Saturday, September 28

News News

March 22, 2021

Shumba Murambwi ,Varidzi vesango ,President ED Mnangagwa getting his vaccine on Wednesday

President of Zimbabwe President ED Mnangagwa will be getting his first Covid 19 vaccine on Wednesday 

March 22, 2021

Mwana  ouraya  Amai over missing phone memory card

Chaos as student murders mom over a missing phone memory card. The student identified as Emmanuel accused his 52-year-old mother of stealing his phone. A High School student has been arrested for allegedly murdering his biological mother over his missing phone andmemory card. According to reports, Emmanuel confronted his mother over his missing phone and memory card and got angry when he didn’t receive any positive reply. Emmanuel who was very furious, hit his mother with a pestle on her head repeatedly until she fell unconscious. In an attempt to burn her, the 17-year-old High School student set his mother in flames. The barbaric act was said to have taken place on Monday, 15th March 2021. According to the Police, Emmanuel was brought to the police station by his father, Isaac

March 22, 2021

"Vasungwa" Inmates can now attend funerals and weddings

 Inmates can now attend funerals and weddings. Only a few conversant with the Prisons Act have over the years, successfully applied for temporary release. Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services (ZPCS), spelt out the law while responding to an outcry that suspected land baron Felix Munyaradzi had attended a funeral during his incarceration last year. Prisoners can be temporarily released to attend funerals, weddings and other important family functions, under escort of prison officers, provided they apply and the Minister of Justice,Legal and Parliamentary Affairs reckons they are a safe risk, prison authorities have said. A relative, Mr Collen Mavhundutse, had deposed an affidavit insinuating the temporary release of Munyaradzi was scandalous. However, ZPCS spokesperson princip

March 20, 2021

Mugabe's daughter Bona and hubby Simba Chikore struggling to complete vast Harare Mansion

 Report: Mugabe’s daughter Bona and hubby Simba Chikore struggling to complete vast Harare Mansion. A well-placed source from the Mugabe family reportedly told the publication that the mansion sits on 22 hectares of land is expected to gobble US$20 million for it to be completed: Former President Robert Mugabe’s daughterBona and Simba Chikoreher husband are reportedly struggling to complete the mansion they were building in Harare’s Umwinsidale Suburb, The NewsHawks exclusively revealed. At the moment the total cost of the house is expected to be at least US$20 million. This is because the owners of the property are now struggling to finish the house, which at the beginning was supposed to cost US$39 million. President Mugabe was reportedly financing the pr

March 20, 2021

Drama and chaos as 77-year-old woman dies, rises thrice before actual death

 Drama and chaos as 77-year-old woman dies and rises thrice before actual death. Visualise the superstition, terror and chaos. This has been a true-life experience for Sinotsi villagers in Bulilima’s Ward 8 in Matabeleland South. Imagine being at a funeral wake and the corpsesuddenly comes back to life. Villagers have seen Ms Thembeni Moyo (77) “resurrecting” not once, not twice but three times in two days. Moyo, died her final death on March 9 and was buried last Friday. The family went against rural convention, under which the body is buried within two days. They kept a vigil for five days to ensure Moyo was really dead. Some medical studies suggest Moyo could have been suffering from the Lazarus syndrome, deriving from a biblical scenario where Lazarus w

March 19, 2021

Man beats Form 4 daughter to death after discovering that she was pregnant

Man beats Form 4 daughter to death after discovering that she was pregnant. A court has since sentenced him to 10 years in jail. Anderson Munkuli (47) of Lubu 4 in Chief Binga’s area went berserk when he discovered that his Form Four daughter Respect (17) was six months preg_nant and wanted to get married to the person responsible for the pregnancy. Discipline gone wrong? A Binga man was so angry when he discovered his teenage daughter was pregnant that he kicked her in the stomach leading to her death. On April 24 last year, Munkuli summoned the man – who was not named in court – and he offered to marry the girl but Munkuli was opposed to the marriage, saying his daughter was still young and in school. A seething Munkuli armed himself with three spears and summoned hi

March 19, 2021

Collins Mnangagwa today visited house of cheneso See pictures

Zanu PF’s Youth League seems to have gotten the formula right this time with their new House of Cheneso shop. If it was not located at the party`s headquarters, it would have passed for any other fashion shop in the country. The designs they unveiled are in sync with what fashion conscious Zimbabweans are wearing. Explaining the concept underpinning the store, the revolutionary party’s Acting Deputy Secretary for Youth Affairs Tendai Chirau said besides being a place where members of his party can get original regalia, this is one of the ways the Youth League will be contributing to the party`s financial standing.  

March 19, 2021

Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development Minister Professor Amon Murwira speaks "Universities to resume face to face learning "

 Universities to resume face-to-face learning. Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development Minister Professor Amon Murwira said universities have the green light to start lessons physically as long as they do four basic things to prevent the spread of the virus. Universities are set to resume face-to-face learning and examinations from next week in a phased approach, adhering to Covid-19 prevention regulations. He said the institutions should ensure that there is social distancing, sanitising, wearing face of masks and regular temperature checks. ‘‘Universities are to open for face-to-face learning under World Health Organisation (Who) guidelines and should open in a phased approach for social distancing purposes. We are not going to compr

March 19, 2021

Switch of bank accounts to Zim dollars valid

Supreme Court: Switch of bank accounts to Zim dollars valid. The High Court in May last year declared unconstitutional, a Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) exchange control directive converting sums in accounts originally designated in US dollars into Zimbabwe dollar-denominated accounts if the money in the accounts originated locally. Sums in accounts denominated in US dollars were legally converted to sums denominated in Zimbabwe dollars in terms of a Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe directive when the local currency was reintroduced, the Supreme Court has ruled, overturning a High Court decision last year that threatened a major financial crisis. The Supreme Court allowed the appeals by CABS, RBZ and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development challenging the lower court’s decisio

March 19, 2021

WIN big with the 1202 Kunatira challenge, prices to be won Number 1 brand new Honda Fit Number 2 iPhone 11 Pro Max & Number 3 $500USD in cash.

          Follow Page @twelve02herbalsolutions THE COMPETITION IS ENDING 12 MAY 2021 MIDNIGHT 1. Buy the Vhumo herb at any 1202 outlet/agents. Facebook profile, then tag, like & follow the 1202 Herbal Solutions Page. Only active followers of the page will be considered. e followers of the page will be considered. 3. Show sealed product (1 herb per individual, no sharing) 4. Proceed to natira (steaming) in whatever way. 5. Use background music from either the 1202 riddim or 1202 Freeman jingle & 6. Post the video on your personal Facebook profile, then tag, like & follow the 1202 Herbal Solutions Page. Only active followers of the page will be considered. 6. Post the video on your personal facebook profile,

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