Monday, September 23

News News

January 30, 2024

Job Sikhala Freed After Getting 2 Year Suspended Jail Term

The incarcerated legislator, Job Sikhala has been sentenced to 2 years, wholly suspended. Job Sikhala Freed After Getting 2 Year Suspended Jail Term for Inciting Violence           Job Sikhala has been sentenced to a two wholly-suspended jail term for inciting violence. He is expected to be freed today. There were jubilant scenes outside Harare Magistrates’ Courts after the handing down of the sentence by a provincial magistrate.

January 29, 2024

Capetown Ma1 Voti Moreboys Great Hope Ungatochemera Kurwiea Chitunha Cha Baba Judy Kuchiisa Muchingoro Chakadaro For Clout Wsivepi Pavairambura Wozongobatikira Ipapo Ndozvatakumamisirai

Saka vanga vachichemera kumuendesa Ari mu zenge imomu zvakaomaGreat hope team itai srs, trailer yenyu it's not presentable, you're making lot's of money aside hamusikuda kugadzirisa ngoro dzenyu why               Bt ngoro iyo yazonyanya wy cant u just paint it so that inoonekerawo hameno pamwe ifoni yangu yakadhakwa zvayoKurwira chitinha here..when he cried for help ari mupenyu hakuna akamunzwa wani kuda kubatsira afa shuwa shuwa ummmm             Vakomana Chii chikukutadzisaiwo kutengera vasikana venyu ma ring akacheaper kudai Tytie akazviita waniHE WAS QUIET PESE APA WANI,AKAZODA KUBUDA OTAURA NEZVA BAju vacho musiuno why . Regai vambomuvhundutsira . Panenyaya, no smo

January 29, 2024

Ha Zvakaoma Tytie Otengera Kikkie Engagement Ring Ye 70rand Oti Ndoinoenderana Nyaye Haiwa Unenge Wadzikisirwa Semunhu Kadzi

Vakomana Chii chikukutadzisaiwo kutengera vasikana venyu ma ring akacheaper kudai Tytie akazviita wan                 So matozvipira kt muchadanana hre kusvika murufu maisana rupahwo rwemazita pamuviri.               Hamuna kunyanya kumanya hre vafanaa ini munofuma makarambana mozoita sei manjeKunewese waihukura saka muchaita sei manje apa .❤❤❤❤❤❤💕💕💕💐💐💐💐💐💐🌺🌺🌺💞💞💞this is so nice .

January 28, 2024

Ma Accident Emabus Anyanya Bindura Road Pavilion Bus Yoita Tsaona Pofa Vanhu 4 Bus Rakarova Potholes

At least 2 people have died while 3 others were injured on Saturday morning when a Pavilion bus collided with a Nissan pick up truck at Avonda Farm in Glendale along the Harare-Bindura road.            Witnesses say the driver of the bus was heading to Bindura and encroached onto the lane of oncoming traffic colliding with the pick up truck that was headed towards Harare ferrying Rural Elecrification Agency (REA) employees.           The Zimbabwe Republic Police is yet to confirm the accident.Honestly the buses in Zim are too fast to be used in our roads , i feel pity for people driving in that death trap road beitbridge harare via masvingo mmmm that road is a death trap hayo , hpe somthing will be d

January 28, 2024

Ma1 Aya Izvezvi Buildings Ese Pa Joina City Arikubvira Moto No Fire Brigade Mu Harare

BREAKING... Some buildings across Joina City along Julius Nyerere way in Harare caught fire this evening.   The cause of the fire is not yet known.BREAKING... Some buildings across Joina City along Julius Nyerere way in Harare caught fire this evening.           The cause of the fire is not yet knowBREAKING... Some buildings across Joina City along Julius Nyerere way in Harare caught fire this evening.           The cause of the fire is not yet knowThere seems to be a lot of big fires in Harare buildings lately.           On Friday night the two fuel tankers outside Halsteads Msasa, Paramount Factory a couple of weeks back, and others in between.......

January 28, 2024

Kambucha Sei Muchiita Rusarura Ganda Greatman Music Ndiye Aidanira Kuita Brand Ambassador Atorwadziwa Imi Mavekupa Madamboss Na Baba Harare Vatorine Zvese Basa Musadaro So Public Demand

Congratulations guys makachigwina chimuti chandaidawo Baba Harare & Madam Boss thank u Fresh Kambucha Drink Zimbabwe nekupa ava vaviri mukana uyu zvinovengwa nevanomuka izviii but next tym imbondionaiwo vekambucha 😂😂😂😂😂           Bhudhi gire hamumanikidze vanhu kukuitai brand doesn't work like that..farawo nevachigwinha not everything is supposed to be for you ..godo ngaribve musystem Yako🙄🙄🙄             The guy is simply saying he is more disadvantaged than those afforded the opportunity to be brand ambassadors. This youngman is yearning for attention, please those who can support him, kindly do so, disability is not inability. Wish you the best Gre

January 28, 2024

Zvinorwadza Mumoma Uyu Simbarashe Chiwawa Azvisungurira Netambo Yebhutsu Ku Pretoria South Africa Afa

Makadii hama pano kana pane vanozivawo mukomana uyu anonzi simbarashe chiwawa anobva kumasvingo azvisungurira kuno kupritoria town           Vakomana chiiiko nesu weduweee ko kozviuraira kumba aaaaaah ini ndonzwa hasha nemunhu anozvipfuudza             Kuzongot hazviite but vanhu ivava haifanirwa kuchemwa kungotira mokanda mu dame or kunikanda kisango uko mosiya Soo coz mumwe mutoro wavanosira vasara Soo Kaa zvàkaoma nekuoma kwakaita zvinhu kudai unoda vanhu vatsvagep Mari

January 28, 2024

Ku Captown Kune Vanhu Here Or Kwazra Mhuka Moreboys Great Hope Ochema Mushure Mekunge Avekuda Kuuraiwa Kuti Asatakura Chitunha Cha Baba Judy Mushandi Wake Kith Abatirwa Pfuti Kuda Kuuraiwa Azosiiwa Arimupenyu But Seriously MuHospital

We are very sorry we no longer offering funeral services for Baba Judy in Zimbabwe.We were attacked at the funeral and we received death threatsMoreboys Great Hope Oti Baba Judy Vaindi Support Saka Ndandichida Kubatsirawo ofumura 5 Vanhu Vaida Kumuuraya Kunhamo Ya Baba Judy           Chiiko Ma Zimbabweans Inzwaiwo Imii 😳😳😳😭😭😭Gono Ku CaptownZvakaoma Imi Moreboys Oti Handichatakura Baba Judy Vanhu Varikuda Kundiuraya Ikoko Hezvo Team Yake Ya Attakwa Varikuda Kutomuuraya 🥺😳😳😳PASHATAMushandi Weku Great Hope Orohwa Kurufu Kwa Baba Judy Akabatirwa Pfuti Achinzi Uri Munhu WaMore Boys Zvakaoma Imi 😭             😭😭😳Chiiko Asi Ma ZimbaMushandi Weku Great Hope Orohwa

January 28, 2024

Pakaipa Mai Judy Vonzi Vanyara Kumusha Kwavo Kuti Kutirwe Ma Camera Vanogara Mudzimba Dzemapango 25 Years Vari Mu South Africa Vachitadza Kuvaka Vanhu Vavhunduka

Mai Judy vanyara ne pamba pavo ku musha 25 years mu Kappa chabuda hapana hu admin chete pa mvenge mvenge ne kutenga doro ne ma bum shorts            Greathope wadzingirwa kuti you film everything unongona kunyisa vanodada ne ma photos pa social media vasinga developer pamba           St Mary's chingova nyika ne mbare same whatsapp group havana kuvaka futi kumusha havana manje tatuma nhume dzedu ma spy all photos tinawo and tichavanawo e burial           Dai maimboziva maomero akaita zvinhu joni hamuwani nguva yekunyora izvi kana kushora iye akati munhu akapfeka bumshort aita marii ndiyaniko koo kana ari ekupihwa kana kunhonga mizivasei siyayi vanhu

January 26, 2024

Tshabangu Resigns From CCC In Solidarity With Chamisa Hanzi Kwese Kwaanoenda I Will Follow

Tshabangu Resigns From CCC In Solidarity With Chamisa Hanzi Kwese Kwaanoenda I Will Follow.                     shabangu is saying he has resigned from CCC in solidarity with Chamisa and will follow Chamisa wherever he goes.          

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