Monday, September 23

Faith Munhenzva Achitaura Kuromba Kwakaita Baba Vake Munhenzva Buses

My name is Faith Munhenzva, yes mwana waMunhenzva buses. I’m being racially harassed and discriminated in America.







I’m a Registered nurse, got my degree as a single mother. Ndanetsekana nehupenyu. I’m being followed by FBI, I work under hostile conditions at work. I get shouted at by administration that allows nurses to harass me. At work , at home I’m under 24 hour servillance by FBI





Nyaya yacho is centered on my mothers death. Baba wangu, Munhenzva not munenzwa buses with my sister Margaret Munhenzva who is married to victor Mangwende havabve mu N’anga. Ukaona a sibling akufumura mhuri or mwana akufumura baba pane nyaya iri kunetsa mumusha.






I live in Cincinnati Ohio and every time I leave work my work place call police on me. I’m followed 24/7 and Cincinnati police doesn’t want me to communicate with the world and tell them what they are doing.






Admin note. Zvanzi reason why I am  being followed by FBI . My medication got stolen when I was working as a new nurse and the job tagged me and black listed me

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