Monday, September 23

News News

December 30, 2023

Zviboshamisa Tatelicious Oburitsa Chiweti Cha Freeman Mushure Mekunge Apiwa Ne Girlfriend Yake Pavaive Vese Ku Lodge

Tatelicious iburidza Chiweti Cha Freeman Nushure Mekunge Apiwa Ne Girlfriend Yake             ASKANA #MAI_DAMIEN ndivo vanozowacha ma andapendi e redhi aswera KUCHIHURE kana Frinso we wiwi adzoka kumba 🤣🤣🤣         SHINGA #Babra ndiwe wakazvida izvi zva Mhofela vane maguts ekudenha HOMWE🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣This video is in  2 parts, Hotel room and elevator 🤣🤣🤣🤣           Nyaso tarisai 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣         Frinso is very active muma mana🤣🤣🤣Hapana NYAYA YANDISINA IN MY ARCHIVES , FROM THE PRESIDENT to the least person. I HAVE DEEP SECRETS OF Zim Celebrities and Zim politicians. 

December 30, 2023

Sekuru Yasvava Masvada 70 Year Old Obadiah Musindo Oroona 22 Year Old

70 year old cleric Obadiah Musindo of Destiny for Africa Network engages his 22 year old PA at Rainbow Towers.           What's your experience with Musindo?          

December 30, 2023

Zvanyadzisa Izvi Freeman Why Kubvuma Kutorwa Manudzu Nema Joki Munhu Ane Mukadzi Kumba

Ladies and Gentlemen my name is SEKURU HUNGE and its my honor to give you MBORO YA FRINSO WE WIWI , I think yaka mira 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣         Vazhinji maishuwira kuda kuziva kuti Mboro ya HKD kana yakamira yakaita sei 🤣🤣🤣         Favourite kala yake yema BHRIFI IS REDHI🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣         Eish amana why would he allow girlfriends to shoot videos with him amana , I'm so disappointed in him kudii uku😥😥        

December 29, 2023

Pafiwa Harare Borrowdale 45minutes Ago Food Delivery Guy

Ma1 Ku  Borrowdale Harare check with your relative food delivery             

December 29, 2023

Tsaona Yarwadza Vanhu Vachienda Kumusangano We Church Bulawayo Kamativi Matebeleland North

NINE people, six of whom juveniles were seriously injured when a vehicle they were travelling in to a church meeting was involved in an accident near Kamativi in Matabeleland North           I think the Zimbabwe republic police must put more road blocks in major           highway road to try and limit speeding this holiday because most accidents are caused by over speeding,and,recklessness of drivers

December 29, 2023

Zvashamisa Africa Yese Munangagwa Son Kudakwashe David Mnangagwa Oitwa Minister Of Finance

2023 Files   Son of President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, Kudakwashe David Mnangagwa, took the oath of office as the deputy Minister of Finance.           Picture by Open Parly           Father President son Minister of finance.I didn't see this happening in my country.

December 29, 2023

Zvinonyadzisa Mapurisa E Kanzuru MuHarare Ari Kubiira MaVendir Zvinhu Zvavo

Former Harare City Deputy Mayor, Kudzai Kadzombe, said she witnessed municipal police officers stealing from vendors in broad daylight. She reported the incident to their superiors.            This sparked a discussion on the common occurrence of such incidents in the city. Some people claimed that municipal police officers collect taxes from vendors, while others defended the officers' actions as necessary for enforcing the law.            The incident highlighted the issue of corruption within Harare's municipal police and other departments.              Calls were made for action to be taken against corrupt officers and for bette

December 29, 2023

Mushure Mekunge Freeman Ati Mukadzi Wangu Handi Chinje Chandingatochinja Mabhurugwa Ndomuda Zvekuti Marwei Abva Azvidira Jecha

Mkomana adzoka futi muchiround ne nyowani #Freeman HKD Boss. Mai Damien itongoshingai mungadii         Munohurireiko nevanhu vari married kana Musina kusimba lol rest Mukadzi wake nyangwe zvikadii she always comes first 🤞             Freeman Ndiye Asimudza Mhepo ONE ARTIST ASINGA KOSHESE MUJOLO ANOKOSHESA HAPPINESS YAMAI VEVANA KUMBA LOVE YOUR MOVES BREDAA MUCH RESPECT MI ELDERNdavaisazve hanty munofara        

December 29, 2023

Zvinorwadza Mwsyera Bus Mutare Raita Accident Pakuvara Vakawanda check Nehama Dzenyu

#manicalandnews:          Vakawanda vakuvara mushure mekunge bhazi rekwa mwayera raita tsaona raakuda kupinda mu nharira         Tsaona Yakuvadza vakawanda            Pictures from the scene showed many bodies, and injured people lying on the ground, and the truck driver flung up his mingled vehicle, dead.          

December 29, 2023

Zvinorwadza Zvinoshamisa 52-year-old Dominic Nyawasha Ouraya Muzukuru Wake Nepfuti Mwana Anga Auya Ku Christmas

A 52-year-old man in Mutoko, Mashonaland East Province, allegedly fatally shot his grandson on Christmas Eve as he tried to shoot crow birds.           52-year-old man in Mutoko, Mashonaland East Province, allegedly fatally shot his grandson on Christmas Eve as he tried to shoot crow birds.           Bulawayo24 reported that Dominic Nyawasha (52) who wanted to shoot crow birds, missed his target, and instead, shot his grandson to death. The matter came to light on Boxing Day at the Mutoko Magistrates Court where the accused appeared before magistrate Titus Makunike.         The state led by Chipo Munemero allegedThe state led by Chipo Munemero alleged that on

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