Monday, September 23

Zvinonyadzisa Mapurisa E Kanzuru MuHarare Ari Kubiira MaVendir Zvinhu Zvavo

Former Harare City Deputy Mayor, Kudzai Kadzombe, said she witnessed municipal police officers stealing from vendors in broad daylight. She reported the incident to their superiors. 






This sparked a discussion on the common occurrence of such incidents in the city. Some people claimed that municipal police officers collect taxes from vendors, while others defended the officers' actions as necessary for enforcing the law. 






The incident highlighted the issue of corruption within Harare's municipal police and other departments. 







Calls were made for action to be taken against corrupt officers and for better pay and resources for the police. 


Critics accused Kadzombe of political motivations, but she defended herself and called for a solution to the problem.


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