Saturday, September 28

News News

March 19, 2021

WIN big with the 1202 Kunatira challenge, prices to be won Number 1 brand new Honda Fit Number 2 iPhone 11 Pro Max & Number 3 $500USD in cash.

          Follow Page @twelve02herbalsolutions THE COMPETITION IS ENDING 12 MAY 2021 MIDNIGHT 1. Buy the Vhumo herb at any 1202 outlet/agents. Facebook profile, then tag, like & follow the 1202 Herbal Solutions Page. Only active followers of the page will be considered. e followers of the page will be considered. 3. Show sealed product (1 herb per individual, no sharing) 4. Proceed to natira (steaming) in whatever way. 5. Use background music from either the 1202 riddim or 1202 Freeman jingle & 6. Post the video on your personal Facebook profile, then tag, like & follow the 1202 Herbal Solutions Page. Only active followers of the page will be considered. 6. Post the video on your personal facebook profile,

March 18, 2021

Grade 3 boy fails to walk after being kidnapped and sodomised for 3 hours

 Grade 3 boy fails to walk after being kidnapped and sod0mised for 3 hours. According to a family insider the 9-year-old boy was playing with his friends near his home in the Nketa suburb two Sundays ago when a stranger approached him and promised to buy him some sweets. Police in Bulawayo are looking for an unknown man who kidnapped and sod0mised a grade three pupil. The source said, the unsuspecting minor fell for the trap and followed the stranger. After walking a few metres, the man reportedly grabbed the child and closed his mouth with his hand. The stranger threatened to kill the minor if he screamed for help and took him to his house. “He undressed him and sod0mised him four times without protection and released the toddler after three hours,” said the privy sour

March 18, 2021

Tanzania set to get Suluhu as its 1st Female President

John Magufuli’s death update: Tanzania set to get Suluhu as its 1st Female President. The Tanzania Constitution stipulates that where the office of President becomes vacant by reason of death, the Vice-President shall be sworn in and become the President for the unexpired period of the term of five years. Tanzania is set to have Samia Hassan Suluhu as its first female president following the death of President John Magufuli on Wednesday in Dar es Salam. This means Samia Hassan Suluhu, who became the first female vice-president when Magufuli was elected in 2015 is now set to be sworn in as Tanzania president. Suluhu will, in consultation with her political party, Chama Cha Mapinduzi, propose the name of the person who shall be Vice-President. Such appointment shall be conf

March 18, 2021

Satanism at Chipinge school as students sees snakes, school forced to shut down

 Satanism at Chipinge school as students sees snakes, school forced to shut down. Chimana School Development Committee (SDC) chairperson, Tafara Sithole confirmed the indefinite closure of the school to Chipinge Times and said pupils and teachers have been seeing snakes in the classrooms and they would collapse and experience blackouts. Chimana, a secondary school under Chief Mapungwana in Chipinge was closed on Monday after incidences of Satanism continued to rock the school. When the school closed on Monday it was because children saw snakes in one of the classrooms, said Sithole. Chimani has more than 300 pupils. A female teacher died at the school in May last year due to suspected Satanism. The frightening situation saw three school inspectors from the District Education office

March 17, 2021

12 year old boys Chidhumo & Masendeke Arrested for stealing  copper,  they have been going around cutting cables  see more details

"I have caught copper thieves who have been going around cutting cables. We caught the young boys outside my yard (167 kilwinning) disembarking from the pole. After chasing we caught 1 who claims to be 12 yrs old with a satchel full of cables. Currently I am going to Epworth with the cops to establish the buyer so we can hopefully put an end to this. Telone loss control have been notified." See pictures below 

March 17, 2021

Hopewell Chin'ono claims that the newly appointed Ambassador Prophet Uerbet Angel is on the US Department of Justice List of 9612 People who bought fake degrees

Prophet Uerbet Angel amongst the 9612 list of names of the US Justice Department who bought fake degrees Award winning Journalist in Zimbabwe Hopewell Chin’ono has revealed that the new appointed Ambassador Uerbet Angel is on the list of 9612 people who bought fake degrees in the United States of America. He says his name is on the list held by the US department of justice.   See list below 

March 17, 2021

Meet  pfambi rume  a man who has lula lula with women for a living" I’m a busy man, I charge R350 per round "

Meet the talented man who has s.e.x with women for a living: I’m a busy man, I charge R350 per round. Many started their own businesses, and one of these people is a young man from the Eastern Cape. Many people lost their jobs due to Covid-19. But he started a business unlike any other, which many women love. This is because he’s a male magosha! The 34-year-old from Mthatha,Eastern Cape, started his business after he lost his job as a marketing officer in October. “I looked at all the businesses I could do, but realised most were already operational in our area. I needed something unique,” he said. He said the idea to become a male magosha came to him out of nowhere. “I realised I could actually make a lot of money. It doesn’t require me to work ha

March 17, 2021

Alick Macheso clears the air, he has no plans to join politics

Alick Macheso clears the air, he has no plans to join politics. Speaking to The Herald through his manager Tich Makahamadze, the Sungura maestro said he has no aspirations to be a politician in future. Alick Macheso has denied reports circulating on social media claiming he was planning to plunge into politics with intentions to contest Gutu West seat in the 2023 general elections. He said: It’s news. Alick Macheso is a whole entertainer with no intentions to join politics in future. I thought that statement was meant for April’s Fools Day. This comes after some people circulated rumours on social media platforms that Macheso was mobilising support on the ground and was spending time with villagers at Chipisa farm in Chivhu. But Makahamadze said Macheso was spending mo

March 17, 2021

Viral video of Prison Warder having Lula lula  with an inmate

Viral video of Prison Warder having s.e.x with an inmate. The department of correctional services has launched an investigation following a video of a prison official having s.e.x with an inmate at the Ncome Correctional Centre in KwaZulu-Natal. In videos that have been circulating on social media, the official, in her uniform, can be seen allegedly engaging in s.e.xual activities with the inmate, while a spectator takes a video. The video has now made its way to the public domain, landing the official in hot water. “A video with flustering scenes of alleged s.e.xual activity between an official and an inmate at the Ncome Correctional Centre, KZN, has left the Department of Correctional Services (DCS) appalled, embarrassed, and gutted.

March 17, 2021

Important announcement by Nick Mangwana

These Covid-19 times have been tough on businesses. Restaurants that depended primarily on sit in customers had to quickly formulate plans to deliver food you handle just take outs. Some were completely closed during the lockdown period. Good news for restaurant owners has been shared by Nick Mangwana, a Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, on his twitter page. The announcement read “Restaurants are now allowed to open for sit-ins at 50% sitting capacity, under strict adherence to COVID19 Guidelines. Those found breaking the restrictions will be closed immediately.” While the general majority were ecstatic that this means the ‘normal life’ they’ve missed is slowly returning, others joked in dialect s

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