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October 29, 2024

Aya Ma 1 Zvakaoma Hazco Kuita Tsaona Ka2

Unenge wakaudzwa chiporofita chekuti mazuva ako ekurarama ave mashoma, uchauraiwa either ne Accident or Gunshot ...A few days later you have an accident you escape death ..Then you realise the seriousness of the matter             then your mother and your wife tell you let's go to church the on another day...So your mother and wife are on the way with you to church the a bus hits the car you been driven by your wife and your mother and yourself Die on the spot.....         The definition of nguva inenge yasvika and a definition of mubereki anomira newe despite everything you would have done in life...   REST IN Peace Kudzai Keita and your Mother   I pray your Wife survivesHazvis

October 28, 2024

Manager Wa Holyten Oti Saintfloew Anofamab Nekamota Kane Biscuit Achidyirwa Mari Na Tinashe Mutarisi

Zvaindinetsa kuti sei Saintfloew achifamba nemota ine Biscuit iye ana Mutarisi🙌😂 santa katori kaparty time job kaMutarisiMusic is business and kubasa. Many talented artists have tried to do it alone and haven't made it. The artists brings his talent, the label brings in their resources, influence, industry expertise and marketing, management           and guidance. The problem starts when there are profits and the other feels they are the sole reason for the success. What's important is having an agreement thats reasonable and advantageous for both parts. Many artists with immense talent have failed coz they lacked sponsorship, management, marketing etc. And also many labels have lost money investing in artists too. Both will be taki

October 28, 2024

Tinashe Mutarisi Otaura Zviripamoyo Pake Vanoda Kupinza Saintflaw

Main objective ye this post ndeyekupwanya Saintfloew.          Ma heights akwirwa naye havachamagone. They are trying by all means to put him and his team down kusvika pakutsvaka nema convicted criminals ari on the run to help their case.          It’s not going to work! We are dropping another Delroy song soon. 🫶🏾

October 28, 2024

Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa Zvakonzeresa Eddy Fresh Nemukadzi Wake

Tragic Loss: Eddy Fresh and Wife Pass Away in Fatal Accident   It is with profound sadness that we announce the untimely passing of Eddy Fresh and his wife, who tragically lost their lives in a fatal accident.Havaimbofa vega panebanga kwarakabva😢vana vadiki vanosara dzavanherera veduweee zvakaoma hazvo satan aripabasa 💔💔💔💔😭😭😭         Our heartfelt condolences go out to their grieving family. We will share further updates as more information becomes available.Simbiso Zvitambo introduced me to this family and vakava vanhu vangu zvekudaro family yangu ndaiti sis Shy ndikawana murume handisiyane         naye zvamunoita naBmkuru Fresh today ma decide kuenda mese henyu ...ndiani achati nines

October 27, 2024

Nyaya Yemari Yanetsa Kudaizvii

Kune vanga vanonokerwa NE update yema stars ndaona zvinganetse Regai ndi worker ndega ndo total yandawana         iyo.. Congratulations album launch Aiwa manga makachena..asi ndiyo total yema stars 🙏$ 2600 usa plus

October 27, 2024

Baba Vekupa Maitt Stand Ku Waterfalls Vatsvagwa

Stand munoiziva mukaiona she is still doing skits kumunhu atendeuka haha ,svimurume sviya svakutanga kukamira sapj svabvunziwa kuti Iri kupi,,Nekuziva kwenyu kamuchachilo apiwa stand chaiye aidaro,murume uya anotozvigarira kubudiriro anoroja 1 room anoiwanepi stand yekukupa           kamuchacha poor rehearsed skit 🗑 🚮 🗑.....Wakutoramba kubhadhqra deco ne stage zvevanhu kambavha!!!Zimnhino!!]!That skit was meant for kusvotesa Shumbas Diaries because ndivo vakanyepa kuti he has a house with his wife in Waterfalls which she doesn’t have access to (well because it doesn’t exist) … a lot of things are done for spite even to those vanomira naye to the end        

October 27, 2024

Pakaipa Baba Vemwana Wa Bee Wezhira Vofumurwa Zvavari Munhu Wekuziva

Bee wezhira nditaure here muridzi wemwana nyara kungoti munhu iyeye ndomurespecter and handide zvangu kutaura zvakawanda but uri hure hozana iweLet these kids be; that’s blackmail. We don’t care about the father of the child. How can you insult another woman because of her choices? That’s tarnishing someone’s character. One day, people will be sued for such actions.Unoda kuti munhu wese afarire         ngundu ndiwe Ani iweAsi ukurwadziwa kuti aiva ku album launch here nhai PJ. Haaa manakiro awakaita nezvawave kuita hazvina kana kukufita ini as much as l don't belong to cat family or any other family apa wave kurasika  U cn do better than that

October 27, 2024

Karen Fundukwa Afa Zvinorwadza

Wandibaya panorwadza mwana waamai vangu chiingave chiiko chaita kuti usvike pakudai  Karen Fundukwa #RIPSISTERSorry hako but pamwe paccho hama dzatinadzo dzinotituma pakusvikq kudai I don't blame her kna iri suicide no one will understand your pain until zvadaiYou're a beautiful young lady , l can't compare         you to those garrulous people who don't have breaks on their mouth.Don't mind them, don't let them destroy your self esteem, never. Usatye kutukwa nevanhu vanengozi kana munhu achituka mai vake ko iwewe zvako.lngofunga wega         kuti is it normal kuti unotukirwa kuti wati you love someone then yatova crime🤷‍♀️.Only satan hates peace and love.Vakawanda vari kuda kuz

October 27, 2024

Anna Honde Hazvina Kumumirira Mushe

    Ana Anna🤣😂🤣🤣Drama racho u feel sefi naMai Shushu kudiii kwacho?.Sefi unoiziva ukaiona iwe🤣😂😂😂Kuda kuzvikoresa hee i hardly attend events kunge kuvapo kwako kune rukosho fani ..Heee i love real people saka ari feki wacho ndiani?..Iyemi munoda kuzviita           Annreal ndimi vefeki vacho.Feki feki feki! ..Ziva zvekuba mapads unyerere uko hauna kana rukosho zvekudaro Honde.Wakatokoshera mapete nemadzvinyu ekuden kwako. Maevents acho arikungoendeka iwe usipo nesaka rako.Kuita kunanzva munhu kudaro that paragraph was not even necessaryAnna         Chibaby Honde I'm very very demure this days but usade kundinzwa zvangu you are very very fake human being iwewe handidi kut

October 27, 2024

Dorcas Moyo Ofumurwa Ane Mudzimu

Uyu wamunoti Dorcas uyu ane mudzimu chete🤞 either anotosvikirwa zvekudaro oenda hake kuKerekeMai Jilimbi vakazhangandira 🤣🤣Dorcus anosvutira bute kuseri kwedoor chete. Kuti nderei zvava zvenyuwo 🤣🤣Iiii bvunzawo kuti vari kuzviwana kupi. This one ndoyaiswa akawanda acho ese ari 3 haatombosvike kana 400k zvayo😂Kana         usina bitterness unongova munhu wekuzvifarira so otonzi nemaziroyi unedzungu happy happy ndosaka generation yedu ikufa godo kugara nezibundu kufamba mastreets uchingoshoropodza happiness is for free viva kwanga kuchifaya uko

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