Sunday, September 22

News News

April 06, 2024

Nyaya Yakora Muto Iyi Regina Opindura Baba Rokadhiya Ovafumura Zvese Nezvemubhurugwa Komashamwari Munoudzana Zvese Why Mai Rokadhiya Why Zvinzwirewo Mashura

Varume nevakadzi vasina kukwana vanoonekwa nekutuka Regina bcs uyu shamwari yamai Roka saka chokwadi chose anacho, even ini murume kungoshungurudza mwana wangu ndoudza sahwira wangu haisi mhosva, uye baba Roka ava ndivo vakatanga nyaya dzavo ngavapedze voga, dai mukadzi wemunhu wavakamitisa ari wenyu varume imi mainzwawo seyi             Bottom line is Siya vanhu vapedzerane iwewe ukaona vadzokerana uchaita sei. Nemiwo vakadzi zivai vanhu vamunoudza maProblems emumba menyu plus dzidzai kugara pasi motaurirana mega pasina frnd or Tete or anyone wanaudza. Both parties are wrng apa.                   Ungafumure murume wako kudaro kushamwari. Regina Siyana nemba yevanhu

April 06, 2024

Mashura Vanhu 4 Vafa Mushure Mebuilding NuHarare CBD Yadhirika

Haaa yaaa zvima building zvenguva ya Rhodes izvi,,,saka tasiyanei nevari ku Ukraine kana ku Gaza varikurohwa nema missile vakarara mumba         A lot of structures in Harare have outlived their lifespan and are now a danger. We need to demolish and rebuild     Safety measures especially fire, occupancy worthiness of old buildings need to be revised because most buildings have ran their lifespan Sometimes we have to thank God for what didn't happened. Working up daily is a miracle which is underrated. Tatenda tiri kufema.     No Ambulance..Rescue Team.. Fire brigade..evenly police....Zbc  tell your bosses kuty vandipewo huserious..   Ngava renovate mabuildings avo vanhu ava. Busy enj

April 06, 2024

Mashura Vanhu 4 Vafa Mushure Mebuilding MuHarare CBD Yadhirika

Haaa yaaa zvima building zvenguva ya Rhodes izvi,,,saka tasiyanei nevari ku Ukraine kana ku Gaza varikurohwa nema missile vakarara mumba           A lot of structures in Harare have outlived their lifespan and are now a danger. We need to demolish and rebuild     Safety measures especially fire, occupancy worthiness of old buildings need to be revised because most buildings have ran their lifespan Sometimes we have to thank God for what didn't happened. Working up daily is a miracle which is underrated. Tatenda tiri kufema.     No Ambulance..Rescue Team.. Fire brigade..evenly police....Zbc  tell your bosses kuty vandipewo huserious..   Ngava renovate mabuildings avo vanhu ava

April 05, 2024

Aaah Aah Pashata Chirema Chinorema Greatman Oudza Wicknel Chivhayo Mashoko Uyu Handidi Kana Mari Yake Ngaigara Otaura Zvakawanda Zvinzwirewo

I know people u will be shocked but he,himself will not be shocked I can’t take gifts from him uye I can’t do business with him on personal level,I don’t mind muchazvitora nedivi ripi but I can’t and he knows I can’t                   Mmmm mukaona ataura kudai let's respect his decision but I think pane zvikuru mukoma Bruno reururai.Hi GMVarikuti Gamuchira ngavapuwe ivo aah,u got every right to say NO kuzvisina musoro zvako iwe

April 04, 2024

Dorcas Moyo Weku Sakubva Oudza Vanhu Musi Wauchaita Mari Uchatoonawo Wave Kupiwa Respect Otaura Nyaya Yake Pakaipa

Shamwari iwe musi wauchaita mari ndopauchaona kuti kune mamwe ma family groups awanga usimo..... Unozongoona wanzi added mu Rich Cousins created 2003.             Ku church unotanga kunzi huyai mugare ku front row will be ushered hako🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Pama functions unenge wakukumbirwa kuti upe speech....           -Zviya zvekumanikidzira zvauri kuita kushaya mari....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣   Hohodooo....muswere mushe...Zvimwe zviii futi zvandasiya???               ...kkkkkUnoudzwa nhamo nenguva, unotanga kuremek

April 04, 2024

Hezvo Komunhu Wa Mwari ZCC Mutendi Anoshungurudza Vanhu Zvakadai Zvobuda Zvese Mushure Mekunge Atenga Helicopter Iyoo Church Yojamuka Vanhu Havasi Kufara Imikaa Asiyabei Na Madzibaba Ishmael

Vanhu vezcc vakapusa maachievements abishop achiba marii vanomafarira seavi Mutendi akaoma zvake, vanhu vese vakavaka college yemu belvedere hapana apiwa kana cent, vachinzi ndezvechurch, but vana vavo kana vasina Mari havadiwi ipapo, iyezvino mave kuchikopkopo, zvimwe zvacho svinurai vanhu, ndechipi chipirofita ipapa, maitoudzwa kuti yamave kumupa inokwana ndege bedzi               Helicopter yeyi's so funny what other churches see as an achievement madii henyu kuita church planting or giving to charityBut zvirikubatsirei an ordinary person arimuchurch iyo? Chikopokopo hachina kuipa as long it contributes to an ordinary person in that church.             It saves n

April 04, 2024

Haa Chihure Chakadai Chakaipa Kulambatswa Ne Zimbabwe Yese Uyu Anonzi Hillary Orohwa Nemukadzi Wa Andrew Chikomba Chake Chakamborohwa Na Mike Chimombe Na Java Paya Mushure Maizvozvo Ndokutorerwa Mota Nyaya Yachoo Yakaoma Hurai Mufee

FIRST WIFE HAITUKWE HIRARY MWANANGU.   CHIONA NOW , WATORETWA MOTA NA ANDREW🤣🤣🤣   ORDER MWANANGU HURA IN PEACE 🤣🤣🤣   #HOMWE_iHOMWE👏👏👏Hillary BIOGRAPHY  1) Akatanga kuhura ane 11 years 2) Ndokuita mukurumbira nguva ya the Late Dr R G Mugabe because aidanana na Robert Jnr (Tino) mwana wa former president VAMUGABE   Ndokurambirwa chihure   3) Ndokubva atanga kudanana na Dr Fidza Chiyangwa ( vedumbu rinozvezveredza pasi avo ) Bla Fidza         Ndokurambirwa beche rizere mvura Abva amboritaya chihure for a short while    4) Ndokuita modelling and abva aitwa FACE OF KARIBA    Mweya wehurombe wekumusha kwake ndokusimuka abva atuka masope a

April 03, 2024

Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa Zuva Rekufa Kwa Wicknel Chivhayo Rotarwa Namadzimai Varikutaura Mafiro Aachaira Zvakutyisa Izvi Zvinzwirewo

Hanzi nemudzimayi uyu ndokumvirawo shoko risvike kuna madzibaba.                     Vamwe vakwudzwa hope nemurwere wepfungwa vakamushora kwayi anorwara uyu 😭😭singing in alick macheso voiceKkkk ndiMwari rudziiko anomirira utange wavata kuti agozotaura newe. Haaa kugutisa uko. I hope dzevanhu vabaiwa nekufamba neshoka idzo vakudawo mota

April 03, 2024

Lorraine Atlang Siako Limpopo Bus Surviver Recovering Well In Hospital

Limpopo  Bus Surviver Recovering Well In Hospital:  Lorraine Atlang Siako, the eight-year-old girl, only survivor of the horrific bus crash that took place in Limpopo and left 45 dead is recovering well in hospital.The Limpopo health MEC says the young girl is in good hands at an undisclosed hospital.   The bus they were travelling in plunged at Mamatlakala bridge and caught fire between Marken and Mokopane on R518 in the Waterberg District, Limpopo on Thursday morning.Lorraine Atlang Siako, is standard 4 student at Bonewamang Primary in Botswana.     She is a first born child and the trip to Moria was her first according to SABC news reports.#mapulanengnews

April 03, 2024

Mhondi Peter Dube Wekuuraya Vanhu 3 Mukadzi Wake Nechikomba Obatwa Pa Harare Airport Ne CID Mutorashanga Avekutotiza Otaura Nyaya Yake

Fugutive and murder suspect Peter Dube has been arrested at the Robert Mugabe International Airport after he was deported from Mozambique after evading police for close to two years.       Dube had been deported to Mozambique by Irish officials after he claimed that he was a Mozambican using identity and travel documents with the false name Armando Quenete Muchanga.Dube faces murder charges after fatally shooting his second wife, her suspected lover, and a female friend in Gweru in 2021 before he fled to Ireland where he claimed asylum. He was eventually arrested by Interpol.     He is facing charges of murder, attempted murder, and violating immigration laws. “Peter Dube has not been extradited but has been deported from Mozambique

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