Friday, September 20

News News

July 24, 2024

Izvezvi Ndenge Yadonha During Takeoff Munhu Wese Afa

least 18 people were killed after a small plane skidded off the runway in Nepal’s capital on Wednesday, according to local officials. One person survived the Saurya Airlines crash, the Civil Aviation Authority said in a statement. All aboard - 18 Nepalis and a Yemeni citizen - were employees of the carrier, according to police. Images from Nepal police showed thick smoke billowing from the burning aircraft on the the airport runway.               The aircraft crashed during takeoff from Kathmandu to the city of Pokhara around 11 a.m. local time, Gyanendra Bhul, an information officer at Tribhuvan International Airport told CNN. The plane was en route for technical maintenance, he added. “

July 24, 2024

Murume Wekuuraya Mukadzi Nemwsna Otaura Zvakaitika Mushure Mekubatwa Nyaya Yakaoma Iyii

SADπŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’” | Murume uya akauraya mukadzi wake nemwana achishandisa banga akazama kuzviuraya but survived. Anga atonyora su!cidal note iyo:   "when a good heart πŸ’“ meet a cruel heart πŸ’“ then the explosive explodes πŸš€".   ndatarisa mativi ese ndichitsvaka kuti kondiyani angasara achichengeta mwana 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. it's very unfortunately that ndamushaiwa wekuti Asare akaringa mwana. ndadzama ndadzama zvekare ndikaona kuti hongu mwana haana mhosva but still still he can never make it in life, haangambogone kukunda mumaspiritual battles.           vaye vange vachita ma external influences to Mitchel. these are the results. grace from 'Rea records' n

July 24, 2024

Nyaya Yakora Muto Kikky Aidyiswa Masvada Shondo Evamwe Varume Tytie Akatar8sa Avabhadhara Kuti Vatrende Zvofumurwa Zvese Vakomana Vacho Varikutaura

Mupata family how many times did l call you yooh,anyway makati hamunei nesu.Tytie Uri Rough Iwee Hausi Chinhu Wotoganzira Vanhu unofunga Nekumukosho Muromo Kuzvimba Nekudya Be..che Rakiky Kahure Kune Vanhu Vane Ma 20 million Followers Ana Mhosva Vaya Vanotopisa Asi Havaganzire Vanhu Mupfana Unofarisa πŸ€ͺ🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣      

July 23, 2024

Mukadzi Akachata Nekuchinja Baba Harare Uyu

Guhwa ririkuti iro hanzi Baba Harare vakabhadhara roora for this yellowbone colored muroora. Ok congratulations kwacho but.....           Mukadzi uyu ndiye nyakufurira father city vedu kuti vachinje musambo vatange Δ·uimba gospero. Apa hunzi city father vakanzi vasatambe neshamwari dzavo dzavaiva nadzo kudhara. The wife is controlling him zvinotyisa all because mutsvuku.            Wudzai hama dzaBaba Harare kuti vanunure hama yavo from the shackles of the wife. Ndawona shef ava career yapinda mudondo vozohurirwa vozorambwa then voluza tumari netuma property twavanatwo. Kana vada zvekuroora ngavaroore vematongo.

July 23, 2024

Moreboys Munetsi Oudzwa Ma Summons Ako Ndeemudhotoo Aya Pashata Zvinopera Mushe Here

Help us understand these summons, they writed it in EnglishGuys help this 2 they digging their shallow grave with this live now he is bussy taking facts that he can use against them drop that subject loook for a lawyer ASAP           It's often better to swallow your pride and apologize to someone you've wronged, rather than escalating the situation. Fighting back could lead to costly legal battles, especially when dealing with influential CEOs in South Africa who are well-versed in the law.           They may have evidence that could lead to a lawsuit, so it's smarter to remain calm and issue a sincere apology. By doing so, you can avoid legal fees and potentially gain a financial advantage i

July 23, 2024

Ku Uk Hazvina Kumira Mushe Ko mwana zvaanga achayenda nekubalabala family .

Ava mai ava hameno kuti vakada zita here rekunzi vaenda kuUk vakaenderei kana zvanga zvisat zvaringana vaine nhumbu yavo nahi handit vaizvara   Ok vasiri kunzwisisia nyaya yacho. We all madhumbe Mai Micky vanga vari Kwa mai mazowe. So this weekend I think u saw her leaving Mai mazowe going to another lady in Newcastle. So the lady in question has a similar situation like jean gasho kubala family yekutorerwa vana.           So Brit uyu akatorerwa vana uyu anoita zve ma spiritual like kubala family. So in this article jean explaining how she was delivered at kubala family zvaanoita. So as a zim community we are worried about mwana kuti aenda pa nzvimbo pakadai vachiita ma rituals. Hope I explained clearly      

July 23, 2024

Imi Pashata Tytie Aida Muisira Munhu Nyere Pfuti Mumusoro Nekuti Vakanga Varamba Kuti Avashandise Kuita Ma Skits Achipemha Nezita Ravo Akutoendeswa Kujeri

Nyaya Iyi Yakaoma Tytie Zvariribasa Zvakubuda Zvese Imbavha Mother Ava Zvavakaitwa Na Tytie Hezvo Vakunzi Vaibawo Na Tytie Vachiti Vanhu Va DonaterπŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ˜³πŸ˜³πŸ˜³πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜­PashataMai Ava Vaida Kutoiswa Pfuti Na Tytie Tytie Ofumurwa Zve Na Lolo Nenyaya Dza Regina Chibhatani Haa Pakaipa Mukomana Uyu Ibongozozo               Tsotsi Iwo Ma Skits Aya Achatiparira 😳😳😳😳Skit Rana Tytie Rekudzimirwa Phone Ku Capetown Akaba Mari Dzevanhu Andishandisa Akatenga Mota Mariziva Here Skit Roya Remunhu Wekudzimirwa Phone Nehama Ndiye Mukadzi Akutaura Uyuu🀣🀣😳😳😳😳😳Tytie Anehutsinye

July 22, 2024

Hazvina Kuzopera Mushe Kumuchato We 40 000usd Maiguru Vozvidira Jecha

Haaaa zvinhu zvacho unotomboshaya kuti zviri kufamba seiπŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€” nerunako rwese urwo munhu ashaya wake murume atoenda pabarika vakashata             varikunoita vana vahosi mudzimba dzavo iwe uri kuenda pachipare kushaya varume here or kuda panemari yakashandwa neumwe mkadzi kare???Kkkk maiguru avo ndovaridzi vemurume manje, the type iya inoti huyai ana mainini tibatsirane basa , the type inobviswa necrane, type yekuti murume           angaita hake madrama but kana asvika pane ava anodzikama kkkk type iyi inotonga ende hainei nazvo lol. Asi haidi kuenderwa kumberi manje kkkk unopachema because haa hapana chavasingachaketi ava kubva kuprayer kusvika kumushonga, saka Hirari wotodzikama ipapo kkk

July 21, 2024

Zvarwadza Mukuru Weku Zanupf Afa Zvinorwadza Pasi Pano Tirikutandara

  BRIGADIER General Retired Michael Chaminuka who died on Saturday after a short illness, has been declared national hero.           Delivering the message to the family Thursday evening at the Chaminuka residence in Harare’s Glen Lorne suburb, ZANU PF national chairperson Cde Oppah Muchinguri Kashiri said the conferment of hero status on the late was a result of his consistency and courage in advancing the national interest during the liberation struggle and after independence.       The family expressed gratitude to the government for honouring their late father. Brigadier General Retired Chaminuka joined the liberation struggle at the age of 17 after crossing into Mozambique in 1977.   &nbs

July 20, 2024

Wicknel Chivhayo Okumbira Ed Branson And Chari Ruregerero Oti Inhema But Tariro Gezi Kikky Confirmed Machats

FOR THE RECORD not everything requires a response, but this continued relentless attack on my personal standing , coordinated character assassination of high profiled people and defamation of purely innocent women using my name can NEVER be tolerated or ignored !             I have been APPALLED that over the last few days, almost every social media platform has been awash with screenshots PURPORTEDLY taken from my Instagram account. I disassociate myself from these FAKE screenshots and DISMISS them in their entirety as nothing more than MALICIOUS fabrications being sponsored by CRIMINALS who realized that their attempt to extort me was DISMALLY unsuccessful.   I must say that all the alleged screenshots were generated through F

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