Tuesday, September 24

News News

November 10, 2023

Zanupf Mp Newton Kachepa Afa Mutsaona Aenda Ku Hospital Kusina Zvekurapisa Mhuri Yake Yochema

Former Mudzi ZANUPF MP and recently-installed Chief Mukota, Newton Kachepa, died this morning at Marondera Hospital from injuries sustained in a car accident in Murewa.         At Marondera Hospital there is no ICU, no medication, no manpower, no ambulances. Former Mudzi ZANUPF MP and recently-installed Chief Mukota, Newton Kachepa, died this morning at Marondera Hospital from injuries sustained in a car accident in Murewa.         When I talk about bad roads, lack of ambulances and dilapidated hospitals, ZANUPF accuses me of driving an anti-ZANUPF political agenda.         The looting of public funds and plunder of the country’s natural resources by ZANUPF elites has dire and fat

November 10, 2023

Elizabeth Maphosa Ku Captown Hazvina Kumira Mushe Ofumurwa

iwewe elizabeth maphosa wakakumbira rubatsiro ukabatsirwa waona zvako zvaita wakusiya wasurira vanhu.wangomuka waka bvisa vanhu mugroup nekuti           zvako zvaita mari dzevanhu wakadya wakutaura rafu kuti wakashandisa mari yako kubva jozi asi waipemha mari yebhazi kuti uuye kappa.             hazvinzwaro mangwana uchashaya anokubatsira.natsa kwawabva.plaz utsiure rachel asiye chihure aripamurume kune vanhu vane ngozi kunze uku achatemwa akafa.hautendi iwe

November 08, 2023

Maitt Felistas Murata Zvobuda Izvo Vakanga Vakasungirwa Pasina Mhosva Wrongfully convicted Verengai Munzwisise

Mai TT acquitted, High Court says socialite was wrongfully convicted   Story by Fungai Jachi, Courts Reporter           THE High Court has acquitted jailed socialite Felistas Murata popularly known as "Mai TT" after she was cleared of theft of trust property charges.         After serving at least five months of her nine-month jail term, Murata is now a free citizen after she was acquitted by the High Court on the basis that the Magistrate's Court wrongfully convicted the socialite.         Speaking after the court session this Monday, Murata's lawyer Mr Tafadzwa Muvhami explained the new development.         "

November 08, 2023

Zimbabweans Tombozororawo Kuoneswa Dzabu Maitt Vauya And Mutakitiki Wamadam Tave Kuuziva We Pressure Vachatanga Kunyepa Company Endorsements

😂😂😂😂tanga tanzwa ne emotional blackmail yemwana kiti ikabuda tombozorora. Tyra haana kathat akatonhora zvake kuti tonho chero maadverts ake unotoona kuti kuzama zama.         Chikiti chabuda mirai muwone mvana iye yakasiiwa ne mrume yakuchitanga kunyepa,heee thank you company nhingi fr making me ur brandambassador😂😂😂😂😂hee ndatenga mota,heee imba na nhasi mansion yakandzi irikuvakwa na prophet vaya dololo,movie frm               America dololo,becoming Madam Boss dololo,ukwane Trya ndosaka mrume akakutiza             That’s true though, ndanga ndisina kana kumbozviisa musoro but ever since mai tt vaenda she has not

November 08, 2023

Olinda Oti Ketina Cookie Vakadzi Vakuru Vanonyadzisa Kuswero Itwa Na Mandla Anetukumbo Tunenge Hwiza Irikutorwa Nemhepo

Olinda Oti Ana Ketina Cookie Kefi Vakadzi Ava Vanonyadzisa Kutoda Ka Mandla Kanoita senge Kahwiza Muroyi           Tukumbo Turikuda Kurohwa Nemhepo unotozvishaya🤪🤪🤪🤣🤣          

November 08, 2023

Zvekupfeka Zvinomunetsa Faith Candy Kupfeka As If Ndiye Mai Magaya Ku Birthday Ra Walter Magaya

Iwe Faithcandy panyaya dzedressing une basa hombe you were overdressed for a dinner hayi mhani, apa ungati ihombe pabreast aiwa iwewe surrend           Uuum faith uyu kkkkkk zitutu dress kunge ndiye muridzi weparty           Mmm.padinner zvake akatadza kupfeka it's too much mhani kunge repreg photoshoot             Ha faith pakupfeka kudhara zvake ummm vanokoniwa vatete zitutu dress kunge aripa baby shower kudaro

November 08, 2023

Bounty Lisa Gone Chipo Chakaenda Souljah Love Ndiye Aiita Vatorire Iye Wacho Otaura

Sauro ndiye akaita arire musikana behind every women theres a strong man who wishes her success in life only Sauro             Parikutaurwa zvetalent kuti rakatoenda here haachaimba ndozvirikureva munyori zve rip mazviona paip           Kugona aigona hake but behind every successful Woman there is also a Man....Sauro made her valuable

November 08, 2023

Mai Dhuterere 27th Birthday Ravanzi Aiwa Muri Wa 1975 Izvi Zvaita Mambo Dhuterere Vaburitse Zvitupa Zvavo Kunyararidza Vavengi

Amai Dhutere is born in 1975 and Mambo Dhutere is born 1987, small house 1998 plus ane than men's weakness akizha iyo, so honestly speaking i think Mambo Dhutere's cheating can be justified. Chete hangu people say i have a crazy mind but i personally think as Women we should just learn to share these men in peace.           The statistics numbers shows that in each and every community women are plentier than men which means that there is a lot of women that sleep alone without partners. Women should just understand that their men sometimes have to go and service the other women who have noone to service them.             All this my man is mine alone is a bunch of nonsense WOMEN must share

November 08, 2023

Tete Mildred Na Tinashe Voti Mungafarise Henyu Kuri Maitt Vabuda Asi Vakavharwa Mari Havana Kupusa

Vanhu Mogona kufara muchiita kunge kusvotesa kuti abuda munoti vakavhara Mari vakapusa hre or vachangonyarara one way the other vachamupfidzisa chete she must be careful now hupenyu hwake hausisiri safe feli ngatobude aite munhu kwaye zvake asazotanga             kuganza nekutuka vanhu vacho pama live hake zvinoita zvimwe chete ,imi cat family ndimi mopesvedzera nekutukirira vakadyirwa Mari dzavo muchamukwadzisa cheteRegai ndinyore zvinooneka,             MAI TT VAKAPIKIRA JERI MHOSVA YEKUSAITA COMMUNITY SERVICE ,KWETE YEZVIKWERETICourt said Mai tt akagara mujeri 5 months iye asina mhosva?.             The State to be sued wotoita Mari. Wi

November 08, 2023

Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa Ketina Zvobuda Akabatwa Kumakuva Achiita Zvekuromba Asati Aenda Kuchando Ndizvo Zvavekumupengesa Sekuru Marondera N"anga Yake Yotaura

Ndadzidza kuti kana Uchida kuenda kuchando usabate ngwenzi uwane visa or kupfuura pa immigration zvinozopanduka           later ketty mishonga iye yekwa sekuru marondera yakupanduka ehe wakapinda muIreland zvikaita se zvanaka but look now wakutopenga Again n Again         Isu we are loyal to entertainment chatoda kuvaraidzwa        Ngozi yekuuraya step mother vako mukayedzerwa muri kuma kuva ku highfields paguva remutorwa iripei, nyaya yacho iyo mu newspaper

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