Wednesday, February 12

Zvaitika Ku Court Mhosva Dzana Tytie Dzawanda By Monday Zvikasafamba Mushe Variku Vharirwa Pakaipa


Tytie and Kiki chose to represent themselves according to them they couldn’t afford a lawyer.Before they started the judge advised them if they can remove the video and offer apology.They were given few minutes to think about it and also consult with Mr Munetsi .Tytye went back to the judge and informed him that he doesn’t want to take down the posts or apologise because Facebook is his job and he doesn’t have any other source of income.The judge warned him that if he doesn’t do the applicant can continue with his application.

The main issues to be decided was the 

Posting of Mr Munetsi s cellphone number,image and his name if it’s not violation of his  right to privacy .

Issuing of public apology for doing that 







Thirdly defamation of Mr Munetsi s character for telling people that he's  the one who approached them to work with him ,calling him a lier and evil .Misleading to the public that he have been calling them and harassing them .

4,Removing the video immediately from their Facebook page.

Their evidence was based on telling the court that Mr Moreboys was plotting to destroy and attacking them .

They failed to provide any evidence to support their arguments.

Judge several times he had to remind them that they should address all legal arguments raised by Mr Munetsi.

More interesting they told the Judge that they won’t be able to pay for the costs because Facebook monetisation was removed from them because of complaints.






In summary they were accusing Mr Munetsi and the Nyathi family of attacking them on social media.😱😱

They also asked the court to be lenient to them because they are struggling financially.
When Kiki was asked by the judge why he called Mr Munetsi evil she simply said that she was angry and was sorry about it..

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