Sunday, September 29

News News

February 28, 2021

For the First time  Zimbabwe recorded Zero Covid 19 deaths

For the first time in 2021, Zimbabwe on Saturday recorded zero COVID-19 deaths, bringing hope to the nation that President Emmerson Mnangagwa will finally open up the country to allow citizens to hustle for their families. In January alone, the country registered an average of 27 COVID-19 deaths on a daily basis bringing the total number of COVID-19 deaths in the month to 837 deaths compared to 244 in February. On Saturday the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) reported 14 new cases, all of them local cases. The cumulative number of deaths as of 27 February 2021 stood at 1 463, 36 058 positive cases and 32 590 recoveries. The national recovery rate has crept up to 90.4% and 3 126 frontline workers have been vaccinated. Zimbabwe reverted to a hard lockdown on 5 January

February 27, 2021

Govt gives ZANU PF, MDC-A $100m in Political Funding

Govt gives ZANU PF, MDC-A $100m in Political Funding. In terms of General Notice 244 of 2021, ZANU PF shall be paid $70 030 000 after it received 70,03% of votes cast in the 2018 general elections. ZANU PF and the MDC Alliance (MDC-A) will share ZWL$100 million disbursed by Treasury under the Political Parties (Finance) Act in 2021. This was revealed by the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Ziyambi Ziyambi in a notice this Friday. The MDC Alliance, which received 29,9% of the total votes cast in the 2018 harmonised elections, will get $29 970 000. Said Ziyambi: IT is hereby notified, in terms of section 3(2) of the Political Parties (Finance)Act[Chapter 2:11], that the total amount of moneys payable to political parties in respect of the year beginning 1st Janu

February 27, 2021

2020 students should repeat (PTUZ) spokesperson Peter Machenjera speaks

The teachers’ union wants the government to declare an order that pupils repeat their classes so that they proceed to the next level after acquiring the requisite knowledge as stipulated in the curricular. The Progressive Teachers’ Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) is pushing for the government to nullify the 2020 academic year so that pupils have adequate time to cover essential elements of the syllabi, after normal learning was disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. “It is almost a year now without proper learning taking place in schools,” PTUZ spokesperson Peter Machenjera said. “Considering that a human mind has the propensity to delete automatically any dormant files, it means that when schools reopen, most pupils would have forgotten concepts taught before 2020.&

February 26, 2021

Mashura As Family Buries Wrong Body

Drama as family buries wrong body Drama as family buries the wrong body. A family insider, speaking to B Metro, said a misunderstanding broke out after the late Mthokozisi Ndlovu’s family members were handed a wrong body by Falakhe Funeral Services officials. Chaos and confusion reigned for a family from Lobengula West suburb after they were given a wrong body by a funeral parlour and had to travel all the way to Plumtree to exhume the body of their loved one for reburial in Bulawayo. “On Tuesday at around 8am, we left for Falakhe funeral parlour to take the body of our late relative Mthokozisi Ndlovu (34), who had died last week at Thorngrove hospital, for burial at Luveve Cemetery. “But we were surprised to see the funeral parlour officials seeming to be too busy

February 26, 2021

Ministry of Education Director ,Govt Assesses Schools Preparedness To Reopen

The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education says it is currently assessing the readiness of schools to reopen in line with the Ministry of Health and Child Care and World Health Organisation (WHO) COVID-19 prevention protocols. According to the Ministry of Education’s Communications and Advocacy director, Taungana Ndoro, some schools are well-prepared to reopen while others are moving towards full preparedness. He said: We are doing an assessment of the schools’ preparedness for reopening. We are assessing boarding schools especially to check preparedness for opening and adherence to MoHCC and WHO Covid-19 protocols. … It’s a mixed bag. Other schools are well-prepared, others moving towards full preparedness. The schools first term was supposed to start o

October 30, 2020

Job Sikhala Says Khupe Wants Him To Be MDC-T President

MDC Alliance Vice Chairman, Job Sikhala, has sensationally claimed that representatives from the Khupe led MDC-T approached him to become their President. Sikhala was responding to comments by MDC-T Spokesman, Khaliphani Phugeni, where he said Sikhala was not recalled because he agreed with the Supreme Court ruling that made Dr Thokozani Khuphe MDC-T Acting President. Sikhala wrote : *What has really Khalipani Phugeni said?* *By Hon Job Wiwa Sikhala* MDC Alliance National Vice Chairman and 31 July Movement Spokesperson. I was shocked when my sister Gladys Hlatshwayo phoned me when I was driving from the Parliament car park rushing to go and read in preparation of my final Master of Laws degree Exams coming next week about what Khalipani Phugeni is alleged to have said abo

September 02, 2020

2023 Presidential Contest Gets Hotter Mwonzora Joining Biti In The Race

2023 Presidential Contest Gets Hotter Mwonzora  Joining Biti In The Race The race for the 2023 presidential seat is gaining momentum even though it is 3 years away. As the clock ticks, ambitious politicians are intensifying their strategies as new entrants join the race for the top seat. A report by the Daily News has revealed that the MDC Secretary General, Douglas Mwonzora, has hinted on throwing his hat in the ring for the highest office in the land. In a speech delivered on Sunday in Manicand at his cousin's funeral, he was quoted saying that he has been tipped for the top seat and therefore urged members of his community to unite and offer him the necessary support. Mwonzora hinted that God was leading him in the journey to the top seat. He further told the people to

September 01, 2020

Chimoto Chegumbeze At Funeral In Mutare

PAKAVE nebhaisikopo remahara parufu rweimwe mbavha kwaZimunya, kwaMutare, apo mumwe wevanhu vaiva panhamo apa akaona gumbeze rake iro rainge rakabiwa rakatoputiriswa chitunha. Mumhan’ari uyu akabva ati anoda gumbeze rake zvisinei nekuti rainge rakaputiriswa chitunha chemutorwa. Gumbezi iri rakatorwa rikaendeswa kumapurisa kuti rizomira seumbowo pamhosva iyo inofungirwa kuti yakaparwa namushakabvu Amos Nyaira wemubhuku rekwaGosho pamwechete nevamwe vake vaviri. Mutauriri wemapurisa mudunhu reManicaland, Inspector Tavhiringwa Kakohwa vanotsinhira nezvenyaya iyi. “Gumbeze rakawanikwa iri richashandiswa seumbowo pamhosva dzakaparwa nemufi uyu nevamwe vake,” vanodaro Insp Kakohwa. Nyaira nevamwe vake vaviri vari kupomerwa mhosva dzinodarika 50 dzekuba uye kubata ch

September 01, 2020

Job Sikhala Case Postponed Again

MDC Alliance national vice chairperson, Job Sikhala who is facing charges of inciting public violence will spend another night in prison after his bail ruling was deferred to this Tuesday. This comes after state witness Detective Assistant Inspector Victor Mukohwa who took to the Witness stand at the request of the accused said Sikhala is not a good candidate for bail since he has two other pending cases which are under investigation. Evidence from video clips of the alleged crime were also produced with the investigating officer telling the court that Sikhala was supposed to avail himself to the police not through his legal representative. Sikhala was arrested last week on allegations of inciting the public violence through illegal demonstrations. However, Sikhala is opposing

August 26, 2020

Mashura Living Legend DJTOWER Kuda Kurwa NeChipoko Tinotenda Makete Hazvipere Mushe

Zimbabwe Instagram community is on fire as Living Legend DJTOWER has vowed to do something no human has ever done and that is to fight a ghost . Tinotenda Makete is a very powerful and well know Celebrity ghost that is well connected with celebrities and may even be friends with DJTOWERS.  After Tino Makete exposed some of DJTOWERS blessers towers being loyal decided to take the bullet for his blessers. Towers started attacking Tinotenda Makete who in turn is exposing everyone of DJTOWERS blessers as punishment for DJTOWER attacking him or her. Watch the video below of Towers ranting at Tinitenda Makete

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