Saturday, September 21

News News

June 06, 2024

Zvinotyisa Zvinoshamisa Mushandi Wa Moreboys Great Hope Akange Ave Kuba Zvitunha

Hide my Id Ana... Pane musikana anonzi Trish. Aive( PA )waMoreboys ndiye arikumuposta kumafirakureva , Because akadzingwa basa , paakadzingwa anga avekuba mabody eGreathope vanhu ddnt know kuti Trish haachashande ku great hope so vanhu vaimufonera kuti             tafirwa tirikwakati iye ohire mota onamira sticker rakanzi great hope, apa aiendesa zvitunha ne 15 k great hope inoendesa ne 20 k zvichikwira , paaifambira mapaper aibva anyora kuti chitunha chiri under Great hope , so Moreboys akazozvibata ndosaka akazomuposta kuGreat hope page achiti             Trish haachashandi kugreat hope Chenjerai kubirwa ndonyaya yacho , saka kuposta kwaarikuita arikurwadziwa 😂😂😂😂Apa Trish ay

June 06, 2024

Mazimba Haasi Kufara Namai General Chiwenga Itaiwo Vana Va Chipo Greatman Ma Ambassador

Mukadzi wa General aita Dzabu brand ambassador Minnie Baloyi thank you.. Congratulations Dzabu .Munapota muchipawo vamwe mukana vasingazikanwe kuti vamirire Zimbabwe                 ine vana vakawanda 👌👌Minnie Baloyi muise mwana waChipo .Chipo anorarama nehurema ..mwana wake akaitawo brand ambassador anokwanisawo Kuwana Mari yekubhadhara fees..Yekutenga food even makamupa 200 USA Chipo anotofara 😢😢Ende hembe dzenyu dzotengwa cos Vanhu vanenge vachi supporter Chipo

June 05, 2024

Hazvina Kumira Mushe Inzara Here Masoja 5 Voba Chikafu

The Supreme Court has reinstated five members of the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) who had been fired from work for allegedly stealing food rations.   Supreme Court has reinstated five members of the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) who had been fired from work for allegedly stealing food rations.           Supreme Court Justices Samuel Kudya, Joseph Musakwa and Susan Mavangira reinstated the five without loss of salaries, reported NewsDay. The officers were dismissed despite being acquitted by the Court Martial.             The High Court had ordered the ZNA to reinstate Collen Chiba, Charles Mhuri, Bothwell Gorekore, Democracy Murambaroro, and Gibson Madzinga, a ruling which th

June 04, 2024

Linda Masarira Oregerera Murume, Achipa Mhosva Yese Kumwanasikana Wake Ndiye Ainyenga Murume Wangu

Linda Masarira Oregerera Murume, Achipa Mhosva Yese Kumwanasikana WakeBy A Correspondent| Controversial politician Linda Masarira has reconciled and exonerated her husband Bongani, instead blaming her daughter. Masarira accused her daughter of seducing Bongani who failed to control himself resulting in the two getting intimate.resulting in her sustaining a red eye following an altercation with her husband.           Posting on X, a user by the name African Delinquent expressed disgust that Masarira had reconciled with someone who went intimate with her daughter. African Delinquent posted chats she had with Masarira who told her that she had ironed out issues with Bongani. How are you? We spoke about things and ironed out certain issues,&r

June 04, 2024

Breaking News Somizi Ane Vana Matwims Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa

7 months old pregnant Somizi revealed the father of his unborn twins aftr Moshe Ndiki acquired twins also. See>PICS: Somizi Sparks Conversations with Pregnancy Announcement               Following Moshe Ndiki’s Twin RevealSouth African media personality Somizi Mhlongo has taken the internet by storm with a surprising revelation: he is expecting a baby. This announcement comes shortly after fellow entertainer Moshe Ndiki proudly introduced his beautiful twins to the world. Related Articles

June 04, 2024

Tafadzwa Chidawa Opindura Ketina Siyana Nemhuri Yangu Wakutambira Kunonyudza Ini Ndiripabasa

Imi so called Bitterness family.. iyi yenyu yamakuita yekutuka Tafadzwa Chidawa ndozvino ratidza makumawere makuno pera pa social media manje cause the whole Zim social media can see you are insulting an innocent man aingo zviitira           basa rake according to his business as a private detective and the services paid for na Mura izvo zve bitterness dzenyu na Mai Tt hanei nazvo you’ve never given him a single penny or paid his bills not even 1 day saka maida Tafadzwa           Chidawa ariku Zimbabwe arambe $1000 US dollars yeku chengeta vana ne family yake just because kune team rine bitterness na Mura like really.. you STOP it you are slowly becoming ma saskam pa social media while everyone is w

June 04, 2024

Vasikana 2 Vouraiwa Mushure Mekunge Vasheedzwa Nembinga For Ma Chills Vakachekwa Chekwa Nhengo Dzemuviri

Heart-wrenching revelations have emerged in the tragic case of Abigail Afiba Tandoh, a young Ghanaian girl, and her Nigerian friend Celine Chidinma Ndudim, who had gone missing under suspicious circumstances while they traveled to Nigeria to attend a friend’s wedding. The wedding was later called off, leaving the two friends to embark on a trip to Aba where they never returned. The somber latest information indicates that both girls have been found dead, indicating a horrific and sinister turn of events.             The distressing incident unfolded when a chilling video surfaced, revealing lifeless bodies within the premises of the alleged suspect, Andrew Amichi in Aba, Abia State. Shockingly, one of the girls’ body was

June 04, 2024

Mukadzi N

Tsek muroi uchararama kusvika kupiko,Hooo saka kana munhu akatuka mutongo wake rufu nhai...Imi makatadza kanganiMangwana zviri kwenyu dnt worryTizayi Madanhi Nhai imagine ngatisatambei nekutora hupenyu hwemumwe munhu.        

June 03, 2024

Tapiwa Form 4 Anodzidza Pa St Peter’s Mbare Ofa Achitamba Bhora Sad

FORM 4 pupil died while playing a church’s social soccer match in Mbare last week. Tapiwa Benedict Saopa collapsed and died on the spot during the second half of the match. Scores of churchmates were watching the match. He was a Form Four student at St Peter’s Secondary in Mbare. Tapiwa’s sister, Wadzanai, described him as a talented athlete and said it’s a great loss to the family.             He was buried at Zororo Memorial Park. “It is a great loss to the family. He never said he was sick. It was on Sunday and we usually go for church as a family. “So, they went to church and came back.  “Tapiwa later went to the play soccer kuchurch and he played the first half well.

June 03, 2024

Boyfriend Yaamai Yovhinya Mwana Ane 8months Nekumanyowa Nekuchiweti Zvese Mwana Aga Achirwadziwa Uyuuu Nyika Yashata

Uyu murume uyu anonzi Cody Johnson akabata chibharo mwana musikana we girlfriend yake waanga asiirwa ane 18 months akafa.Mwana akawanikwa akakuvadzwa achibleeder kumberi (vagina) zvese nekumashure (anus) akamuraper nekwese akakuvadza mwana zvakaipisisa mwana akapinda mucomma haana kuzomuka.Akapihwa 3 life sentences.             Mwana akafa arimu pain yakaoma uyu 😩😭if you’ve ever changed diaper remwana ane nappy rash, the way that child will be wincing in pain, now to think of this😭😭😭Mai vanga vaenda kubasa vakasiira chikomba mwanaNdaona nyaya isiri yemuzim yandibata,boyfriend yamai yakareper mwana ane 8 months kusvika afa.

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