Wednesday, September 25

News News

September 28, 2023

Baba Tensen Arikuita Kunge Ariku Advertizer Zvipembere NeShato Face Yaake Kushinga Zvese Nemoyo Fans Not Happy Ngaasiye Chamisa

Mbiri yababa ava ndeyei chaizvo kunze kwezvinzeve nekushaya mazino,neumbavha kutengesera vanhu massylum amuzasi memuti.         izvezvi chakutanga kudenha Chamisa,waona kuti vamwe vakupihwa mota nezanu wakutanga kuda kupindira pausingakwane,waiti uchapihwawo here rombe romunhu zimbavha stay clearance siya Nero,kana uchiti kumba             kuri bhoo urikuitei muSA zidhara rakashata kunge hameno,wapera wakuda kutsvaga mbiri nekutuka macitizens manje hapana anoteerera zvaunotaura zimbavhaArikuita kunge ariku Advertizer Zvipembere neShato face yake.Kushinga kwakaita face ndokushinga kwakaita moyo πŸ€”

September 28, 2023

Tikaziva kuti OPEN UNIVERSITY Inenge Danhiko Olinda Ngaasaganze Ne Degree Re Law Rinongoitwa Nemunhu Wese Ada Online

Tikaziva kuti OPEN UNIVERSITY Inenge DANHIKO Chete munobatsirika πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜­πŸ˜­ Law it’s not that easy here for you to actually practice it here unenge           wafamba zvakati ooo not izvi zveka online course kaitwa ke open university aka mbuya iyi inofunga kuti we are all madununu πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­πŸ€£           Tisingatsvinye zvedu asi ndiyani anoda lawyer rinorwara nepfungwa riri pamapiritsi epfungwa. Iwe Olinda nyaya yako yekunyepa. 20000 a day unoibatepi iwe uchishandisa credit card wakazara nezvikwereti. Penga chinyararire.

September 28, 2023

Denford Ngadziore Brave Councillor Oti Ed Ngaarege Kuforcer Vanhu MuparliamentvKupfeka Scarf

#COUNCIL - Councillor Denford Ngadziore raised an issue of wearing scarfs in council today and he was supported by Councillor Happymore Gotora.          Councillor Ngadziore said he now feel like he is at a political gathering whereas Councillor Happymore Gotora urged new Councillors to dress properly when attending Full Council and Special council meetings. A Zanu Pf Councillor Cllr Theresa Thomas said the scarf resembles the Zimbabwean Flag.           The Mayor of the City of Harare Councillor Ian Makone then banned political party colours in Council Chambers.           Evan Mawarire was banned from wearing a Zimbabwean flag by zanu pf seems like we are a comedy n

September 28, 2023

I Miss My Kids Mary Chiwenga Oti Imhuka Rudziiko Inorambidza Ndione Vana Vangu 3 Ndichiri Mupenyu Ochema Chiwenga Anehutsinye

What type of ‘animal’ denies children access to their mother? I miss my children’ Marry Mubaiwa saysVice President Constantino Chiwenga’s ex-wife Marry Mubaiwa has accused her estranged husband of lying and using political muscle to prevent her access to their children.         In yet another thinly veiled attack on social media platform X, Mubaiwa, without naming her now remarried and powerful ex, chronicled the pains of being separated from her children for half a decade now.             “l miss my children so much it hurts, abuse of authority took over the power of the legal constitution which was totally ignored by abuse of the office... no matter how much lies (s)he t

September 28, 2023

Linda Masarira Oti Vose Vanoti Ndakanyepa Ndisungisei Uyu Ane Drama

By LEAD President Linda Tsungirirai Masarira          Good evening. One of the biggest tragedies of our media is gendered disinformation. Sadly, you can't lie against video evidence. On Tuesday, 26 September 2023, Heal Zimbabwe Trust held a public debate at Jameson hotel commemorating the International Peace Day 2023.        The topic under discussion was, "Lessons and solutions post 23 August. Is Zimbabwe ready for an inclusive national dialogue?" The link to the debate is attached below.           As usual, it is easier to misinform and misquote to set certain normative leverage agendas. I have made an official complaint to Zimbabwe Media Commission and Volunta

September 27, 2023

Kana Cake Remuchato Hatina Kudya Maitt Vachipiirweiko Mari Paabiira Vanhu Taivepo Here Ipai Mhuri Ya Job Sikhala Or Street Kids People Complaining

Giving money to Mai Tt is pure madness and total stupidity. She created her own problems and lives a more comfortable life than most of her so-called fans.Achipirweiko mari??Paaivhara vanhu aifunga kut zvoenda nepi.Nxaaaa.           Mhuri yaJob Sikhala pane anomboifungawo.Ukwane iwe bvisa chipost chako ichoVeduwee kana mapedza kupawo Mai tt Mari remember hama dzedu dzri mumastreet remember vanhu vanouya kunana tete Tilder vachida rubatsiro remember hama dzinombobuda pano paFB dzichida help kumapage evanhu vakasiyanasiyana e.g             Mai princess vekufirwa nemwana vaye pavakapedzisira kuuya kwaTilda vait havachisina chekudya vari kutotambira kt vararame vana veshamwari yavo vavasingachaendi ku

September 27, 2023

Cat Family Madamboss Makavapa Mari Yemakorokoto Adzabu Maidii Kucomplainer Nekuti Ndimaitt Vakuda Kupiwa Makurwadziwa

Zvamaipa madam boss makorokoto maidii kutaura zvemastreetkuds cause now ndimaitt makutaura zvemastreetkuds kids tibvirei apa turoyi         Mai Tt havasi mari yevanhu ava πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚vane matrucks plus mashoni plus ft Tt ane comb yake yedancegrp ende ft Fifi ane shop plus vane imba iri kiubudiriro ine malodger           Wadii kunovabatsira iwe wakadii kuisa post yako nezuro zimuroyi zimwana wehureee zimwana remuroyi mai vasingarare ndosaka wakapoya parasitic rechingwa rakashandiswa nasabhuku kusviraaa mai vako ziduzvii nekuti mai tt vakubatsirwa wakuwondomoka kutaura kunge dhoodhi ramabrijo ziduzviiiπŸ˜‚             nxaaa itai mega isu tongomuda chete zve

September 27, 2023

Mukomana Nigel Mukati Opiswa Nemusikana Wake Akarara Mushure Mekunge Aati Haachada Relationship

Mface uyu akadanana nebhebhi iro since 2019. Bhebhi showed signs of being disrespectful and she would tell mface kuti uri coward nekuti aisamurova since ari munhu ari cool.           At some point bhebhi rakaita maIssues nefamily yake then mfesi akatora bhebhi akatanga kugara naro pamba peFamily yake.            As time went on mface akabaya kuUniversity and ari ikoko bhebhi started cheating and being even more disrespectful. Mface paakazoona kuti this is too much akaudza bhebhi kuti lets end it and ubva wabva pamba pedu. Ndipo pakatanga ma1.           Bhebhi rakabva ramudira mvura inopisa right in front of his family. To make matters worse, the lady was nvr

September 27, 2023

Saviour Kasukuwere Obowa Murume Mukuru Ndarwadziwa Mazowe Farm Rangu Purazi Robvira Moto Zvese Kuparara

massive fire has reportedly engulfed Saviour Kasukuwere’s citrus plantation at Concorpia Farm, located in Mazowe. The fire, which has caused extensive damage, comes amidst ongoing legal efforts to remove an invader from the property.         Despite a High Court order, the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has reportedly refused to enforce the eviction, raising questions about the enforcement of the country’s laws.       According to Kasukuwere, the motive behind this arson attack is yet to be ascertained. Taking to X Kasukuwere wrote:       “It never rains but pours: A huge fire has destroyed my prime citrus plant at Concorpia Farm, Mazowe. Against all legal efforts to remove the invade

September 27, 2023

Shugeta Onyora Message Kuna X Wake Anna Honde Achimutsiura Mushure Mekunge Afumura Kuti Vachiri KutUra 2hrs Pacall

Shugeta onyora message kuna Ex wake Anna Honde achimutsiura zvine kakusvotesa like … Hanzi siyana neni please and move on .. Kune varikuti Anna ndiye ega Ex here , check comment yangu mu comment section kwazvakatangira.         Anna confirms achiri kuita ma long calls na Ex wake Shugi hanzi ndiye arikutofona

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