Sunday, September 22

News News

March 06, 2024

Madamboss Sister Vopindura Maiit Mushure Nekunge Vanzi Uri Doctor Wechiiko Iwewe Voburitsa Na Certificate Ese Kubva E Grade 7 Ne ZJC

I work quietly and do not make noise. I protect where my bread is buttered. I made a decision to protect my projects after realising that - they will not attack what they don’t know. “ Beauty with Brains 🧠!” 🦉🦉🦉             🦍🦍🦍It’s not everyday were I win. Sometimes I lose too, when I don’t get it , I know it’s not for me. Ladies, don’t give up when you don’t win.  Mass communication is a passion - passive income is good but satisfaction comes from passion.  “ Beauty with brains 🧠!” 🦉🦉🦉 🦍🦍🦍PaArea 60 ipapo- The award goes to The Queen of Peace.✌️ Unstoppable. Another reminder that “ I am beautiful and I

March 06, 2024

Pashata Zuva Habane Oti Siyai Naitt Iwe Remaziziso Dr Wekupenga Ndichingoita Mapepa Angu Tiri Kuuya Ne V11 Ra Dzabu Panenyaya Hombe

Hatidi vanhu vane rusarura Ganda pindurayi munhu wose😎Stop bhulin’i uyo zvaikozvino akamomotegwa. since wava neSimba rekupindura vanhu these days maglobo dovuya ugwe neni ndikutsvaka relevhenzi. YeMarasta haiperi               Ndosaka achinhuhwa hudzi🙄🙄 panhau yamaiDzabu akandisvota. Apa achiti kunyengerera Piripirikison🙄🙄Sunshine gara pasi tanga wauya nesekisi tape yaMai Dzabu totangira ipapo.               Wakati wakamirira azvare iyezvino Dzabu akutofamba akatovhura creche asi nanhasi chabuda hapana.Zinhikwi.anopenga uyo..akuti kana ma paper aita ndipo paachaunza v11 dei tape iripo dei akapa chero umwe munhu kuti abuditseUyu ngaadzikame hake kuda kut

March 06, 2024

Hazvisisina Mumira Mushe Tete Mildred Voti Dzosera Zvawakatomba Hausisina Saloon Ketina Ndiwe Waida Kuuraya Maitt Audio Buritsa Reseka Tione Vanhu Vanzwe Uchitaurawo Vofumura Zvese

Hupenyu hwako ndewekutaura kupondwa kwevanhu kufa kwevanhu dzosera hurombwa uhwoMwana kunyara kuenda ku church achingonzi ndiwe una amai vanokudubura marongwe pa facebook rombe redzidza           Kuma hotera uko give service to your clients kumunozoisireiko zvinodhaka muba mari yechembere dziri kudawo service semahure EairendiMa wig takusonera mumba rent a chair mari paribe               Hanzi dzimba ndedzamai murungu hanzi vaitove kumusha ndine mupikicha vachimema misha yavo.Welldone Mai murungu murikushanda.Ko zvino rombe rechikokiyana rineiko imiweeTete ndimi mune chimuti kkkk plus ma audio haana kana basa maisataura mega hamupengi.           &

March 05, 2024

Pakaipa Scott Sakupwanya Mabvuku-Tafara MP Opa Twfara High Mari 12500usd Manheru Acho Chikoro Chobva Chabiorwa Mari Iyoyo Ma Teacher Otaura Zvakaitika

Armed robbers pounced on Tafara 2 High School in Harare and went away with thousands of dollars on Wednesday night, hours after Mabvuku-Tafara MP Pedzai Sakupwanya had pledged to donate US$12 000 to the school.           Sakupwanya had earlier in the day pledged to donate the money to the school during his birthday celebration held in the area.   According to ZimLive, a gang of 11 suspects armed with bolt cutters, iron bars, chisels, machetes and a knife scaled over the school’s security wall.             They pounced on two school security guards whom they tied before force-marching them to the administration block and forced them to lie down.   The robbers tried to op

March 05, 2024

Pakaipa zvionereiwo Chinena Cha Evangelica Sandie Iye Wacho oburitsaIti Vachada Zvionerriwo Mashura aya

Pakaipa zvionereiwo Chinena Cha Evangelica Sandie Iye Wacho oburitsaIti Vachada Zvionerriwo Mashura aya     Munoda kuona nyini ya ke iye asingaioni handiti anotora girazi kuti aiona plus nyini Yama dhafu hameno zvairiwoHaiwawo chero mukaona tht won't remove me Pana Mwari in fact kundichemedza kwawaita watogona .       Chiuyai muite analysis yebechair raevangelica Sandie...handi tatiri inbox for the past 30mins🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣IPA vanhu beche kwaro Lullu Edwards latest ndakavhura makumbo kwete riye remusango         ndichitya kurumwa nenyoka ehe handina dinji but Aiwa kapeche kangu smart and very tight than all of youHaiwawo chero mukaona tht won't remove me Pana Mwari in fact kundichemedza kwawa

March 04, 2024

Pakaipa Poita Hondo Ya Holyten Na Tinashe Mutarisi Nekuda Kwa Chelsea Nemwana Wake Holyten Haatorina Hunhu Zvake Uyu Oburitsa Ma Chats Avaimbotaura Vese Hayaa Drama Racho Angaapora Nguvai Munhu Akabhurwa

Mozoda zvenyu kuuya mwana akura pese apa maiita semusingazive kuti ariko..Ityai Mwari ana Bhanguza..Murikugona basa mummy ❤️❤️                        

March 03, 2024

Mazimbabweans 5 Asungwa Ku Barnsley UK Mushure Mekunge Vabaya 26 Year Old Lazarus Makono Akafa Zvakaoma

The ugly face of fraud and theft manifesting in the COS nightmare in the UK has claimed many Zimbabweans and many more are in the shadows of death.           Five people have been arrested in Barnsley, United Kingdom, after a 26-year-old Zimbabwean man was stabbed to death on February 21.         Lazarus Makono, who worked as a health care assistant, was found with serious injuries when police were called to a house on Cooperative Street at about 1.20 am on February 21.           Makono was being hunted by scores of people he had scammed through the COS scheme – The Herald   #TheSundayMail

March 03, 2024

Huchapa Haudi Munhu Anematako Makuru Nyika Yose Yovhema Nehufende Wa Regina Celebrity Rinooneka Nepa Camera Huchapa Mai Nga Na Kapfupi Batsirai Mumwe Wenyu Pashata Nyaya Yese First Comment

Chinja maitiro Regina uitewo semkadzi wanhasi ...madhende ayo ndeeyi...sies man🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮Zifende iri.Ende mumba umo hazvitoshamisi kuwana kana mukonde weduzvy pakona.Mumba me celebrity 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ,but wakapenga kufurira shamwari kuramba murume iwe wosara uine wako ichoooó 🤣🤣🤣               Mavengero andakaita madhende epamasofa ameno kuti why vanhu vachimadaCobra yakachipa wani kokutenga carpet or zvima plastic carpet zviyeHaidi shuga...inoda mvura..sipo...nebwe nechitauro...hubvudzi sechoya chebenzi gina #fariramvura             Mari taiona but tamba nemvura chisikana haisi kunzwira kana chimboedza kugeza at least 3times a

March 03, 2024

Zvinofadza Izvi Luckmore Magaya Nemumwe Wake Vaka Saver Mukadzi Akanga Ave Kudyiwa NeGarwe Vopiwa Mazimari Na Dambudzo Munangagwa Ku State House They Deserve

Today President Mnangagwa met Peace and Luckmore Magaya, who saved a woman from a crocodile attack in Mhondoro.           “Inspired by their courage, I've taken on their education fees and awarded them $5 000 each. Let's nurture such bravery and compassion in our youth,” said the President #TheSundayMail               Brave young warriors Thank you your excellence for recognising and awarding good deeds

March 03, 2024

Zimbabwe Report Malvern Luther Pazvakavambwa A Kidnapper Vana Va Fadzai Maupa

Zimbabwe Report Malvern Luther Pazvakavambwa A Kidnapper Vana Va Fadzai Maupa .   If you see Malvern Or The kids please report to the nearest police station. Malvern has a history of violence and the safety of the children is a serios matter .    Fadzai Maupa is also worried about her life as Malvern is know for bribing police and hiring thugs to intimidate Fadzai. Watch her video below 

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