Friday, September 20

News News

August 14, 2024

Satan Chaiye Durawall RaMaitt Ku Dema Richitungwa Nemombe Kupwanyika Hezvo

Hie please hide durahall ramai tt ratungwa nemombe nhasi masikatiI think mombe iyi yatumwa nemunhu           chetePeople are going through a lot out there.I hve a frend asanganawo nesimilar problem..i think zvipfuwo izvozvi zvakuda discipline

August 14, 2024

Java Asungwa Mushure Mekuba

Kana akanzi arikuenda ku Jeri ndiye anoenda kwete PassionSo zvekuti I bro ya Java zvinebasareyi ? .... Passion takes care of him .......if Passion is a             thief ngaasunhirwe nyaya dzake not dze bro yake .   Zvekuba ndezvake izvo. ... we can't be crucified coz of our sibling's actions ....

August 14, 2024

Aya Ma1 Aya Zvinorwadza Video Dorine Achirohwa

This is nolonger funny Eish ……guys tambai zvakanakaDai vamutsikinya chaizvo kunyanya ziromo rake raanorembedza achituka vanhu rinenge             be** remombeHaasati atanga kurohwa achati orohwa hake iyi inonzi warm upThis is nolonger funny Eish ……guys tambai zvakanaka

August 14, 2024

Mbinga Ne Zimota Rinodhura Yotsika Banhu 4 Muharare Vachibva Vafira Pa Spot

The ZRP has confirmed a fatal road traffic accident that occurred on August 10, 2024, at around 10:00 AM along Sam Nujoma Street, opposite Banc ABC, central Harare.           A Toyota Hilux double cab, carrying three passengers, struck four pedestrians who were crossing the road. Two of the pedestrians died at the scene, while the other two sustained injuries.           The bodies of the deceased were transported to Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals for post-mortem examination, and the injured individuals were also taken to the hospital for treatment.

August 14, 2024

William Masvinu Ugliest Man In Zimbabwe Otaura Ave Level Rana Gorimbo

William Masvinu has won the Mr Ugly competition five times in Zimbabwe.He said he is proud of his ugliness, and wants to take it to the international level.             The organiser said he wants ugly people to have the same opportunities as beautiful people.The winner of the competition receives $500 and a cow.

August 14, 2024

Accident Mu Harare Izvezvi Pafiwa Nhai Tenzi Check Hama Dzenyu Mmmmh Zvanyanya Kani Hazvizikuita

Accident Mu Harare Izvezvi Pafiwa Nhai Tenzi Check Hama Dzenyu Mmmmh Zvanyanya Kani Hazvizikuita 

August 13, 2024


N'ANGA YAKABATSIRA HILLARY MAKAYA YOBUDA PACHENA ICHITI HAACHADE KUNDIBHARA   Choputika paHarare apo imwe n'anga inobuda ichitaura kuti ndiyo yakabatsira Hillary Makaya awane mbinga iyo yakamuroora nemari yakawanda. Kune vasingazive nyaya iyi Hillary aive musikana wechidiki uyo anoodeedzwa mazuvano kuti maSlay queen asi akashamisa vazhinji apo akaroorwa nemari inosvika $40 000. Izvi zvakashamisa sezvo vazhinj vaiziva             musikana uyu. Mushure mezvo imwe n'anga inonzi Sekuru Mwale yakabuda ichitaura kuti ndiyo yakamubatsira kuti awane kuroorwa zvakanaka kudai asi dambudzio haachade kubhadhara mari yaakawirirana nen'anga iyi izvo zvakakonzera Sekuru Ava kunyora paFacebok vachimuyambira kuti avabhadhare kana

August 13, 2024

Maitt Vovhurirwa Huru Na Ginel Mbinga Yavo

Ginel mbinga ya Mai Tt yabuda muhariZvinhu zvacho

August 13, 2024

UK Promoters Vasungwa Hazvina Kumira Mushe Kubiiira Vanhu

I am writing to publicly expose a serious scam involving Willow Muringani [prince nathan entertainment] and his Wife Elizabeth Muringani , a Zimbabwean UK-based promoter who has defrauded me of over £3,000 under the false promise of securing a UK visa.             In March 2024, I was approached by William Muringani from Prince Nathan Entertainment and his wife Elizabeth Muringani , who assured me that they could assist with the visa application process for the UK. Trusting their claims, I paid them over £3,000 with the expectation that they would facilitate the process. However, after several months of waiting, it has become painfully clear that William Muringani has no intention of providing the services they promised. &nb

August 13, 2024

Mudhara Akuita Sei Macheso Ovhura Huru Ku Defense Force Nhaimi

Ummm vakati ndobva ne akwaya chete ku stadium.....haiwa iiih ..chii chakadaro.manje mukoto wema akwaya wakavhariswa🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Baba shero vabata garo 😄😄🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 unenge uchiti akwaya ichabuda ndatambisa magaro wanikwe chabuda hapana, magaro ane nhamo chokwadi           🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Ummm vakati ndobva ne akwaya chete ku stadium.....haiwa iiih ..chii chakadaro.manje mukoto wema akwaya wakavhariswa🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Ko kuzodzingwa pa stage 🤣🤣magaro akanyanyokura pfungwa dzoita shoma

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