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June 03, 2024

Tapiwa Form 4 Anodzidza Pa St Peter’s Mbare Ofa Achitamba Bhora Sad

FORM 4 pupil died while playing a church’s social soccer match in Mbare last week. Tapiwa Benedict Saopa collapsed and died on the spot during the second half of the match. Scores of churchmates were watching the match. He was a Form Four student at St Peter’s Secondary in Mbare. Tapiwa’s sister, Wadzanai, described him as a talented athlete and said it’s a great loss to the family.             He was buried at Zororo Memorial Park. “It is a great loss to the family. He never said he was sick. It was on Sunday and we usually go for church as a family. “So, they went to church and came back.  “Tapiwa later went to the play soccer kuchurch and he played the first half well.

June 03, 2024

Boyfriend Yaamai Yovhinya Mwana Ane 8months Nekumanyowa Nekuchiweti Zvese Mwana Aga Achirwadziwa Uyuuu Nyika Yashata

Uyu murume uyu anonzi Cody Johnson akabata chibharo mwana musikana we girlfriend yake waanga asiirwa ane 18 months akafa.Mwana akawanikwa akakuvadzwa achibleeder kumberi (vagina) zvese nekumashure (anus) akamuraper nekwese akakuvadza mwana zvakaipisisa mwana akapinda mucomma haana kuzomuka.Akapihwa 3 life sentences.             Mwana akafa arimu pain yakaoma uyu 😩😭if you’ve ever changed diaper remwana ane nappy rash, the way that child will be wincing in pain, now to think of this😭😭😭Mai vanga vaenda kubasa vakasiira chikomba mwanaNdaona nyaya isiri yemuzim yandibata,boyfriend yamai yakareper mwana ane 8 months kusvika afa.

June 03, 2024

Prophet Madungwe Vokandirwa Furniture MuRoad After Vatadza Kubhadhara Rent Ye USD $800 For 4 Months

He has to raise the US$800 he owes his landlady, in rent arrears for four months, or face eviction from his lodgings in the Hatfield area of Harare. The Exile Desire of All Nations founder, who repeatedly made bizarre claims that he used to visit heaven and “hold meetings with God,” is supposed to pay US$200 per month in rent. He has not paid even a cent in the past four months. Last week, Zimbaeye exclusively revealed his plight. He promised that he would pay his dues but it was revealed yesterday that Madungwe is yet to settle his arrears.           His landlady Gogo Mangena told Zimbaeye that nothing has changed. “Prophet Madungwe keeps promising to pay rentals hanzi ndirikutsvaga, maybe Monday (to

June 03, 2024

Feli Mukuru WeCat Family Vachida Kuti Miki Mwana Wa Madamboss Abatwe Ku Kudnepiwa Pachikoro Hezvo Imii Vamwe Vachafa

Feli Mukuru WeCat Family Vachida Kuti Miki Mwana Wa Madamboss Abatwe Ku Kudnepiwa Pachikoro Hezvo Imii Vamwe Vachafa.      

June 02, 2024

Tafadzwa Chidawa Osungirwa Mhosva Yekumbunyikidza Vanhu Zvisiri Pamutemo Iye Asiri Mupurisa Akadzingwa Basa

Harare man, Tafadzwa Chidawa, popularly known as Detective Kedha, accused of kidnapping a Hwange business woman Ms Sallom Gandiya was yesterday further remanded in custody to Monday, after his lawyer failed to show up for bail ruling. Chidawa and his five alleged accomplices who are still on the run reportedly abducted Ms Gandiya on March 5 and later dumped her at Harare Central Police Station. Chidawa appeared before Harare magistrate Mr Dennis Mangosi facing allegation of abduction. He was not asked to plead.               However, Mr Mangosi deferred the matter to Monday after Chidawa’s lawyer failed to show up. Mr Mangosi was expected to deliver the bail ruling, determining whether Chidawa will be released or

June 02, 2024

Nyika Yose Haisikufara Namabrijo Achinyadzisira Pane Mwana Wake Mukomana Hayaaa

Kunzwira tsitsi Lee arikutoratidza kunyaraUyu ndakamu unfollower ini content yake yanga yava kubhowa everydsy show off yechikafu               Hanti ndimi munongosekerera zvisina basa izvo ka izvo zvamurikupihwa izvoMwana ange achitonyara kutarisa ummmm hazvide pamwanaNxaaa dai body yacho yakanaka better🚮🚮🚮

June 02, 2024

Mazimba Avekutopandukira Nyati Family Voti Bodo As You Can See Pese Pese Vachipekha Ngavaite Sana Mupata Family

To those who say Nyathi this Nyathi number 1 get off the Tytie naKiki well done not kuswera muchiti as you can see tikudawo fridge munhu idya cheziya life is not thathat easy zvekuti unotomuka wakugara mufull house kiki na Tytie munondiitira zvanku“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. ” Isaiah 40:31             Bless me with a following.Imi munoziva zvamunoita. Keep it that way and never allow yourselves to be tangled in fb dramas or give in to ppl who may want to compare you with other couples. Ignore such never give room to it and keep doing you❤️        

June 02, 2024

Murume Ouraya Mukadzi Anotengesa Nyama Husiku Mushure Mekunge Vadyanana Bota Ave Kuda Mari Yake

MASVINGO-Magistrate Elizabeth Hanzi has postponed the trial of a Masvingo man who allegedly discharged a firearm at a se...x worker’s place after he refused to pay for her services. Tafadzwa Magombedze is facing charges of contravening the Firearms Act. He pleaded guilty and will be back in court for sentencing. The incident happened on 2024, in Mucheke.           Circumstances are that Magombedze engaged the services of the se...x worker (name withheld) and they had sex....ual intercourse. After having se....x, the complainant asked for her money and Magombedze refused to pay her. A dispute arose between them and Magombedze alleged that the woman had stolen his money.           He withdr

June 02, 2024

Tavhunduka Zvofumurwa Mwana Wa Butterfly Ndewa Shugeta Kuita Ma Twins Kufanana Sema Buns Ekwa Lobels

mwana akafanana nababa vake uyu lolmwana uyo kuita nemo nemo nashugettaSorry zvako Anna.Hapachina chako pana Shugeta.Handiti wakamushainira ukamuramba pajekerere akaenda hake kuna sisi Bhaty             akanomitisa pakabuda kaJnrOros🥰🥰But makambozviona here kuti Butterphly wacho naShugeta vanoita kunge hanzvadzinehanzvadzi vekakufanana           Haiwawo bhaty akatofanana nashugeta chero mwana akazvarwa nashugeta neumwewo mkadzi mwana iyeye akangotodza baba vake chero nabhaty anenge akatofananawo naye same naye bhaty vana vacho vanotofanana nashugie

June 02, 2024

Isu Tinonzi Hatina Musha Panyika Makandiwa's House Ya Wicknel Inopinda Ka 30 Zvionerewo Chivhayo Kugadzikwa Mudish

😂😂😂apa isu tichinzi hatina musha paNyika🙌🙌🙌Prophet Makandiwa's house breaks the internet. Hanzi gedhi racho ritoriwo mansion pachezvaro🙌             The size of Makandiwa's house dwarfs other mansions in the area, with some comparable to the size of his main gate (marked by a yellow box).   Located in Glen Lorne, imba yake ine more than 30 bedrooms and road inobva kuMain Gate kusvika kuMain house is 1.5 km long.              Imba yaMakandiwa is built on an 81,000 square metre stand marked by white lines.The man of God deserves more than than that even a 100 bedroom house is not enough for him ..he is a true prophet who teaches the real word of G

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