't see anything ne book re how to make money asatisvota mhani           Seems like Tinashe Mutarisi said a lot without actually saying a lot and he is also a successful businessman and has also created employment for a lot of people. And he is also a family man its refreshing to hear something different for a change on how other people prosper and get things done in business. Zvino vatsika magar

September 21, 2023

Madamboss Sister Fungai Oti Ketina Vamwe Mutori Vatadzi Mhondi Mahure Kukunda Maitt Don't Judge Her

Don’t judge her. Some of you, got away with murder and you pretend to be holy yet you are evil. You ill treat maids, underpay your workers, mistreat your step sons and daughters.         Some of you aborted, you go to nyanga and cast spells to people who did not do anything wrong to you. Vamwe, you destroyed some happy marriages because of selfishness. The fact that you wer not in jail doesn’t make you clean.         Ari nani mhosva dzake dzakayanikwa, ko Iwe uri bere rakapfeka dehwe rehwai. What she did is wrong, acceptance and repentance takes time. One day at a time .  The Queen of Peace ✌️!  Achava munhu mutsva! 🦍🦍🦍     Zvikiti matonyengwa mkanwa. Makuton

September 21, 2023

Samaz Oti olinda Chinhu Chakafa Kare Kare Honye Idzodzi Handingambokuroyi Wedzera Mapiritsi

Before I waste money kuenda ku N’anga kunoroya chinhu chakafa Kare Kare ndotenga ma stambo Imbwa Iwe enda unowedzerwa mapiritsi e musoro .         Tumirai ini zvangu mari yacho pane kunyeperwa na Orinda kunzi makaenda ku n'anga kunomuroya chii chinoriyeka paari uya nemasamba akazara pahuro apa anofamba achiita kudzedzereka nyama dzakaita kurembera           Lorraine Lolo a oroyawo honye idzodzo ndiani zi ashawo Haaa zvaMwari chaizvo Olinda anokuremera. Kuremerwa nechinhu chakafa kare chero ukatengesa masadza mirioni hamusvike pana Olinda         Olinda is a very sick woman. It sounds like you’re now a new obsession.Ichooooo chimhamha vamwe vachiratidza ma deeds a

September 21, 2023

David Coltart Bulawayo Mayor CCC Oramba Mota Dzavapiwa Oti Mari Yacho Ndipei Nditenge Ma Ambulance For The People Of Bulawayo For The Next 5 Years

LEADERSHIP    The new Mayor of Bulawayo David Coltart said he will not be getting a Mayoral vehicle for the next 5 years preferring to have those funds used for the development of Bulawayo instead          He said currently Bulawayo only has 6 maDhodhabin trucks (refuse collection trucks) and only 5 ambulances          This is the leadership we want! This is the kind of leadership that can take Zimbabwe out of the current mess         David Coltart was the Minister of Education during the Inclusive Government.He was at the time member of the MDC Mutambara which would later be led by Welshman Ncube   Source #Asake CITE      

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