Thursday, September 19

Zvandasangana Nazvo Mukufamba Pardon Gambakwe ZanuPf 2023 Baba Jukwa CIO Asset

Mukufamba zvatasangana nazvo  Pardon Gambakwe is accused of working for Zanu PF and is a member of the C10. Gambakwe is know for reporting fake news and paying people to collaborate his lies. Gambakwe won the award for Zimbabwe fake news 2019. A popular Facebook Page Zimbabwe Devine Newsonline Posted the story of how Gambakwe is working on a project to promote Zanu PF by acting as a whistleblower when he is iderectly promoting them.

Warning: Gambakwe is ZanuPf 2023 Baba Jukwa, CIO Asset

It has come to light that @Gambakwe is actually a CIO undercover operative, whose been planted to help rig the much difficult 2023 election. Gambakwe according to our sources was planted by ZanuPf CIO operatives to allegedly seem to report favorably for MDC Zimbabwe in the previous election & act as a whistleblower of ZanuPf activities.

This was strategic because the election had already been allegedly rigged& won, the focus was already on 2023 something MDC Zimbabwe wasn’t focusing on.
His reporting as per instructions been focused mostlyon @ZanuPf & Government, which was his mandate.

The infamous catch& release ZANU PF Party way of doing things, is his mission. One of the top officials is alleged to have told him to say enough not to much but he must be believed.
The warning is Zimbabwe should be smart enough not to be misguided and mislead just like they did with Baba Jukwa.

Gambakwe the latest recruit to destroy democracy with propaganda

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