Wednesday, September 25

News News

October 08, 2023

Maitt Best friend Mai Maketeni Voti Hana Yangu Na Felly Inoroverana Saka Ndirikumubatsira Aripanhuva Yakaoma Hapana Anganditenda Asi Mwari

I was tagged in this post and I would like to thank you Lolo for acknowledging me.       True a lot of people judge me because they don’t know me only a handful knows my true self.I’m not a saint zvangu but when it comes to friendship I’m not fake neither is Fely, hana dzedu dzinoroverana.           We share a strong bond that’s why we got back together even after all that happened before.When we say my day one we mean long long back before mai maketeni and mai tt tichakumbidzana hembe.Tichipanana hupfu nemafuta tiri kubudiriro.         It’s very unfortunate people don’t know what I do behind the scene for my friend.I laugh at times when I see people

October 08, 2023

Madoctor And Nurses Oramwa Parirenyatwa Hospital And Sally Mugabe The Biggest In Zimbabwe Haana Oxygen Machine

The state of healthcare in Zimbabwe is now so bad such that the biggest public medical center, Parirenyatwa didn’t have oxygen today.           Patients needing surgery/theatre care were sent to Sally Mugabe Hospital (Harare Hospital), which is Zimbabwe’s biggest hospital.         But Sally Mugabe Hospital didn’t have Sevoflurane, a drug used for Anasthesia for theatre.         So at Parirenyatwa there was no operations, Sally Mugabe had 5 patients for theatre, but the surgeons only managed to do only one case with the remaining Sevoflurane.       How can a country with over 60 minerals including diamonds, gold, platinum, chrome and m

October 08, 2023

Tawanda Mukome Died After An Accident In Burma Valley Mutare Akasvika Kuhospita Kusina Mishonga Nema Injection

Road traffic accident claims another life. Tawanda Mukome succumbed to injuries sustained in a horrific road traffic accident which happened on       Tuesday morning along the Mutare -Burma Valley road near Matanuska Farm. Tawanda Mukome was driving a mushikashika Toyota Wish vehicle going to Burma Valley when his vehicle had a head on collision with an oncoming InterAfrica bus which was traveling to Mutare.           Tawanda Mukome died yesterday at Victoria Chitepo Hospital.He lives behind a wife and one kid.

October 08, 2023

Graca Bus Ratsva From South Africa To Mutare Check Hama Dzenyu Zvakaoma

Graca ratsva....from SA to mutare...pliz check kana uine hama or zvawakatumira         Hawambope reses madriver awa anoboiler kupisa engine ayaa fanika mazhotong tong      

October 07, 2023

Cat Family Yopembera Mai TT Vabuda MuChikurubhi State Withdraws Case Of Fraud

THE State yesterday withdrew fraud charges before plea against incarcerated comedienne Felistas Murata, popularly known as Mai TT, after establishing that she had paid back the complainant’s money amounting to US$10 000. The matter was withdrawn before Harare magistrate Ms Appollonia Marutya. It was the State’s case that sometime in September 2022, at corner Second Street and Speke Avenue in Harare, Murata unlawfully and intentionally misrepresented to the complainant Rachel Mhuka that she was in need of US$10 000 for her business venture and would give Mhuka her Mercedes Benz vehicle, registration number AFF9759, as surety for the loan which she undertook to pay back by November 30 last year. She allegedly did this well knowing that the vehicle did

October 06, 2023

Chii Chaicho Zimbabwe Yakaroiwa Ine Ma Celebrity Ekunhongeredza Mwari Seiko Dzimwe Nyika Nigeria SouthAfrica Dzakakomborerwa

Zimbabwe nemaseleb ekunhongerera           Hamusati maiwona nhundurwa iri mundumurwa, iri yemupururwa inenge yakaita yeku Gurwa Gurwa inovharwa ichivhurwa 🔥🔥🔥🔥💥😂       Hwereshende

October 06, 2023

Ketina Ofumurwa Kurongera Sister Yake Hutsinye Doreen Masomera Zvakaoma Zvevanhu Ava

Aiwa kettina wakunyaraka nema audio arikuda kubudiswa na doreen maabatiswa na sabina mukavhunduka iwe na masiriri thts y marasisa ndodo zvamamakaronga xvaenda mudondo         matoona kuti doreeen haasikudzora tsvimbo makunyepera kuti hee momuda bt ndimika mukutuma vana pj nana ndodo kutuka doreen regai tinzwe huroi hwenyu askna zvese zvamaironga nerwamoti pj rwaiudza doreen zvinl             doreen unema audio mazama kuti ndodo avhariridze kuti iclip yakabatanidzwa bt hazvisiku make sensi hai nhaka tichaonerera ini hangu ndamanzwa chidimbu asi ndaona ndodo akufumurai pamadhiri ekutumana apa hande tione varwetsvina makunyepera kuzungairaka

October 06, 2023

Shadhaya Onzi Aone Vanonzi Vakadzi Not Wake Aiwa Elgringo Anikukunda Pazveze Nazimba Otaura

Shadhaya huya uome vanonzi vakadzi kwete ka mbuya muderere kako kema handbag ekumarunner           Mai El Gringo kunakisisa kuita shugaaaa! Kuita kubaka, ahhh nyama last! Kwete zvigumukumu zvamunogara muchiti zvakanaka zviye.             wow, kwete zvevaya vatnogara tichinyaudzwa navo vachingonzi ndovega vanogeza ndovega vanopfeka zvakanaka haiwawo. munyika medu mune ma sisters akanakisisa chokwadi

October 06, 2023

Themba Gorimbo Mwari Anosimudza Marombe Kubva Muguruva

Kana takutaura zvezodzo kusimudzwa kwemarombe kubva muhuruva ndovanorehwa ava kubva masvingo kunoita landlord ku America mu mansion             , asi Themba nyaya yako yeku tagger zvima socialite vachiku ignore futi tsveta kure focus nevanokuda kwete anambwa vese vaunoswera tagger uchitsvaga following 🚴🚴🚴🚴🚴             Temba haana kubva muhuruva akashandira kusvika paari uye imba akapiwa kuti agare asingabhadhare rent.Munhu anozi abva muhuruva haana kana talent rekuratidza nyika kuti asimuke

October 06, 2023

Naiza Boom Vashandi Vese Vosiya Basa Zvinoshamisa Zimbabwe Rese Kuti Vaibhadharwa 50usd

Breaking News: Jatiwero,Ozemwa,Netsai and Vovo leave naiza boom😭Haaa naiza yatopera zvayo kana yadai ndovanhu vaitoita tide kuona naiza ivava...kungoshandisa vanhu usingabhadhare       Naiza Boom Scandal Erupts: Former Members Expose Shocking Salary Secrets and Unprofessional BehaviouMembers of the popular group Naiza Boom have spoken up about their recent departure, shedding light on the reasons behind their exit.         Terrence Chirinda (Jatiwero), Yvonne Chirowa (Vovo), Myron Muswe (Ozemwa), and Enlight Muzira (Netsai) left the group after nine years, citing low salaries and unprofessional behaviour from the group’s director, Michael MachiwonaOzemwa, one of the departing members, revealed to Chibanda M

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