Monday, September 23

Muporofita Wenhema Emmanuel Makandiwa Onzi Ngaabhadhare Tax Vanhu Ava Ndovanotora Advantage Yevarombo Vachinyepa Hupenyu Huchanaka Vachiita Tora Mari United Kupedza Service Apiwa 500 000usd Yezvipo Pasina Tax

Government must tax churches I guess

Because we now don't know which one is real or fake


And that statement " I'm more Gifted than God" ndakabva ndapera powerDesperation wopusiswa sadAerial view of Makandiwa's church in chitungwiza.






There's no any Business in Africa particularly Zimbabwe that makes more money than Fake prophets'S churches ,they dont pay taxes its just direct profit. Why these types of business are prorofitable in poor countries?






Because when you're poor you become desperate of trying to make it in life. That's when these fake prophets manupulate people knowing that when you're desperate you're vulnerable to any solution and they use that desperation for them to make money .

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