Sunday, September 22

News News

March 02, 2024

Zvirikurwadza Izvi Mr Ibu Vafa The Whole Africa Is Crying Baba Vainakidza Ava Pama Nigerian Movie Chavauraisa First Comment MHSRIP

Mr Ibu, Nollywood veteran has died. The actor whose real name is John Okafor was 62.             According to multiple reports from sources close to him, the veteran comedian passed away at Evercare hospital. March 2, 2024 BREAKING: Mr Ibu reportedly dies at 62                 Mr Ibu, a Nollywood veteran has died. The actor whose real name is John Okarfor was 62. According to multiple reports from sources close to him, the veteran comedian passed away at Evercare Hospital. Many fans have shared condolences on X, reminiscing about movies the late actor has featured.             Details surrounding the cause of de

March 02, 2024

Fungai Mutisi Madam Boss Sister Ngaasadaro Uriwo Mukadzi Zvamskuita Msitt Hazvisirizvo Veduwe Ganging up Muchimutuka Ehe Imbavha Tozviziva Asi Inzwaiwo Tsitsi Ndarwadziwa

5 March 2024 $2000 due and $1000 per month until $17 000 is paid up. Next $35k case 🤣🤣🤣Jail is waiting 🤣🤣Kambavha Kasina musoro mazi mari akaka bira vanhu kutadza kuvaka imba ine musoro opedze sera ogara kuDema kwa sabhukuGee Grace Chidzambwa kupusa zvekushandiswa se content nenyika yese 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣ndokwatinoti kupusa kaikoko                       At least arikukupai content pasina iye hamuna nyaya henyu madam kkkkkk we thank her for that iye zii hahakutaurei imi siku nesikati naye naye 😂😂😂😂😂 your content creator haaaa anopisa uya I salute herWeduwe seka urema wafa and kudenga Kuna Mari uko .we don't judge .. gogo wangu used kutaura wachiti as long

March 01, 2024

Madamboss Votaura Nenyaya Ye Mansion Yavo Irikunzi Ndeya Theresa UK Lady Voti Dzimba Dzinenge Dzakafanana Ma Gated House Aya

Chokwadi dzinenge dzakafanana dzinongoiswa manumbers chete ndinogara pakadaro kuno ku Borrowdale           Madam Boss anopinda papi pamahumbwe a Chipo na Mhofu ngavapedzerane ndivo vanoziva zvavakataurirana           Semushandi wekukanzuru tenge tagara hedu tichizviziva kuti aiwa iyezvino mane penyu panonzi penyu makapedza masports kare😊.Ana Nhikwi ndimi mungatoenda kunoita macare taker kumba kwaMai Dzabu saka garai pasi.             Landlord manyama zvakanaka zvinengei asi chiudzaiwo kamurume kenyu kari Jemeni kadzose mari yaChipo hazvina kunaka zvaakamuita otherwise tirikuuya kuzoita TOYI TOYI kuDhabho Stori ikoko.

March 01, 2024

Mashura Kwa Mutare Admire Kimbini 25-year-old Otema Tema Tete Vake Merry Maingire Nedemo Kuvaita Ma Pisi Ma pisi Imi Mweya Yetsvina Iriko

25-year-old Buhera man will spend the rest of his life in prison after he gruesomely murdered his aunt by hacking her with an axe and chopping off her head over an undisclosed issue.Admire Kimbini of Muchapararwa Village recently appeared before Mutare High Court Judge, Justice Isaac Muzenda as he was facing murder charges.               Principal prosecutor, Mr Malvern Musarurwa represented the State.   The court heard that Kimbini struck her aunt, Ms Merry Maingire thrice with an axe, once on the forehead, once on the right side of the head and once on the chest.Ms Maingire died on the spot.             The deceased’s body was found lying on the floor in a pool o

March 01, 2024

Mashura Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa Kudakwashe Magaya Mushayi 37-year-old Nezuro Akanga Achibata Mwana 16 Year Old Chibharo Ndokufira Musango Imomo Musikana Otaura Zvakaitika

A 37-year-old man was on Thursday found dead in a bush near Birchenough Bridge after having a sexual encounter with a 17-year-old girl he had met for the first time at a bus terminus.             A 37-year-old man was on  found dead in a bush near Birchenough Bridge after having a sexual encounter with a 17-year-old girl he had met for the first time at a bus terminus.Kudakwashe Magaya Mushayi was found lying dead by a passerby after he allegedly died while having a quickie with the teenager.             His body had no visible injuries and all his body parts were intact. Police have since launched an investigation to ascertain the cause of Mushayi’s death. Acting Manicala

March 01, 2024

Zvashata Nyika Yakutotyisa President Mnangagwa Havana Kutozo Traveller Nekuti Kwanzi Kune Ma Bomba Arikuda Kurova All Zimbabweans Airports Ngatinamatirei Nyika Yedu

President Mnangagwa suspends his address in Vic Falls after authorities received an email yekuti kunemabhomba akuda kurova all Zim airports Story details                               

March 01, 2024

Mashura Zvofumurwa Izvo Ngoni Madamboss Husband Vakabiira Chipo Trouble Causer Facebook Page Rake Rine Monetisation Ndomari Yavakatoshandisa Kuenda Germany Pashata

Vanga vachibvunza zvaChipo ndipo pazvabva apa.KwaTaingorufu hakuna secret..Anyway this is the side of Ketty that i love.❤️Mhofu kambwaaaaI used to dislike Ketty but one of the days I listened to her live ndakatoona kuti she has 2 sides to her.               Kune vanhu vanoziva this side kozoita vanongoziva rana gongomutoto. U just have to understand her moreMhofu wakasiya waba mari yaChipo yepeji ukatizira Jemeni manje Mwari haasi blaz vako Chipo wacho akazogadzirirwa peji naHunidzanaiwa Taingorufu Anania.               Unofanirwa kuziva kuti kumba kwana Taingorufu Anania hakuna secret zvese bvuuuu😂😂Anyways thank you Hunidzanaiwa nekubatsira Chipo nemonitizati

February 28, 2024

Madamboss Vopupa Nehasha Myshure Mekunge Vanzi Madollar Edu Maimada Nyangwe Muka dissertation Maitt Muchiti Ndori Boss Brand Ambassador Pashata Nyaya Yacho Ma1

Boss vecompany kwete shop chopisaMuri boss henyu asi madollar edu muno madii chaizvoo asi hamunawoo tsitsi NEMA follower enyu           Hasha dzekuvhariswa kwe gofund hapana chimwe zveVamwe vanongohukura vachingohukura hapana abatwa homwe kunzi bvisa dhora izvezvi umwe macomment section akutaura zvisina basa asi atobvisa dhora racho mai Dzabu ndokudai imi🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥               Havazoenzane zvavo coz umwe married umwee single love you both 🔥🔥👩‍🦯❤️👩‍🦯❤️👩‍🦯👩‍🦯❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️ hameno ikoko mese ndokuzivirai pamupikicha 🤣🤣🤣🤣S

February 28, 2024

Mashura Zifm Radio Presenter Lorain Bayo Obatwa Aba Doro Mu Pick And Pay Asungwa Musikana Otaura Zvakaita Abe

Nyika yedu yaoma veduwe. A former ZIFM presenter Lorraine Boya fined US$100 mushure makunge aba chibhodhoro chedoro mufood lovers. Apa doro racho raakaba rinoita               US$29Ma slaykwini anenge achida kunzi ane mari anotenga doro rodhura. Izvo mari dzacho hapanaTakambokuudzai kuti hwahwa ndaupihwe for free mukaita nharo.             Ukaziva kuti maSlay queen mazhinji Havana kana Kobo unobatsirika chavo kukoshesa ma nails nema eyelashes,ne complexion chete,vashoma vane cash

February 28, 2024

Pakaipa Fungai Mutisi Madam Boss Sister Otuka Maitt Anokumbira Arinani Pane Iwe Unoba Uchiperera Kuchikurubhi Yaa Pashata Hondo Yacho

It’s better kuita go fund me pane kuba mari dzeround wogumira muchikurubhi I don’t want peace I want Ploblem 😝Kakavharwa nema statements anotumirwa ePenjeni kakasacrifaisa mari dzeRound 🚮🚮🚮thinkin penjeni was kwiq buck .We need more of ana Tin Ashes 🤣🤣🤣!                 Katanga 🤷🤣 Norton AntiVirusTitende Content nhasi! What people don’t understand is if other people go for my blood-I will ignore but kaguru 🚮🚮will not let her into my pot! Will grill her sebagwe rabiwa kumagarden ✌️                 Kwai I work with my own hands- kuweka bhinzi here paCamera.Tinyatso twacho twakandifungisa Madhaf

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