Saturday, September 28

News News

May 25, 2021

Mhuri YaVaMugabe Yoramba Kuti Vafukunurwe

Mutauriri webaro reNational Patriotic Front vari pedyo nemhuri yaVaMugabe vati  zviri kuitwa kushungurudza madzimai sezvo paita varume vaunga kuda kushungurudza shirikadzi Amai Mugabe. Vachizivisa nezvemutongo wakapihwa naMambo Zvimba mushure medare rakagarwa svondo rapera pasina hama dzaVaMugabe,  chikonzi chamambo, Stanley Mhondoro, chazivisa kuti pamusoro pekufukunyurwa nekuvigwa zvakare kwemutumbi waVaMugabe, mudzimai wavo, Amai Grace Mugabe vakanzi varipe mombe shanu nembudzi mbiri sezvo vakaita zvisiri pamutemo nekuviga VaMugabe pamba pavo kwaZvimba. Amai Mugabe havana kuenda kudare kwaMambo Zvimba kwavainge vashevedzwa svondo rapera nemusiwa 20 Chivabvu sezvo vari kunyika yeSingapore uko vari kunzi nemuzukuru wavo vaPatrick Zhuwao vari kurapwa. Amai Mugabe vainge vadanwa

May 17, 2021

ZRP Commissioner-General's fake daughter involved in a fraud scandal

 ZRP Commissioner-General’s fake daughter involved in a fraud scandal. The fake Matanga’s daughter, Evelyn Matanga (29) is accused of defrauding one Hilda Ndoro of US$2 395 in a residential stand deal. On Friday, the accused appeared before Harare magistrate Dennis Mangosi who denied her bail. A Harare woman has appeared before the courts after masquerading as Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Commissioner-General Godwin Matanga’s daughter and a lawyer to defraud an unsuspecting victim. The State told the court that sometime in October last year, Ndoro was introduced to Matanga by her daughter who insinuated that Matanga was a legal practitioner who could help her through processes of purchasing a residential stand in Harare’s Damofalls. Prosecutors also all

May 16, 2021

Rusape Cop Strikes Complainant With Machete Inside Station

A RUSAPE-based police officer allegedly turned the Nyazura Police Station’s charge office into a war room as he attacked a complainant with a machete in a bid to stop him off from filing an assault complaint against him. Constable Greenmore Rwambiwa (35) of ZRP Rusape Central has since been arrested and arraigned before the courts. He is facing attempted murder charges. When he appeared before Rusape magistrate, Ms Rufaro Mangwiro last Wednesday, he was not asked to plead and was remanded in custody to May 19. Prosecuting, Mrs Orripah Sagandira said as Tafadzwa Dzemunye was inside the charge office filing assault charges against Rwambiwa, the latter attacked Dzemunye some more. “On May 1 while at Mega Market Complex in Nyazura, Rwambiwa followed the complainant who

May 16, 2021

Marange Man Dumps Wife For Refusing To Sell One Of Their Triplets

A thirty-year-old woman from Marange has opened up on how she was dumped by her husband for refusing to sell one of their triplets while in South Africa last year. Her ordeal has however not gone unnoticed after the Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Senator Monica Mutsvangwa and the Zanu PF Women’s League availed assistance to her. In August last year, Olinda Maposa from Muchabaiwa village in Marange was blessed with triplets, but her husband was not pleased. Unlike other families that celebrate the birth of children, more so triplets, the script was different for the 30-year-old Maposa, who was divorced for refusing to sell one of the babies. “I gave birth to my three children that are Rukudzo, Rujeko and Runako, but my husband, Obey Muchek

May 16, 2021

Susan Mutami defends journalists arrested over Temba Mliswa story

Susan Mutami defends journalists arrested over Temba Mliswa story. Susan Mutami, a socialite and Norton MP Temba Mliswa’s former lover has come out guns blazing in defence of a local publication, Zim Morning Post following the arrest of its journalists over a story that had something to do with the estranged lovers. Zim Morning Post editors, Elias Mamboand Farayi Machamira were arrested on criminal insult charges in an article concerning Mliswa and Mutami, pressed by Mliswa. Mutami who gave the journalists information used in the story said she was certain of every word she told them and had evidence of the details in the article. Mutami tweeted: Dear Zimbabweans, I am prepared to testify in court that whatever Zim Morning Post wrote in its article was 100% authentic as it came

May 09, 2021

"I had no intention of disrespecting the Highest office of our beloved revolutionary" President Mike Chimombe speaks about the dressing issue  Apologising President and the cabinet

Reference is made to a tweet by Cde Nick Mangwana about my dressing when we visited H.E President Emmerson Mnangagwa yesterday. On behalf of the AAG and in my individual capacity I wish to sincerely apologize to the office of the President and Cabinet , Zanu PF and all fellow Zimbabweans for my dressing. It's unfortunate the meeting was given a green light unexpectedly and I could not get time to rush home and change into formal wear. As it was a weekend I was dressed in casual and did not expect to be lucky enough to interact with the first Citizen. I agree with Cde Mangwana my dressing was inappropriate and i promise that oversight will be corrected in future. I had no intention whatsoever of disrespecting the HIGHEST office of our beloved revolutionary FATHER and LEADER PAR EX

May 09, 2021

Man Fathers 151 Kids With 16 Wives, Says He’s Not Done Yet

A man from Mbire District, Mashonaland Central Province, has fathered 151 children with 16 wives and he is still going strong. Misheck Nyandoro, who married his first wife in 1983, told The Herald that polygamy is a project and he will not stop marrying and fathering children until he dies. He said: I am planning on taking in my 17th wife this winter and the formalities are already being worked on. I will tell you when she comes in. Nyandoro has 50 children who are still in school in Mbire, Harare, Mutare and Guruve and little everywhere else, six are employed by the Zimbabwe National Army, two by police and 11 others are employed in different professions. He has married off 13 daughters. Two wives are pregnant. At least 23 of his sons are married, one of which is distantly follow

May 08, 2021

Hubby assaults wife for not singing at funeral

 Hubby assaults his wife for not singing at a funeral. Lucas Mhlanga (39) of Mzilikazi suburb pleaded guilty to assault charges when he appeared before Bulawayo Magistrate Mrs Nomagugu Maphosa on Monday. A man from Mzilikazi suburb has been fined $5 000 for assaulting his wife for not singing at a funeral. Appearing for the State, Mr Owen Mugarisaid Mhlanga, a barber and his wife Ms Sikhulekile Moyo (40) were coming from a funeral in the same suburb on Sunday evening when he asked her why she was not singing at the funeral. Mhlanga then assaulted his wife as punishment for not singing. It was not stated who had died. Ms Moyo who did not suffer any injuries reported the matter to the police resulting in Mhlanga’s arrest. The woman brought an affidavit to court intending to

May 08, 2021

Presidential Advisor Chris Mutsvangwa has been involved in a horrific car accident

BREAKING: Chris Mutsvangwa In Car Accident | Presidential Advisor Chris Mutsvangwa has been involved in a horrific car accident in Airport road. Ambassador Mutsvangwa who was quickly whisked away by an AirForce vehicle, confirmed the development with early Saturday morning. The accident happened at intersection of Airport Road and St Patrick’s. The man’s Discovery vehicle was severely damaged at the front in what could easily have been a fatal accident. Explaining the development, ambassador Mutsvangwa told Zimbaeye someone who went through a red robot smashed into his car. “He miscalculated but nobody got hurt for sure,” ambassador Mutsvangwa told ZimbaEye. The identity of the other driver had not been disclosed at the time of writing.

May 06, 2021

N. Richards employee collapses and dies inside shop

N. Richards employee collapses and dies inside shop. According to Masvingo Mirror, Terrence Matseka (27), who worked as a till operator at N. Richards Chipinge, collapsed at around 11 am and was taken to Chipinge District Hospitalwhere he was pronounced dead on arrival. An N. Richards Wholesalers employee collapsed and died while pushing a trolley on Sunday morning, a few hours after sending birthday wishes to his fiancé who according to friends was planning to marry shortly. Matseka’s workmates were left shell-shocked by the sudden death. The deceased had a Degree in Rural and Urban Planning from Great Zimbabwe University (GZU). The deceased’s father Kilford Matsekaconfirmed the death to Chipinge Times. He said that his son had no ailments and the death came as

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