Sunday, September 29

News News

August 26, 2020

Some MDC Alliance Bigwigs Pushing To Expel Sikhala From MDC

SOME MDC Alliance bigwigs are said to be making a determined push to have the coalition’s firebrand deputy national chairperson, Job “Wiwa” Sikhala, expelled for his radical political activities and dogged opposition to Zanu-PF and its government. The sources who spoke to the Daily News said senior Alliance officials had recently discussed Sikhala’s jettisoning in the party’s standing committee (SC) WhatsApp group of which the combative Zengeza West MP is a member. Contacted for comment, Sikhala would neither deny nor confirm the move to expel him saying if there were such moves he would respond to them after he had dealt with his current travails with authorities. All this comes as the government has come under intense local, regional and internation

August 10, 2020

Baptism By Fire Heath Minister Chiwenga Starts New Job With 500 Health Worker Infected By Coronavirus

The affected health workers include nurses, student nurses, doctors, matrons, laboratory scientists, nurse aides, general hands and pharmacists. Healthcare workers have been greatly exposed to Covid-19 due to the shortage of personal protective equipment in the country. Nurses, the greatly affected group which account for 37 percent of the total Covid-19 confirmed cases among heathcare workers globally are on strike which enters day 52 today. More than 100 nurses at Mpilo Central and United Bulawayo Hospitals have contracted the virus, forcing them into quarantine, thereby reducing the number of workers who are manning the public institutions. According to the Ministry of Health and Child Care Covid-19 Zimbabwe Situation Report, Harare and Bulawayo have reported the highest num

August 06, 2020

South Africans Plan Massive Demo At Zim Embassy In Pretoria

A South African pressure group #NotInMyName will be staging a mass protest at the Zimbabwean Embassy in Pretoria in solidarity with suffering Zimbabweans on Friday. The march is being organised by famed South African activist Themba Masango. The much-hyped march follows a series of Tweets by South African eminent persons and celebrities who used #ZimbabweanLivesMatter hashtag to highlight the plight of Zimbabweans. Economic Freedom Fighters have called for the closure of the Zimbabwe Embassy until the government respects human rights.

July 27, 2020

General Chiwenga Never Wanted Coup Against Mugabe

Former Commander Zimbabwe Defence Forces General Constantino Dominic Guvheya Nyikadzino Chiwenga did not want President Robert Mugabe to be ousted from the Presidency through a military coup, former Cabinet Minister Walter Mzembi has revealed.  Writing a Twitter thread on Saturday, Mzembi said throughout the meetings in November, Chiwenga was clear that his demands did not include the ousting of Mugabe.  Mzembi further adds that when SADC and AU underwrote a deal to bring President Emmerson Mnangagwa from exile and re-instate him, Mnangagwa turned down the offer.  Read the full thread below: I do not believe Chiwenga wanted Mugabe out per se, was deceived by the cunning Serpent to a point of no return. Observing his mannerisms as VP & aloofness from current m

July 03, 2020

Hopewell Chin'ono Investigates Parirenyatwa Hospital Is Kicking Out Nurses From Government Accommodation Results Of Looting

Parirenyatwa Hospital is kicking out nurses from government accommodation who are demanding for better working conditions and wages!‬ ‪This is what LOOTING of public funds does to citizens.‬ ‪The LOOTERS like Obadiah Moyo will steal and pay you very little just to get by, but not enough for you to own your own place.‬ ‪They will give you government accommodation/flats, then they will ask you to be their slaves.‬ If you refuse, they will kick you out knowing that you have no resources to get by. If I were these nurses, I would simply ignore these notices and resist! The regime spends millions on cars, yet it pays people saving lives US$35 a month. What a bunch of jokers!

July 01, 2020

Nigel Gwirikwiti Analysis Cry My Beloved Zimbabwe

If I were to give a historical account fifty years from now to the next generation, I had say :  Once upon a time, nearly three score and ten years ago there was an ambience of an economic tsunami in the Kingdom. The King , Robert Gabriel son of Mugabe ruled with an iron fist. Unemployment exponentially climbed to unprecedented diabolical proportions. In the first quarter of the 21st century of the Anno Domini, there was an unprecedented exodus of Zimbabwean men migrating to neighboring countries and far beyond . Upon arrival to the new hemispheres , the Zimbabwean men assimilated . Industriously , they worked in the foreign lands sending remittances back to the Kingdom , for the up-keeping of their kith and kin . The hard working men came back to the Kingdom to marry and o

June 27, 2020


‪ZIMBABWE NEEDS A FRESH START & A PEOPLE’S GOVERNMENT 1/Zimbabwe is sinking courtesy of bad policies & bad leadership.This is leading to abject poverty & untold suffering. Just imagine the Policy inconsistency, contradictions & reversals e.g termination of the multiple currency regime in favour of the local currency & later on return back to dollarization in less than a year.‬ ‪2/Replacing of a fixed exchange rate with an interbank market rate & then going back to a fixed exchange rate &a month later disbandment of the fixed exchange rate regime with an auction system points to tragic policy reversals & policy contradictions just within a few months.‬ ‪3/The approach in dealing with corruption is ample a demonstration of leadership i

June 25, 2020

Hopewell Chin'ono Investigates The CORRUPT Duo Of Nick Mangwana & Kirsty Coventry

his CORRUPT duo of Nick Mangwana and Kirsty Coventry used their proximity to Mnangagwa’s power to get a stand and a farm respectively. This is something that YOU can’t do. There is ONLY 1 name for that; it is called CORRUPTION! Anything that any citizen can’t apply for and get in equal time with others is CORRUPTION! This is why Kirsty Coventry NEVER condemns violence, abductions against young women or killings by her government. It is because she is a beneficiary of that brutality which has subjected you to second class citizenry. It took a long time for Zimbabweans to realise this because they were dazzled by Kirsty’s gold medals. The same way they were dazzled by Mugabe’s many University degrees and good command of English. A monkey i

June 24, 2020

Thokozani Khupe Recalls 9 More MDC Alliance Parliamentarians

The Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) led by Thokozani Khupe has recalled nine parliamentarians of the opposition MDC Alliance. This comes barely two weeks after High Court judge, Joseph Mafusire, made a provisional order stopping the Khupe MDC formation from refilling positions left vacant by the recalling of four legislators - Thabitha Khumalo, Lilian Timveous, Charlotte Hwende and Prosper Mutseyami - aligned to Nelson Chamisa’s MDC Allience. House of Assembly Speaker Jacob Mudenda announced Tuesday that the MDC-T has recalled Amos Chibaya, Happymore Chidziva, Nomathemba Ndlovu, Anna Muyambo, Francesca Ncube, Murisi Zwizwayi, Virginia Muradzikwa, Concilia Majaya and Mucharairwa Mugidho. The party’s presidential spokesperson, Khaliphani Pugeni, said the MDC-T will

June 17, 2020

Zimbabwe Security Forces On High Alert Fears Of Protest

THE Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) remains on high alert amid fears some Zimbabweans want to use the Covid-19 lockdown to cause political disturbances in the country, Police Commissioner General Godwin Matanga has said. Appearing before the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Care, Matanga said his officers were working under very unstable conditions as some unidentified elements were bent on taking advantage of the current Covid-19 lockdown operation to destabilise the country. “As your ZRP, we enforce the law, but we are not allowed to interpret it. At roadblocks we are operating under a very dangerous situation,” Matanga told parliamentarians. “The whole nation is looking at the Covid-19 pandemic operation yet there are elements within the coun

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