Friday, September 27

News News

July 18, 2023

Enchantress Anorwadziwa Na Chichi Kana Achitokwsnisa Kutenga Rangerover Ega Ndokuti Imbinga Zvee Godo Mhandu

Metress ane prob I mean Enchantress wenyu uyuI don't know the other Lady but If she can Actually afford to buy a Range on her own Sando dzake ;Obva asimbisa Hubby showz she is in it for Love not nzara nekuda Kuchengetwa ; ndovakadzi chaivoAtleast she knows Chichi anemari yekuti anogona kuzvitengera Range Rover😊 not just a car😂😂😂😂

July 18, 2023

Olinda Kana Uchiti Mari Yako Chete So Why Kuzoenda KumaHospital Emikoto Ku Turkey Vane Mari Vanoitirwa Surgeries MuLondon

Pakuti Mari yako chete- apa muchienda kumikoto ku Turkey- why did you not get surgery in UK - or even go to USA, but went to Turkey for cheap stuff . Being cheap with your health !!!! But anyway - just say nothing - not too much about nothing 🙌Why always have to explain yourself? Gain or no gain weight it's your life, ur rules why bothered.It’s non of our business - but those sugary , processed and alcohol you drink is not good for you . never gain weight again seems a little crazy. But you should not explain anything to anyone .Pakuti Mari yako chete- apa muchienda kumikoto ku Turkey- why did you not get surgery in UK - or even go to USA, but went to Turkey for cheap stuff . Being cheap with your health !!!! But anyway - just say nothing - not too much about nothing 🙌

July 18, 2023

Olinda Iti Zimbabweans Even Ndafuta Futi Mari Ndinayo Ndongodzoka Futi Ku Turkey Konochekwa Mafuta She Gaining Weight Again Zvinoda Kumaintainer Izvi

Why always have to explain yourself? Gain or no gain weight it's your life, ur rules why bothered.Never say never you can go back to factory settings bantu! You ain’t supposed to be shampoporing & all that sugar! Neva say Neva my guy! Those surgeries are life threatening !!Kanti unjani?It’s non of our business - but those sugary , processed and alcohol you drink is not good for you . never gain weight again seems a little crazy. But you should not explain anything to anyone .You can gin weight after gastric bypass usazvinyaradze and iwe you are gaining weight zvinooneka jut it's not a pile up.

July 18, 2023

Lorain Guyo Osiyana Nechikomba Chake Anesu Chirenje Murume Wemunhu Vanga Vakato Engager

Engagement haisi marriage 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣ko iye Anesu wacho ari married hr,regai vadyanane kna vachinakirana.dai muri musaga ungadai usiri kutozviziva iwe munyori.Melisa akaitwa overtake.i don't think Lolo ane chaakatadza.the closest is the dearest🤣🤣🤣🤣endawo kuUK umirirwe nemudiwa wako kana uchifunga kt unopisaEngagement inongokanzurwa kaa iye aimover kuendepi aengangwa 😂😂😂😂mwana wehuku anodya ndearipo wanguInga makamboti chikomba chake ndeche Gweru Wani hamufe makaziva anomudya zviroto

July 17, 2023

Mukadzi Ochema Musgure Mekunge Atorwa Nemabus Ezanupf From Gweru To Masvingo Oshaya Mari Yekudzoka Kumba lol

Ndaiseka mazupco achibva bulawayo kariba beitbridge marondera mutare kana iri semasvingo hatitauri raini rega rega raitakurwa kuenda kurally But pakauya Chamisa vanhu vanoenda vega vamwe vanotobhadhara mari dzavo dzemabus kuenda kurally Saka ane chimuti ndeupiMe watching my president doing wonders without any Gov money spent , without using Buses , without using stolen fuel to ferry pple from different rigions

July 17, 2023

Ketina Akanyarara Mekugeza Kuita Mukadzi Chaiye Chodika Ichi Chiranga Mapenzi As Zimbabweans Tokuda

Kana akanyarara kuita mkadzi chaiye ngashame mromo muone hoo apo ndopavanoisirana 🛌 nhasi zvirinaniwo tata vanogona kucleanerKetty shz a hard working person plus zvimwe zvinozomuwandira ndosaka achizoita zvehwahwa bt zvizhinji anenge achitidawo kuitawoNezuro akabatikana paakanzwa kuti Tete vakandirwa 10 000 stars face yake haina kufara nazvo

July 17, 2023

Cat Family Yoti Mai Maketeni Taikudai Asi Mushure Mekufumurwa Huroyi Hwenyu Na Ketty Tete Mildred Samaz Mmmh Amai Makaoma Kusvika Pakuda Kuuraya Maitt

Mai maketeni vati disappointer secat familyMai Maketen is this true ndaikudaiwo nemwoyo wese mufungeThis comes with great shock l was listening to Ketty Masomeras live wher she was wth Tete Mildred and Evidence l know pple might think these pple are after destroying Felie but I'm reading through the lines of that Live to be honest Memory pls prove pple wrong after all wat was said about you. I even thought that there was a statement that samas is busy sending kids messages wat if it's Mai Maketeni guys pple we let into our Spaces some aren't good as they look Why do you inform Samas abt Felie then you hide yourself. Olindas pictures trending after she lied that shz in Dubai nd u quickly took her a photo sent it to ketty shooks for sure Memory don't destroy FelistasNezuro ak

July 17, 2023

Enzol Ishal Onzi Nana Tete Vepa Facebook Holyten Akaroora Nezuro Anemwana Kamukadzi Kako Ngakachizvare Not Kungodya Mari

Holy Ten atova nemwana asi akaroora zuro uno iwe Enzo kamukadzi kako basa kungoswerera Sponge Bob nePeppa Pig .Kuswera kachionererwa mumaraini kachitiburitsira rurimi kudai .Kanomonei chakamona ipapa kudyiswa mbodza dzega dzega.Kamitise kadzikame kaite chimimba mutekwe mazamhu aite mapata pata nekuyamwisa tione kuti kanoshainira ani.Kashiti kemunhuChidofo chema Zimba kungofunga kuti vanhu vakaroorana vanofanira kuita mwana, zvino planiwa kana muchida mombonakirwa pasi a ma trailer ne ma stress.Idzo pfungwa dzekuti vanhu vakaroorana they are supposed to have babies ndodzechidofo manje. Ko kana zvikuramba why are u adding some salt to the wound. Mind your damn business munyori....Shame on u!!!Gegegege vanhu mucharoya imi ahhh apa munhu wacho makamboona achitaura nevanhu hre kuita muviri mudi

July 17, 2023

President Chamisa CCC Kuzadza Zvavo Vanhu Vasina Any Mari YeHurumende Yavaba Gweru Was Fire

Me watching my president doing wonders without any Gov money spent , without using Buses , without using stolen fuel to ferry pple from different rigionsGweru woyeeee nditarisireiwo mdhara naMoms vangu kuti varipo here apo kana vasipo vavharirei mvura hatide vanhu vasina shanduko

July 17, 2023

Chipo Muchengwa Is A Mother Of One A Musician These Are The People To Support Love

Chipo Muchegwa is musician and mother of one, who lives in Norton but is originally from Mt. Darwin.    She has been in the music industry for awhile now. In 2021, the town of Norton recognised her work by awarding her the “Arts Personality of the Year Award.   She has several songs to her credit including 'Moyo Wangu, Chinonzi Rudo and her hit song 'Ndezvemoyo' featuring Terry Gee.   2023 she featured Boi Shona Music "Winky D" which is trending now

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