Tuesday, September 24

News News

October 19, 2023

Garry Tight Zvobuda Izvo Zvinoshamisa Kuti Mwana Wa Willom Tight

Kokusataura kuti Garry Tight Mwana wa Willom Tight zvipoko mune secret inorwadza         Gary Tight best Son of Willom Tight ,Son of Dr Oliver Mtukudzi and Brothers to Sam Mtukudzi . ...... ari kungo tsimbirirwa hake nema Promoters and DJs but he's music is Mature and great in short anogona 💯             Zviye Willom ndiye wekuimba memo memo na ndinoda wangu wekumaruzevha           Nhai imi pane mamwe masongs here agarry tight ndongoziva yaakaimba natuku basi 🤔🤔

October 19, 2023

Mudiwa Hood Hakuna Rufu Runodzi Rwakakosha Maida Ndiite Seiko Ndandafirwa Ne Sister Yangu Juliet Kadungure

RIP Garry, RIP Julie   I wish Garry’s death could not have even come, May be he could have reached out achibatawo maoko as i mourn my sister, He had the love…           Sadly his burial happened the same time as my sisters’ burial, while his was 300km away…I could not have left the grave site heading there…         I praise the Lord Jesus, I showed up big for Garry when he came knocking at my door, not just once…Everything he asked from me i did it for him while he was alive.           I jus didn’t share…I was there for him when he was alive and needed my support which is more important!    

October 19, 2023

Holyten Nemukadzi Wake Vachata Kushure Mekunge Akabvisa 15 000 Roora Zvisina Kufadza Chelsea Her Baby Mama

Congratulations vachata Ku court zvinofadza ❤️❤️❤️ ADVERTISEMENT Rap Meets Romance: Holy Ten and Kimberly Richards Tie The Knot             October 19, 2023 Holy Ten and Kimberly Richards Tie The Knot [Image: Nash TV]           Their love keeps blossoming. Rapper Holy Ten and his wife Kimberly Richards have tied the knot at the Harare Magistrates Court.   ALSO READ: “He Was Hustling Using Winky D”: Zimbabweans Get Ruthless As Holy Ten Is Set To Marry Pregnant Girlfriend Kimberly             Blissful Marriage Marred With Scandals The couple got married in March 2023, after Holy Ten paid a brid

October 19, 2023

Shugeta Nemukadzi Wake Vonzi Ivo Varikutadza Kufitwa Nemari

Pafair blaz avo avafitwe nezvechisalad salad haana body yakanaka futi             Shugeta munhu anomufita ndianna chete vamwe vese ava ratova drama ekitai henyu hahahahahaaa           Zvikungoita sekut pakupedzisira pane achachema hameno zvazvingori           Hope his centimeters are good coz sis avo vangamirira izvozvo here annah may help us on this one         It's never too late to pick up the broken pieces and figure out the puzzle. Life is too short

October 19, 2023

Mushure Mekunge Ketina Anyadzisa Kuburitsa Guru Palive Rutendo Samaz Regrets Okumbira Zuva Ruregerero Huya Shamwari Yangu

Taitowirirana zvemachaizvo izvo pobvapazoita ananyatsvimbo vakazvivharisa nhai imi . Zvanga zvakanaka wani           Gogo Masiriri musade kunyepedzera kuzungaira. Makuda kudzokera kuna Sis Melly Diaries Live na Zuva nekuti mapedza kushandisa Ketsvina and mamuita dhamanji page rake Just pick up the fon and tell her             Sha save us the ackwardness yekuita sorry, can we just start again.. My name is rutendo loveness, then you take it from there... 💜           It's never too late to pick up the broken pieces and figure out the puzzle. Life is too shortKetsvina apera and hamuchina content.           Zuv

October 19, 2023

Ketina Guru Raainyepa Kuti Ndera Maitt Raive Rake Zvobuda Pachena Even Easter Wa Tatelicious Akatonaka Pane Maninji A Ketty

Guru guru guru guru kkkk ngozi iyiGuru renyika tazoriona😂😂😂Ndochiya chainzi Cha Mai Tt chiya Ekizekiri guru riyaaaaa🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣         As the whole country we proudly disowning herGuyz honai ndachiZoomer chinhu chaKetsvina honai kupaduka kwachakaita .         😂🤣🤣🤣ndicho chiya chavainyepera murah mwari vanongozoita zvibude zvino ndomatinji iwawo anoita seabvurugwa nenjiri kudaro           Kna Easter wa queen Tate akazvinakira chi icho kunge chikitsi bonga😂😂😂😂 ngozi yematinji yakarehwa nagogo musalad yanga yakasimuka nezuro           Mofananidza rombe na Felly moda kuti zimcare rakadaro ride

October 19, 2023

Patricia Jackie Vana Vamai Tt Havagone Kana Kugeza Mazino Nehapwa Vanonguwa Abd Vanoita Zvevarume Samai Vavo Ndakaona Vachibatwa Nazamhu

Actress Patricia X Best Friend Ya Mai TT Achifumura Huchapa Hwevana Va Mai TT Havagone Kana Kugeza Mazino     Ndikaita president or minister wezimbabwe wese anotaura bad about kids mujeri straight cz it’s abuse ndaitanga nechembere dzepasocial media kukanda mujeri dzinotaura bad about vana the future of Zimbabwe           Umm this is WITCHCRAFT in capital letters, that woman arikut macalls ana TT na Fifi anopindira mufon yemwana wangu, don't deceive yourself mummy check your daughter well you might be surprisedIt's to sad vanhu imi shuwa vakadzi vakuru             kuita meeting yevana vadiki shuwa haaaa huroyi vakadai surrender. God have mercy.Hanzi kana unemwana s

October 17, 2023

Mcdonald Takunda Pfende Obira 58 Nurses 48 000 Usd Yema COS Achiti Anovaendesa Ku UK Zvakaoma

Mcdonald Takunda Pfende, a 27-year-old man from Waterfalls, deceived and swindled 53 nurse aide students out of $46,000 by falsely promising to secure them Certificates of Sponsorship for UK employment. Nothing has been recovered.       Mcdonald Takunda Pfende, a 27-year-old man deceived and swindled 53 nurse aide students of a combined US$46,000 by falsely claiming he could obtain Certificates of Sponsorship (CoS) for them to work in the UK. Employers with a valid sponsorship licence must obtain a CoS for each employee they intend to hire from outside the United Kingdom.          Companies are charging foreign workers high fees for these certificates, and Pfende allegedly took advantage of this scheme, ZimLive re

October 17, 2023

Zimbabweans In South Africa Mudi Wa 26 Takananga Ku Boarder

Ichokwadi here kuti vanhu vari kunovhara beitbridge kana chiri chokwadi ngaritopiswe hanti nderedu avo ma airports.         26 October marovha ese mahwindi ese munodiwa ku border. food beer water transport zvichange zviripo join progressive watsup groups unyorese zita rako upiwe tag           HAPANA ARI KUSUNGWA...makavhotera kubeitbridge here marombe imi mhepo yekuda kuurawa nezanu uko count me out

October 17, 2023

Poita Kukakavadzana Dzingori Nharo Hadzo Asi Chokwadi Magafa Anoziva Jahprayzer Ndibaba Vavo

Dzingori nharo hadzo asi chokwadi vanochiziva😂😂😂😂😂😂       Nziyo dzawinky kana usina kusvika form 4 ukapasa hauzvinzwisisi..... Gafaaaa❤️Pamwe pacho tingori vanhu vanopfura then tobaya nemistake totomgowedzera           maviews asi tisina kuona kkkkk kwaWinky tenge tatopedza song yese kkkkk maviews akangofanana nestatus yepawhatsapp unongokwanisa kupfura uchiskipper usina kuona asi aisa status anotongoona wakanzi waita view         Currently winky is the best Dancehall entertainer in Africa ko Jah wenyu aripi, kugona kwemunhu hakuonekwe payoutube         Munyori uri zidofo on steroids!Ukuona Winky pane any International Artist here

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