Monday, September 23

Zvinorwadza Zvinoshamisa 52-year-old Dominic Nyawasha Ouraya Muzukuru Wake Nepfuti Mwana Anga Auya Ku Christmas

A 52-year-old man in Mutoko, Mashonaland East Province, allegedly fatally shot his grandson on Christmas Eve as he tried to shoot crow birds.






52-year-old man in Mutoko, Mashonaland East Province, allegedly fatally shot his grandson on Christmas Eve as he tried to shoot crow birds.






Bulawayo24 reported that Dominic Nyawasha (52) who wanted to shoot crow birds, missed his target, and instead, shot his grandson to death.

The matter came to light on Boxing Day at the Mutoko Magistrates Court where the accused appeared before magistrate Titus Makunike.





The state led by Chipo Munemero allegedThe state led by Chipo Munemero alleged that on 24 December 2023, Nyawasha was drinking beer with his son who is the victim’s father at his place of residence in Mutoko.





Nyawasha spotted crow birds perched on a Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA) power transmission line and decided to shoot them with his gun.

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