Makadii hama pano kana pane vanozivawo mukomana uyu anonzi simbarashe chiwawa anobva kumasvingo azvisungurira kuno kupritoria town Vakomana chiiiko nesu weduweee ko kozviuraira kumba aaaaaah ini ndonzwa hasha nemunhu anozvipfuudza Kuzongot hazviite but vanhu ivava haifanirwa kuchemwa kungotira mokanda mu dame or kunikanda kisango uko mosiya Soo coz mumwe mutoro wavanosira vasara Soo Kaa zvàkaoma nekuoma kwakaita zvinhu kudai unoda vanhu vatsvagep Mari
We are very sorry we no longer offering funeral services for Baba Judy in Zimbabwe.We were attacked at the funeral and we received death threatsMoreboys Great Hope Oti Baba Judy Vaindi Support Saka Ndandichida Kubatsirawo ofumura 5 Vanhu Vaida Kumuuraya Kunhamo Ya Baba Judy Chiiko Ma Zimbabweans Inzwaiwo Imii 😳😳😳😭😭😭Gono Ku CaptownZvakaoma Imi Moreboys Oti Handichatakura Baba Judy Vanhu Varikuda Kundiuraya Ikoko Hezvo Team Yake Ya Attakwa Varikuda Kutomuuraya 🥺😳😳😳PASHATAMushandi Weku Great Hope Orohwa Kurufu Kwa Baba Judy Akabatirwa Pfuti Achinzi Uri Munhu WaMore Boys Zvakaoma Imi 😭 😭😭😳Chiiko Asi Ma ZimbaMushandi Weku Great Hope Orohwa
Mai Judy vanyara ne pamba pavo ku musha 25 years mu Kappa chabuda hapana hu admin chete pa mvenge mvenge ne kutenga doro ne ma bum shorts Greathope wadzingirwa kuti you film everything unongona kunyisa vanodada ne ma photos pa social media vasinga developer pamba St Mary's chingova nyika ne mbare same whatsapp group havana kuvaka futi kumusha havana manje tatuma nhume dzedu ma spy all photos tinawo and tichavanawo e burial Dai maimboziva maomero akaita zvinhu joni hamuwani nguva yekunyora izvi kana kushora iye akati munhu akapfeka bumshort aita marii ndiyaniko koo kana ari ekupihwa kana kunhonga mizivasei siyayi vanhu
Tshabangu Resigns From CCC In Solidarity With Chamisa Hanzi Kwese Kwaanoenda I Will Follow. shabangu is saying he has resigned from CCC in solidarity with Chamisa and will follow Chamisa wherever he goes.
Tendai Biti to take over as CCC President , Chamisa likely to return as an independent. Chamisa will be giving anothe statement soon. Chamisa did not say MPs, Senators and councillors should step down. Chamisa made a broad statement on inflitration. Fadzai Mahere and Gladys Hlatshwayo the only MPs to announce quitting in solidarity with Chamisa. Chamisa now banking on SADC. Sengezo Tshabangu to lead the re-unification of the old MDC. Zimbabweans to support Biti and ncube. Chamisa logo to be removed. Job Sikhala likely to be released on 29 January. Anthony Blinken visits Angola, Ivory Coast, Nigeria and Cape Verd. Chamisa can not expect people to make a decision wi
Lobengula Akatengesa Nyika Nekuda Sugar Sengezo Tshabangu Akutengesa Nyika Nekuda Kukwirwa Kumagaro Nekutengerwa Honda Fit Nemadhara eZanuPF. SENGEZO Tshabangu’s crusade, which started as a protest over how the selection of Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC) candidates led by Nelson Chamisa was done, is now a fully blown Zanu PF project supported by the state security apparatus. Tshabangu is now effectively claiming to be leader of the CCC, saying all the MPs of the party formed in January 2022 are his and those who joined Chamisa’s party after August 23 this year deserve to be recalled, which is a bizarre argument because Chamisa contested the elections. &
Melly ochemera kuti haana kuitirwa welcome party, akapihwa cold shoulder nevakuru veUK. Hauna kukosha zvekudaro Melly u are a nobody. Zvasiyana nemaDiaries ako vanaMadhumbe veJoni ndivo vano kubigger kwete nyika yese . Thanks vakuru veUK makaratidza Melly kuti haana basa. Ndinoda kutenda vakuru veUK; Olinda Chapel-Nkomo, Aunty Jenny, Tete Mildred , Sabena Ruwizhi Boein777, SenMuk TV aka Mai Mazowe Anonyanya kuzvifonera Melly, nehu bully anohunyanya kahunhu kebishu karikuramba kubuda maari.Unosemwa nevanhu ukada kungozviita gindagoria pese pese.Dai akazopiwa runako taichiona muma streets umu manje chibage chani ichocho.Melly ndiheadgirl yemahouse girl.Anozvifonera. M
Ipaiwo Mai Athandwe Maulana makorokoto avo please. Ngenyi muri stingy ? 😐 Haaaa Ndasiya kodwa pacaption yangu nhaimi🤣🤣🤣Mara igama lami ngu mama kaAthandwe. Wena ufuna ukutumila imali eyamhlope emtwana neh😳😳. Hoza inbox ngiyakupha ecocash number and World remit details vele🤣🤣🤣🤣. Mina ngisetsile wena lapha 24/7 njee uyaputika ngekuseka for free so vele ngiyafuna imali yeamhlope from all of u. Ngiyabonga🙏. Ko sei tisati tamboona baba va Athandwe asi Bee waka muitiswa here . VaDzabu vakaita live vachitamba na Dzabu .
Government must tax churches I guess Because we now don't know which one is real or fake And that statement " I'm more Gifted than God" ndakabva ndapera powerDesperation wopusiswa sadAerial view of Makandiwa's church in chitungwiza. There's no any Business in Africa particularly Zimbabwe that makes more money than Fake prophets'S churches ,they dont pay taxes its just direct profit. Why these types of business are prorofitable in poor countries? Because when you're poor you become desperate of trying to make it in life. That's when these fake prophets manupulate people knowing that when you're desperate you're vulnerable to
Zim Socialite Baba Judy na Clepeton diednews reaching our team baba Judy a well known Zimbabwean socialite based in Capetown was found dead One of the witnesses told Zimbolivenews he went to meet someone who wanted to give him some luggage to take to Zimbabwe he got run by a vehicle and died on the spot Hanzi akaenda achinosangana nemunhu aida kutumira mabag mheno bridge rekupi murume wacho akati akasvika Baba Judy can’t get fon haichadairwa but muroad naive nemunhu aive akarara akatsikwa apa ndivo havo