Ava mai ava hameno kuti vakada zita here rekunzi vaenda kuUk vakaenderei kana zvanga zvisat zvaringana vaine nhumbu yavo nahi handit vaizvara Ok vasiri kunzwisisia nyaya yacho. We all madhumbe Mai Micky vanga vari Kwa mai mazowe. So this weekend I think u saw her leaving Mai mazowe going to another lady in Newcastle. So the lady in question has a similar situation like jean gasho kubala family yekutorerwa vana. So Brit uyu akatorerwa vana uyu anoita zve ma spiritual like kubala family. So in this article jean explaining how she was delivered at kubala family zvaanoita. So as a zim community we are worried about mwana kuti aenda pa nzvimbo pakadai vachiita ma rituals. Hope I explained clearly
Nyaya Iyi Yakaoma Tytie Zvariribasa Zvakubuda Zvese Imbavha Mother Ava Zvavakaitwa Na Tytie Hezvo Vakunzi Vaibawo Na Tytie Vachiti Vanhu Va Donater🙄🙄😳😳😳🤣🤣🤣😭PashataMai Ava Vaida Kutoiswa Pfuti Na Tytie Tytie Ofumurwa Zve Na Lolo Nenyaya Dza Regina Chibhatani Haa Pakaipa Mukomana Uyu Ibongozozo Tsotsi Iwo Ma Skits Aya Achatiparira 😳😳😳😳Skit Rana Tytie Rekudzimirwa Phone Ku Capetown Akaba Mari Dzevanhu Andishandisa Akatenga Mota Mariziva Here Skit Roya Remunhu Wekudzimirwa Phone Nehama Ndiye Mukadzi Akutaura Uyuu🤣🤣😳😳😳😳😳Tytie Anehutsinye
Haaaa zvinhu zvacho unotomboshaya kuti zviri kufamba sei🤔🤔🤔 nerunako rwese urwo munhu ashaya wake murume atoenda pabarika vakashata varikunoita vana vahosi mudzimba dzavo iwe uri kuenda pachipare kushaya varume here or kuda panemari yakashandwa neumwe mkadzi kare???Kkkk maiguru avo ndovaridzi vemurume manje, the type iya inoti huyai ana mainini tibatsirane basa , the type inobviswa necrane, type yekuti murume angaita hake madrama but kana asvika pane ava anodzikama kkkk type iyi inotonga ende hainei nazvo lol. Asi haidi kuenderwa kumberi manje kkkk unopachema because haa hapana chavasingachaketi ava kubva kuprayer kusvika kumushonga, saka Hirari wotodzikama ipapo kkk
BRIGADIER General Retired Michael Chaminuka who died on Saturday after a short illness, has been declared national hero. Delivering the message to the family Thursday evening at the Chaminuka residence in Harare’s Glen Lorne suburb, ZANU PF national chairperson Cde Oppah Muchinguri Kashiri said the conferment of hero status on the late was a result of his consistency and courage in advancing the national interest during the liberation struggle and after independence. The family expressed gratitude to the government for honouring their late father. Brigadier General Retired Chaminuka joined the liberation struggle at the age of 17 after crossing into Mozambique in 1977. &nbs
FOR THE RECORD not everything requires a response, but this continued relentless attack on my personal standing , coordinated character assassination of high profiled people and defamation of purely innocent women using my name can NEVER be tolerated or ignored ! I have been APPALLED that over the last few days, almost every social media platform has been awash with screenshots PURPORTEDLY taken from my Instagram account. I disassociate myself from these FAKE screenshots and DISMISS them in their entirety as nothing more than MALICIOUS fabrications being sponsored by CRIMINALS who realized that their attempt to extort me was DISMALLY unsuccessful. I must say that all the alleged screenshots were generated through F
Rich Aunt Vaita Accident Vakafa Vachibva Mu Club Borrowdale Road Mbinga Dzirikusheedzana Sad
shocking turn of events, Ratidzo Mukarati, the chairwoman of the Zanu-PF Women’s League in Harare, has been suspended from her position following the circulation of explicit photographs purportedly depicting her. This scandal has not only cast a shadow on her political career but has also sparked widespread controversy within Zimbabwe’s ruling party. The leaked images, which emerged online recently, have triggered a swift response from Zanu-PF officials, leading to Mukarati’s suspension pending further investigation. The incident has been met with varied reactions from the public, with many expressing outrage over what they perceive as a breach of moral conduct exp
Ndine audio achichema shame ndanzwa tsitsi apa boys racho richisekaAccount yakatorwa Nana Java. And hanzi vapiwa 500k to give it back and stop posting anything else they found in there 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Hanzi akachema zvinonzwisa tsitsi kuti the rest of the info ikabuda he will be killed .He is arrogant hake asi anobatsira vanhu vakawanda bt he doesn't post.Hanzi mune a lot of married women vaari involved navo a lot of slay queens patown.Haddassa avo dai vanyarara hanzi they have a relationship full time
SAD💔 | Driver weInter Africa anonzi Mawoyo afira paNyamaropa mubhazi rake. Hanzi angoti kuna conductor andichanzwi mushe, ita vanhu vaende nerimwe bhazi ndimbozorore. Pangoenda vanhu ndiye sarai.
Rich Aunt Olinda Guhwa Achiseka Madamboss Kuita Kutsvinyaa Kuvapidigura Nduwe Pakaipa 🤪🤣🤣😳😳