Friday, September 27

News News

August 01, 2023

Mashura Kuna Chisionekwi Winky D Bigman And His Son Kufanana

They look together ..I mean they look each other aaah hameno they both same sameThey look together,, they look both I mean they look equal vakafanana mhaniKwahi pamunenge muchigadzira munhu anenge akavhura maziso ndiye anofanana nemwana ,mukavhura maziso mese mwana anoita half face yamai half yababa , winky apa anga akavhurisa maziso achigadzira mwana uyu๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„Ko mumvuri waka nzvengawo winky d here vakomana

August 01, 2023

Ngoni Oti Zvekuti Mukadzi Ane Mahips Handitozvibhare I Move Anyway Madamboss Ndovakapush Murume Nehunhu Hwawo Wekwa Ngundu

Mhofu yemukono Murume zvekuti mukadzi ane magaro mahips izvo Mhofu havazvibhare izvozvo munosiyiwa nemazigaro iwayo . Ndokuti Mhofu yemokono vazvina basa kuti irovha haana mari Mhofu yemukono Murume asingatongi ne mukadzi ndokuti Mhofu.   Vakadzi muziva kuti kuita magaro hips mari hayisi achievement mumariaji or murudo ipapo muno batsirika.    Ngoni aka pushiwa kuita chihure ne mukadzi nekuti mukadzi ayienda kunozudza matako Pa public kunana level then nhasi Mhofu vomira semukono zvorwadza waku player victim Dudza kwana . Why pese pese ndiwe unotadzirwa mu vanhu mumariaji Haa kwana.   Kana Zimbabwe ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ผ public inochema na Mhofu wakaita Murume abuse nekuti irovha nenyaya ye kuda malove ne malike . Mhofu vakasvika pakuhura nekuti wakavavhisa Chiremer

August 01, 2023

Chie Masiziba Otonyora Kuti Varume Huyai I'm A Single Mother Of 2 Haasi Amhanya Here

There's nothing to celebrate here in all honesty... Feelings Change, people change, relationship or marriage ends.. Such is life. Tose tine shuviro yekuti dzimba dzimire, yekuroorwa wo, yekuwana anotidawo, anotichengeta ... Iko kana vanhu maroorana or kugarisana chasara kurambana kana kufirwa asi inenge iri shuviro ye munhu kuti muchembedzane or kusvitsana murufu mune zvakanaka zvinozoenda ne pamwe. At least even after defending the man like she said aita a bold move akabuda, aigona kuramba anaye out of nyadzi kuti saka zvinozonzii?... We have all at one time covered up for people we love, who have hurt us in some way out of love, giving second chances and thinking they'll change zviriko hazvina kutanga naye. It is well โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธChie aye aanoita it's for co

August 01, 2023

Hakuna Mukadzi Akashata Mabrijo Waletically Otoiswa Top 10 Most Beautiful Girls In Zimbabwe

But mabrijo haana kumbishata guys mmmmm kungodawo henyu kumuwanzira but vazvinji vedu takatongoitawo saye๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃmakeup unongoigeza wodzokera kuipa vamwe we dont put make up not kuti we cant afford kusatoda plus pamwe pachona unotoona kuti ukushora mwari hiding your natural beauty ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ putting on makeup hazvireve mune mari plizHakuna mukadzi akashata sue inhamo inoita kut munhu ushate๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃmakeup unongoigeza wodzokera kuipa vamwe we dont put make up not kuti we cant afford kusatoda plus pamwe pachona unotoona kuti ukushora mwari hiding your natural beauty ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ putting on makeup hazvireve mune mari pliz๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃmakeup unongoigeza wodzokera kuipa vamwe we dont put make up not kuti we cant afford kusatoda plus pamwe pachona unotoona

August 01, 2023

Pokello Olinda Chipo Trouble Vopfeka Burbery Asi Imwe Yazoonekwa Kuti Ndeye Kusmall Street KumaChina 12.50usd

Chipo akachena bt zvake hazvidhure ....vamww zvakanaka asi Havana kufitwa uye zhinodhuraChipo akapedzera because avo vese mabig fish Chipo kahove kekumamishaPana orinda haaaa its not make sure....Pokello agara anofitwa she knows how to dress herself zvinobva zvabuda soo suwitiOnly one person never tries too hard… she understands fashion language and takes it easy.Pana orinda haaaa its not make sure....Pokello agara anofitwa she knows how to dress herself zvinobva zvabuda soo suwiti

August 01, 2023

Mike Chimombe Kuita Vana 13 Different Mothers Vachidya Zvavo Mari Yezanupf That white Is Last Wife Little Sister Yemukadzi Wake

Isn't all his kids are from a whole lot of different mums, so from anyone even vasiri his wivesSaka boss mukaka pa vaiti vamwe vana vachauya vaireva namainini herehant pa13 vakasimuka vaya pane vamwe vaiva vasitoripoThese days chatosimba wena, kwete during Green bomber wedding chaive chakahonda zvinenge doord reShiri.Ko iwo mafuta rudziiko arikusvuura makanda evanhu kudai chasara kuona mabhonzo panze

August 01, 2023

Pokello Onzi Kuchembera kwakubuda Manje Asi Besides zkutora Mapic Ane Filter Chii Chimwe Chaanobatsira Mucommunity

Iwe ukaona kutsvuka ndokugeza here njuzu dzeblack hausatiwambodziona here dzogara 24/7 mumvura musiuno wakati tilda akuzvinyima yekugeza nekuti mutemaYaa anogeza hake bt pama pics filter inozobata basa zvakafanana na Regina Daniel zvaanombobuda ari nezvaunozoona pasina filter saka ndinoti ma phn manyama arikubata basaSis Poki vanogeza yoo . Zvekudzi mubhishu ratove haro drama . Zviri kubuda siwiti kana murungu billionaire anotora hake sis Pokello Nare - Topic. Mason iya pakugeza zvavo.

July 18, 2023

Ngoni Madamboss Husband Onzi Chokwadi Kunyadzisa Kukundwa Na Holyten Kufadzisa Mukadzi Azvara

WHY do you say Mhofu is disappointing???? Do you think when Mhofu sees Tyra he sees her as Madam Boss and him a FAN of Madam Boss? Don't forget Mhofu knows Tyra IN and out, vanorara naye so he can never see her the way you or chaunga sees her.Shame it must be painful for Chelsea kuona all the love Kim is being showered apa Holy 10 akangokumitisa ukaswera uchimusonera mari yemaintanance.Muchadzidza kuti kutrepa murume nemimba kuzvitrepa.Unosara wakabata mwana ane ziguma rakafanana nerababa iye aenda hake kune mukadzi waanoda chaiye.Holy Ten & Kim Baby Of The Year ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸพโœŠ๐Ÿฟ teach the young ones how it’s done. Kwete zviMadhara zvinenge vana Ngonie, kutadzavo Kutumira Kevin nemaRuva, maChocolates, ne maHamper. Gegege chandakaona wakakosha paSocial medi

July 18, 2023

Hondo Yemabhururu Natalie Oti Chichi Wakarerwa Seiko Wakazonoroorwa Nedhara Rine Vakadzi 5 Hausi Mutsvene Iwe

Chichi haasiriye wekunge akamboroorwa aripachipari namapanga here uyu akuda kushaina now...kovakazorambana sei namapanga ?Chichi how were you raised???? Kusekana kwana kamba. We knew you because you became a famous side chick. Clearly you were both not raised well.

July 18, 2023

Uri Ritualist Here Mudiwa Hood Onzi Chi Chakadaro Mari Unayo Wakanaka Kureba But Kushaya Mukadzi Hatimunamatirei Senyika

When a Man is Handsome, educated, have money but still single, What could be the problem ๐Ÿค”Self worth a man who has been married doesn’t quickly jump into marriage from most I knowGuys marriage life is not easy and marriage is not a must its safe to be single sometimes some people need their freedomOne thing I have notice about life. In our generation you need to think and plan your life wise. Make money and explore life before you make kids. Imagine getting married and having a child without Fncl stable, you will ending up hurt yourself.Might have gone through hell in relationships or saw some misleading ones or has been hurt more than the wordZimbabweans u have problems let him be. But in Nigeria when u are educated and then boom rich plus handsome we say he is a ritualist l dont

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