SELF-STYLED Prophet Talent Madungwe, who has bizarrely claimed he met God in heaven, has fallen on hard times and can now barely afford to pay his rent. His critics will claim that this is the punishment he is receiving for blasphemy when he used to drag God’s Holy name into his obscure sermons. The Exile Desire of All Nations founder is now facing eviction after he failed to pay rentals for almost FOUR months at the house he is staying in Hatfield, Harare. His 70-year-old landlady, Gogo Mangena, told H-Metrothat Prophet Madungwe was even opting to leave without settling his dues. “I was being silenced from demanding my rentals for some time,” said Gogo Mangena. “Prophet Madung
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Unotoona umwe munhu achitonyora kut hee mwana ahasi waGreatman,hee Greatman ahangambozvarise nezvaari kuita kunge imi murikuzvarisana nemakumbo kkkkk chinozvarisa imbeu Mufaro wangu unowedzera kwazvo ,ndikaona uchifara mwanakomana wangu.Ava makore matatu ndinewe mwanangu. vanofara pandinofara vachifara neni vanovenga nekurwadziwa vanotaura zvavanoda zvitanda munzeve ndakatsindira,ndinokuda Karrane Gwaze Official my son Happy belated birthday my boy ur ar my bundle of joy ,ur are my smile keeper ,u ar my pride.Grow well the big boys grow fast. Magonekwa nhasi shoko rabva kunamukoma iro
UPDATE | Aaron who claims to be Oliver Mtukudzi’s son akaramba kuitwa maDNA tests after Tinashe Mugabe offered to do them for free. He said: “The family has already welcomed me. I will never make myself available for DNA testing, even if Tinashe Mugabe offers to do it for free. Besides, this is against our tradition. Traditionally, we did not do DNA tests; why now? Tinashe has since been warned by our elders not to meddle in our family affairs. Family elders are confident because my late father introduced me to them. “I have long been accepted in the family and am now only focused on changing my surname. The matter is now before the High Court. With the assistance of my father’s relatives, we wrote
Ma samanisi 10 asevhwa nhasi kuna mbavhagirl pay back or you are going back inside chidhumokadzo!! Cousin yangu aiva pamaround ema300 akapihwa mari yake last month vasati vapihwa vanopihwa havo hapana panozovapedza vese Paya patinenge tichifamba tichitaura tega mumigwagwa umu tisakanganwe kutarisa mota please 🥺🥲 Ndokumbirawo following yenyu ndikuda kuzovhura huru pamberi apooooooo Chawakatadzirwa namai Tt chihombo sure hazvvite kuti rivire or kuswera usina kutaura zita rake wakutobhowa tsvagawo zvimwe aaaaa Mbavha Pasi nayo demet ,akundifinha akarwadzisa vanhu kamuchacha Pamakabvira kuwawata zvemari idzi vanhu vacho havagone kuuya vega here maivemo here muround macho.
Mai Vekatsi Vonzi Namai Mnangagwa Must Do Press Statement Yekukumbira Ruregerero KuNyika Yese Disrespecting Baba Mnangagwa Pashata