Saturday, September 28

News News

August 01, 2021

Dad and son arrested for setting up illegal bush police roadblock

Dad and son arrested for setting up illegal bush police roadblock. Mangezi Sithole (48) and his offspring, 24-year-old Talent Sithole, who are both members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Neighbourhood Watch Committee stationed at Karoi Rural, appeared before Karoi magistrate Felix Chauromwe on Friday.   A Karoi man and his son have been dragged to court for allegedly mounting an unsanctioned roadblock where they demanded bribes. The duo was charged with contravening Section 174, or alternatively Section 134, which relate to criminal abuse of duty and extortion, respectively.   The pair was not asked to plead and was remanded in custody to 13 August for routine remand. The complainant in the matter is Peter Kanyungwa (31), a kombi operator.&n

July 31, 2021

Man (46) dies after being stabbed over salt dispute Read more

  A MAN died after he was stabbed in a dispute over salt. Police confirmed the incident which occurred in Sanyati.   “Police in Sanyati are investigating circumstances surrounding a murder case in which a man (46) died at Parirenyatwa Hospital where he was admitted on 15 July after he was stabbed on his back by the suspect on 1 June over an argument relating to salt,” he said. In another incident police in Raffingora are investigating a murder case which occurred at Mvurachena Farm on July 25 in which the victim was struck once on the head after he confronted the two suspects who were stealing maize in a field.  

July 25, 2021

Woman pleads for help "4 men failed to impregnate me"  Read more

When I was a teenager, I fell in love with a much older man who was very rich. I thought we would be together forever, so when I realized I was 2 months pregnant, I was sure he would see it as something to bring us together. I wasn’t shocked at the suggestion of an ab0rtion, but the way he began to treat me as a transaction hurt. He took me to a different town across the nation and spent the whole drive back explaining why it was my fault we had to break things off. Few years later, I met another man at the agricultural show. He did not tell me that he was a married man. He disappeared after I told him I had missed my period. I knew immediately that choosing to end my pregnancy was the right choice for me. Thankfully, I was able to ab0rt safely. I have felt like I had to j

July 23, 2021

Strange Couple gives birth to a baby with no reproductive organ Read more

Strange but true: Couple gives birth to baby with no reproductive organ. The baby was born with no other complications, except using the anus for both urinating and defecation. A couple at Nyakudya village in Bindura rural gave birth to a baby without a reproductive organ a month ago. The family is now appealing for financial assistance for baby Junior to undergo a medical examination at Sally Mugabe Central Hospitalin Harare. The baby’s mother, Lydia Makisi (37), said the family was failing to raise US$130 for tests and X-rays. Makasi said she noticed the condition while changing the napkin a day after giving birth. She said: I went into labour prematurely at seven months and I gave birth in the car on my way to Manhenga Clinic. I noticed the anomaly the following day and

July 18, 2021

Munashe kahonde's sexual appetite yomuripisa mombe 5 mushure mekubatwa chiita Lula Lula  nemukadzi wemwana wake Read more

Man made to pay 5 beasts after being caught having Lula Lula with  his son’s wife. Munashe Kahonde was caught by his son Peter Mafuta in the latter’s house quenching his sexual appetite on his daughter-in-law. A Rushinga clinic nurse aid has been slappedwith five beasts fine after being caught redhanded bonking his son’s wife. He was brought to Headman Chipara’s Community Court after being caught committing adultery with his daughter-in-law in her matrimonial home. Kahonde, a nurse aid at Chimandau Clinic is reported to have hidden under Mafuta’s bed for the night when Mafuta came back home. It is said Kahonde was trapped after there was a suspicion about his marital affair with his daughter-in-law. “The day Kahonde fell into a snare, he was b

July 13, 2021

Villagers fearful as cattle dies, suspect COVID-19

Villagers fearful as cattle dies, suspect COVID-19. Some villagers who spoke to Pindula News said the mortality rate was high in Kutama village. Zvimba villagers are living in fear as their cattle are dying in large numbers with some suggestingthat they could be dying from COVID-19. Asked if Veterinary officers were assisting them, they said the officers were clueless. Said, one villager: They are clueless. They are also surprised. Meanwhile, a study “Experimental Infection of Cattle with SARS-CoV-2” conducted by Lorenz Ulrich, Kerstin Wernike, Donata Hoffmann, Thomas C. Mettenleiter, and Martin Beer of Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Insel Riems, Germany, observed that under experimental conditions, cattle show low vulnerability to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Six (6) cattle were

July 13, 2021


Air Force of Zimbabwe (AFZ) pilots have been commended for averting a major accident after an emergency landing with their Mi-35 helicopter gunship in Chitungwiza, which had developed a technical fault. As a result of the actions, there were no casualties or damage to property on the ground and all the crew on board, including five aircraft technicians, did not sustain injuries. Commander AFZ Air Marshal Elson Moyo commended the pilots for a masterful landing that saved the lives of the aircrew and the people on the ground. “It took tremendous skill and presence of mind for the pilots to put the lives of the people on the ground first, while experiencing an emergency,” he said. “I wish to commend the aircrew for averting a major accident and saving lives and damage

July 13, 2021

 6 Zimbabweans  killed and 219 arrested as the #FreeZuma violence protests continues Read more

in KZN and Gauteng Report: 6 killed and 219 arrested as the #FreeZuma violence protests continues in KZN and Gauteng. NatJOINTS spokesperson, Colonel Brenda Muridili said deployment has been intensified across hotspots in both provinces. Police have arrested 219 people in connection with ongoing riots and looting across KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng. “The NatJOINTS is receiving Intelligence support from its Intelligence Coordinating Committee comprising of SAPS Crime Intelligence, Defense Intelligence as well as State Security Intelligence, to enable law enforcement to counter these sporadic violent protests,” she said. In KZN, there was a report of two people who had been killed, one in Inanda and the second in Umbilo. “The circumstances leading up to their deaths is u

July 10, 2021

Mnangagwa must be our life time President because he has no replacement Read more

Zivhu posted on Twitter saying suggesting that even the opposition will eventually appreciate Mnangagwa. He tweeted: Guys ndiyani muZimbabwe angatonga zvinemusoro kunze kwa ED. Dzikamayi hakuna replacement for now maybe after 2030 angawanikwa but panoda nyasha.. Former ZANU PF legislator for Chivi South, Killer Zivhu has said ED, as president Emmerson Mnangagwa is popularly known, should be in office for life since he does not have a replacement. ED must be our life President nokuti replacement Hakuna. Vanoti haticheuki ndezvekupenga muchacheuka chete muchiona mabasa ake ED. [Who can rule well like ED? Calm down, there is no replacement for now, maybe after 2023 but that also needs grace. ED must be our life president because there is no replacement. Those who say we don’t look

July 10, 2021

17-year-old girl arrested for murdering friend over boyfriend Mjolo Read more

Teenage girl arrested for murdering friend over boyfriend dispute. The Chronicle reports that the 17-year-old girl stabbed her rival on the bre@st and she died at a neighbour’s home. Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) confirmed the incident on their Twitter handle. A teenager from Bhekani Village in Ntabazinduna, Umguza District in Matabeleland North has been arrested for murder after she allegedly stabbed her rival with a kitchen knife following a dispute over a boyfriend. Read the statement: The ZRP confirms the arrest of a female juvenile (17) at Bhekani Village, Ntabazinduna, in connection with a case of murder where she fatally assaulted a fellow female villager. The suspect was involved in a brawl with the victim after an altercation over dating the same boyfriend. The victim wa

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