Saturday, September 21

News News

May 07, 2024

Mapurisa EZimbabwe Oti Hama Dzemukomana Wekuzvikanda Kuzvi uraya Kukwekwe Havazi Kuda Kubatika Votsvaga Rubatsiro

MAPURISA eZimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) anoti ari kutsvaga hama dzemurume akafa mushure mekusvetuka kubva pamusoro pekamuri yechina yechivakwa chemudurikidzwa mudhorobha reKwekwe nemusi wa19 Kubvumbi achibva anorovera pasi.Izvi zvinonzi zvakaitika nenguva dza7 mangwanani pasina kuzivikanwa kuti murume uyu aiva arwadziwa nei kuti asvike pakuzvikanda pasi achibva pamusoro pechivakwa ichi.               Mutauriri wemapurisa kudunhu reMidlands, Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko, vanotsinhira nyaya iyi. “Nemusi uyu, murume uyu — uyo asina kuzivikanwa zita rake — akasvetuka kubva mukamuri yechina yechivakwa ichi kuKwekwe ndokunorovera pasi nemusoro achibva angofa ipapo. Mapurisa vakaziviswa nezve     &nbs

May 07, 2024

Mashura Ku Glenora B Mwana Ane 11 Years Itsika 52 Year Old Brain Sipopa Madamu Achibva Afa

MWANA mukomana ane makore ekuzvarwa asati azivikanwa anonzi akatsika murume ane makore 52 ekuberekwa nebhasikoro uyo akazofa nekuda kwemaronda emutsaona iyi mumusha weGlen Norah, muHarare.Mwana uyu anonzi aichovha bhasikoro rake nemusi wa26 Kubvumbi apo akatsika Brain Sipopa Madamu wepanhamba 5606 Glen Norah B achibva adonhera mutara.           Mutauriri wemapurisa mudunhu reHarare, Inspector Luckmore Chakanza, vanotsinhira nezvetsaona iyi vachiti ichiri kuferefetwa.               “Madamu akatsikwa nebhasikoro nekamwana kairichovha munharaunda iyi achibva akuvara zvakanyanya ndokuendeswa kuchipatara cheSally Mugabe Hospital uko akazoshaya nemomusi wa29 mwedzi wekare. Kuferefeta kweny

May 07, 2024

Mashura Ku Glenora B Mwana Ane 11 Years Itsika 52 Year Old Brain Sipopa Madamu Achibva Afa

MWANA mukomana ane makore ekuzvarwa asati azivikanwa anonzi akatsika murume ane makore 52 ekuberekwa nebhasikoro uyo akazofa nekuda kwemaronda emutsaona iyi mumusha weGlen Norah, muHarare.Mwana uyu anonzi aichovha bhasikoro rake nemusi wa26 Kubvumbi apo akatsika Brain Sipopa Madamu wepanhamba 5606 Glen Norah B achibva adonhera mutara.           Mutauriri wemapurisa mudunhu reHarare, Inspector Luckmore Chakanza, vanotsinhira nezvetsaona iyi vachiti ichiri kuferefetwa.               “Madamu akatsikwa nebhasikoro nekamwana kairichovha munharaunda iyi achibva akuvara zvakanyanya ndokuendeswa kuchipatara cheSally Mugabe Hospital uko akazoshaya nemomusi wa29 mwedzi wekare. Kuferefeta kweny

May 07, 2024

Linda Masarira Husband Bongani Mlotshwa 29 Year Old Asungwa Nekumubvisa Ziso Kwaakaita

Bongani Mlotshwa (29) who is the husband of opposition LEAD party leader Linda Masarira (41) was on Tuesday, 07 May, sentenced to 15 months imprisonment by a magistrate for domestic violence.   Mlotshwa appeared before the Epworth Magistrates’ Court facing charges of contravening the Domestic Violence Act in that he physically abused his wife.               In a statement, the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), said that the State proved that on 05 May 2024, Mlotshwa assaulted Masarira three times on the eye with clenched fists after she had found him sleeping in her daughter’s room.             Mlotshwa was sentenced to 15 months imprisonment of which 5 m

May 07, 2024

Warren Park Primary School Yopazwa Nema Armed Robber

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has urged schools to increase security and be alert as parents pay school fees. This advice follows a robbery incident at a primary school in Warren Park, Harare, soon after the school opened its doors to learners for the 2024 Second Term.             In a statement, the ZRP said six armed suspects pounced at the school on Tuesday morning as parents were paying school fees. Police said:The ZRP urges school authorities to increase security and be alert as parents pay school fees. Where possible, parents are encouraged to deposit their fees through financial institutions to curb armed robbery cases.             Meanwhile, Police are investigating a case

May 07, 2024

Zvinoshamisa Zvinorwadza School Teacher 35-year-old Vobata Mwana Ane 15 Years Chibharo Vapedza Afenda Ndokumutora Kumukanda Panze Pe Gate Raambuya Vake Azara Ropa Zvionerewo e

A 35-year-old teacher in Chegutu, Mashonaland West Province, was arrested for allegedly a Form Three learner after intentionally causing her to drink large quantities of beer.             The accused, who is a teacher at a local college, was recently arraigned before the Chegutu Magistrates’ Court facing rape allegations.               The State alleged that on 26 April 2024, at around 2 PM, the teacher picked up the complainant (15) and her cousin (17) from their grandmother’s residence and took them to a bar he operates at Kaguvi 3 shopping centre in Chegutu.               He bought the learner alcoho

May 07, 2024

Muroyi Aida Kuuraya Madamboss Opwanya Mota Yavo Rangerover Zvobuda Zvese Pachena

Ndapwanyirwa mota yangu this morning beware of thieves guys don’t leave your valuables in your car . Hope it’s not what am thinking 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 vavengi vacho vawanda              Am discovering kuti ndaburwa my Samsung futiAnogona ariye but muchanzi proof yenyu kuti ndiye           iripiNdiye akufanirwa kumbotorwa nevakomanaZvamurikufunga tese ndozvatirikufunga sorry hako mai DzabuIsai ma Alarm pamba varipabasa vavengi varikutoda musoro wenyu zvekuroya zvaramba vakuita physically

May 06, 2024

Kamuchacha Azoona Moto Manje Nenysya Yehuroyi Waake Hacker Obhadharwa 100usd Ne Mbinga Arikudonha Pashata

Wig family masiriri family kubakabaka family let’s report malive ese ane death threats and bullying report her page for fraud sent emails to meta team she want to silence people from exposing her fraud actions so far we have 200 people who reported Welldone keep reporting to meta again and again pasi ne mbavhaDear Meta Team,                 I am writing to bring to your attention a concerning issue regarding a Facebook page operated by Felistas Murata known as Mai Ts Diaries with over a million followers.It has come to my attention that Felistas Murata was deported from the United Kingdom due to allegations of fraudulent activity, including scamming individuals out of money.   Furthermore, it has been repor

May 06, 2024

Kamuchacha Azoona Moto Manje Nenysya Yehuroyi Waake Hacker Obhadharwa 100usd Ne Mbinga Arikudonha Pashata

Wig family masiriri family kubakabaka family let’s report malive ese ane death threats and bullying report her page for fraud sent emails to meta team she want to silence people from exposing her fraud actions so far we have 200 people who reported Welldone keep reporting to meta again and again pasi ne mbavhaDear Meta Team,                 I am writing to bring to your attention a concerning issue regarding a Facebook page operated by Felistas Murata known as Mai Ts Diaries with over a million followers.It has come to my attention that Felistas Murata was deported from the United Kingdom due to allegations of fraudulent activity, including scamming individuals out of money.   Furthermore, it has been repor

May 06, 2024

Check Nevana Venyu Hazvina kumira Mushe Vana Vechikoro Vaita Accident Izvezvi Mubus Mmmh Zvirikutyisa

Vana vechikoro Vaita Accident Zvinorwadza           

48 49 50 51 52