Monday, September 23

News News

January 14, 2024

Zvinorwadza Izvi Liberty Prince Makombo Arikurwara Zvekuti Ku Nelmaphius Joni Parikudiwawo Hama Dzake Dzimutore Zvichakanaka

tine mkomana uyu Ari kurwara, anonzi liberty prince makombo Anoti anobva masvingo  Zita ramai vake Mavis humbe, mangwiro kana kut midzi, brother yake anonzi Zacharia makombo         Mkomana uyu Ari kuNellmaphius Ari kugara neshamwari.kana pane anomuzivawo please sunungurai vatorwa vari kumubatsira . Anenge amuziva please tobatei apa munhu aendeswe kumusha zvichakanaka +27 721612632 Whatsapp and calls          Ndakumbirawo Vanhu mufambise message iyi mumagrup akasiyana

January 13, 2024

Nyaya Haisikupera X Ya Kikky Said Tytie Handisi Rombe Sezvaunofunga Kikky Ndakamubata Achindihurira Ndopandakamurova Video Iro

Handisi rombe sezvamunofunga.But zvakandiitira kikie hamuzvizive.Munomhanya kujaja.mavanga arikutaura that's the day randakamubata ane chikomba .I will post ma vidios acho.Ndri kuda Zita rangu richene.         Not kuti vanhu vari ku creator zvavanoda so that Ivo ndovave smart.It can't be normal kuti mumwe ndiye ane tattoo remumwe .Mumwe haana .So anoda mumwe kupfuura mumwe ndiyani? Men and women think deeply bfo manhongera.         Wife and children they must stay away from social media.wheather ndobasa ririkupinza Mari but don't include your family.once love yangoita yepa social media they know kuti moto wemashanga.mark my words.if uchida kuona kuti anokuda here ngaasewo tattoo rezita rako.

January 13, 2024

Zvana Papa Muchazvirega Prophet Gwatinyanya Vasungwa Vorepa Musikana 20 Year Old Vachiti Ndo Healing Process Yacho Ndozvataura Mwari Kuti Anointing Iripa Blambi Yavo

53-year-old self-proclaimed prophet from Pumula, Bulawayo, has been arrested on charges of allegedly raping his client and forcing her to have sexual intercourse with one of his congregants at his shrine, purportedly as part of the “healing process.”           The victim initially refused but Gwatinyanya forced her and instructed that they go and have intercourse at a nearby bush and after completing the act, they must both come back and report to him.         In August, Gwatinyanya again ordered the victim to have sexual intercourse with the congregant but she complained, citing that she would not indulge in sexual activities because her child was not feeling well.       &n

January 13, 2024

Zvinovhundutsa ZRP Irikuchema Zimbabweans Tibatsireiwo Kutsvaga Mbavha Dzakatibiira Pa Roadblock Dzikasiya Dzauraya Umwe Wedu Hayaa Zvakaoma

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has appealed to members of the public to assist in identifying one of the suspects who was among a group of assailants who robbed police officers who were manning a roadblock in Masvingo on Thursday 11 January.           Police hunting 4 men who stole a car in Masvingo; robbed police officers at a roadblock on Nemamwa-Muchakata Road and then hijacked another car near Renco Mine after shooting dead the driver have released picture of a suspect. You have information? WhatsApp ZRP 0712800197             #pindulanewsThe Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has confirmed that its members who were manning a roadblock along Nemamwa-Muchakata Road in Masvingo to ambush stock t

January 11, 2024

X Q Mr Putiti Happy Birthday 43 Tears Old 20 years Vachitiimbira Mangoma

MR PUTITI TURNS 43 Today!!Let's Wish Him wellHappy Birthday Mr Putiti ! Your talent and passion for music have inspired countless people. May your special day be filled with beautiful melodies, joyful celebrations and the love of your fans.          20 years in the music industry          What`s your favorite song from Mr Putiti?Happy Birthday to our Brother - ExQ Mr Putiti… An Expandable, may the good Lord grant you all your heart’s desires, may he keep blessing you with the greatest gift in life and that is Life itself. Isu Maroja we wish you more life, more blessings, more money and more music…       Enjoy your day to the fullest Kuru 😎

January 11, 2024

Madhumbe Oudzwa Nevahari Vemu UK Achazotoshaiwa Basa And Ari Busy Kutengesa Akamupa COS Nekuda Kwehunhu Hwake Hwekutaurisa Dai Adzikama Azvara Ombobva Pa Facebook

    Dear ma socialites ari kuuya ku UK nema COS, learn to separate social media and mabasa enyu ema COS. Vazhinji venyu muri kupotsa muromo Pa social media.           Zvichakutadzisayi kuunza mhuri dzenyu. Plus vamwe vent muri ku advisor varikuda kuuyawo zvisirizvo. Don’t mix content yenyu ne real job situations. Makaudzwa before neva chonera diaspora mukavati vane godo. Be careful because things are going to get tough before they get any better. Work hard and less talking.           Let me speak neiri kunetsa kuma streets. This is advise to Madhumbe, mmmm please stop kutaurisa chimboti zii seusipo. We all know you are looking for sympathy, but you need to take responsibility of your

January 11, 2024

Tete Mildred Havasi Kufara Mhofu Hanzvadzi Yangu Kuberekeswa Mwana Dzabu Semakadyiswa Na Madamboss Pamwe I Clove Irikushanda

Tsamba kumuroora Madam Boss  Anodiwa muroora Ndanyora tsamba iyi ndichiti negorenzva makaidyawo seiko kisimusi paGerimani apo.Ko takakuonaika muchifara muchisvetuka rudo rwunemandivhaidza chokwadi.Mukoma vakafaraka ndakavaona vatakura Dzabu kumusana inga zvakaoma kuita semurume akadyiswa akutobereka Mwana Ngoni Mhofu yemukono aaaa clove inoshanda.           Ndakabva ndati nune nune saka vegodo vachaitasei.. Ko nemakorokotoka nehu CEO mwari uyu anenge achitiona zvedu.Saka hu CEO hwacho huri kubva hwauya nekachirungu asi wakatoenda kuchikoro kuita kusvisvina chirungu.Wakuti kana uchitaura wakuita semurungu imiwee.             Asi mbuya vaye ndivo vanokudzidzisa iiii zvakanaka chose vegodo

January 10, 2024

Zvinorwadza Izvi Valentine’s Uyo Arikutsvagwawo Nevabereki Vake Arikushaikwa since November

THE family of 21-year-old Valentine Mushore has appealed to anyone who may have seen him or have any information on his whereabouts to come forward.           Valentine disappeared since November 30 last year after being dropped off in the Harare CBD. His sister, Natalie, said the family was extremely worried about him, and was hoping for a positive outcome to this ordeal.             “He was wearing black sweat pants, a white T-shirt and carrying a black sports bag. He does not suffer from any illness,” said Natalie. She said anyone who has any information on Valentine’s whereabouts should contact her on 0773 091 219.

January 10, 2024

Zvakaoma Freeman Oudza Tinashe Mutarisi Unogona Kupinda Mujeri Nekutamba Neni Uye Pfuti Dzaurikubata Neface Yako Iyoo

AN image of Freeman with a gun will NOW always court controversy — one way or the other. Especially after the artiste, one of the leading entertainers in this country, was recently questioned by homicide detectives over possible links to some slain robbers.         Freeman insists he does not have any connection with robbers. But, for businessman Tinashe Mutarisi, posting a picture of Freeman with a gun isn’t something that should trigger controversy.           A few days ago, Mutarisi, who is also a prominent music promoter, posted a picture, on his social media handles, in which he is in the company of Freeman and Boss Zino. The businessman has 489 000 followers on Facebook.   &n

January 10, 2024

Zimbabweans Oti Kikky Kuzvitora Ega Achiiswa Mumwena Wake Pasina Protection Anofabira Kusungwa Nehunhu Hunonyadzisa Kudaro Pashataa

This gal was filming herself having sekisi ...using her own phone...she send her own video to people..         kiki should be arrested for distributing pornography 🤗apa no protection         Haapana hapo yakanyanya pa video iriChakutsvaga pekuzororera chakapedza nyika kkkkkkkk

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