Friday, October 18

Hazvina Kumira Mushe Daisy Mtukudzi Otaura Aaron Imbavha Arikuda Kutora Hupfumi Hwandakasiirwa Otsanangura Zvese

UPDATE | Aaron who claims to be Oliver Mtukudzi’s son akaramba kuitwa maDNA tests after Tinashe Mugabe offered to do them for free.

He said:

“The family has already welcomed me. I will never make myself available for DNA testing, even if Tinashe Mugabe offers to do it for free. Besides, this is against our tradition. Traditionally, we did not do DNA tests; why now? Tinashe has since been warned by our elders not to meddle in our family affairs. Family elders are confident because my late father introduced me to them.







“I have long been accepted in the family and am now only focused on changing my surname. The matter is now before the High Court. With the assistance of my father’s relatives, we wrote an affidavit about my issue, and now we are waiting for the final judgment from the High Court so that my surname can be changed.”


Ukuwo Daisy Mtukudzi arikuti dzimwe hama dzaTuku dziri kushandisa Aaron kuti vakwanise kutora property yakasiiwa naTuku. Daisy Mtukudzi arikuti Aaron anga aripi nguva yese iyi and akadii kuzouya achitaura kuti mwana waTuku paFuneral yake. And Daisy ari kuti kana Aaron ari mwana waTuku, he should do maDNA tests to prove kuti its true.






Daisy Mtukudzi is skeptical, questioning the timing and motives behind Aaron and his mother's public claims. "Where was he all along? Why has he suddenly decided to come forward claiming to be my husband's son? What is his real motive?" she asked, visibly irritated.


Culturally, such claims should be made during funerals or memorial services. Daisy expressed her disbelief that Aaron, at 45, has only now come forward. "He did not even show up at his so-called father's funeral, wake, burial, or memorial service. This is just amazing," she said.







Daisy suspects that Aaron and his mother are colluding with some "rogue" family members who harbor ill feelings toward her and are attempting to seize property by changing Aaron's surname to Mtukudzi. Daisy is open to Aaron taking a DNA test to prove his paternity.

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