Wednesday, September 25

Zvinosiririsa Nekusekesa Vatsigiri Vezanupf Vochema Vachifamba 200km Kudzoka Kumba Vasiiwa Nebus

Tired and desperate after traveling before the break of dawn to President Mnangagwa’s election rally in Shurugwi, these Zimbabweans can’t find buses to take them back home.




They all say that they don’t have money to pay for public transportation, not even a penny in their pockets, but they have to go home.




President Mnangagwa’s rallies have been filled with bussed citizens from across the country to give a false semblance of a popular man.




Many citizens are coerced to go using these buses provided by Mnangagwa, but after the rallies some miss their designated buses.




Many go to Mnangagwa's rallies for their own protection, many also do so because of the free food that Mnangagwa is using to entice locals where he is addressing his rallies.




But for now, these desperate citizens have to make a plan, they have to go home, how will they get home when they have missed their designated buses?




Walking is the only viable solution unless a Good Samaritan helps them, ZANUPF is not known for being a home of good samaritans.




These folks were needed for the rally, the rally is over.



The main actor is gone.187km From Shurugwi to Mataga. Then from Mataga to Msume it's about 8km by dabulaphu bringing the total to 195km

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