Tuesday, February 11

Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa Instagram Slay Queen Vamunoziva Mese Vobatwa Waterfalls Vachikanda Mwana Mu Dam

IN a bizarre incident, an 18-year-old-woman tried to drown her one-year-old-baby at Retreat Dam in Waterfalls, Harare.

The baby was saved by a passerby, Simbarashe Magada.

The mother, Junior Mafura, was dragged to court over the weekend where she was charged with attempted murder.






Mafura appeared before regional magistrate, Estere Chivasa, and was remanded in custody to August 16.

Allegations are that last Friday, Magada was walking home along a path adjacent to Retreat Dam when he saw Mafura walking away from the dam.







He became suspicious and he went to where Mafura was coming from.

Upon reaching the banks of the dam, Magada saw the baby floating in the water.

He immediately jumped into the dam and rescued the baby who was drowning.

He then turned his attention to Mafura.

He pursued her and she started feeling from him.






Magada caught up with her at Mutamba Shops Retreat in Waterfalls.

He dragged Mafura to the police station and filed a report.

The baby was taken to a hospital where he was medically examined.

Mercy Musamvi appeared for the State.

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